
 he problem seems to be the (as the error hints) the propertybag within the solution file
问题似乎是解决方案文件中的 propertybag(如错误提示的那样)

So a work around of this issue:

  • You have a "solution.sln" created with VS 2019 or earlier
    您必须使用 VS 2019 或更早版本创建的“solution.sln”
  • In that solution you may have the following entry (may be something at the end):

    GlobalSection(SubversionScc) = preSolution Svn-Managed = True Manager = AnkhSVN2019 - Subversion Support for Visual Studio EndGlobalSection
  • As the VS2022 doesn't support 2019 an AnkhSvn2019-class couldn't be found by VS2022 (assumption)
    由于 VS2022 不支持 2019,因此 VS2022 找不到 AnkhSvn2019 级(假设)
  • After removing the whole GlobalSection, the solution can be opened without popups.
    删除整个 GlobalSection 后,可以在没有弹出窗口的情况下打开解决方案。

Further: 进一步:
If you've installed both but want the right for the visual studio version, I suggest making the following:
如果您已经安装了这两个版本,但想要 Visual Studio 版本的权限,我建议您进行以下操作:

  • "solution.vs2019.sln" with GlobalSection(SubversionScc) ect and the VisualStudioVersion = ... at the top of the file set to VS2019 version (16.x)
    “solution.vs2019.sln”与 GlobalSection(SubversionScc) 等和 VisualStudioVersion = ...在设置为 VS2019 版本 (16.x) 的文件顶部
  • "solution.vs2022.sln" without GlobalSection(SubversionScc) ect and the VisualStudioVersion = ... at the top of the file set to VS2019 version (17.x)
    “solution.vs2022.sln”,没有 GlobalSection(SubversionScc) 等,并且 VisualStudioVersion = ...在设置为 VS2019 版本 (17.x) 的文件顶部

That way the visual studio versions selector opens the right file with the right version.
这样,Visual Studio 版本选择器将打开具有正确版本的正确文件。

As said workaround, try it as your own risk.


posted @ 2024-07-13 09:05  恋上微笑的天使  阅读(13)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报