/*the seconds of round year = 3600*24*366 */ #define SECONDOFROUNDYEAR 31622400 /*the seconds of general year = 3600*24*365 */ #define SECONDOFYEAR 31536000 unsigned int SecondsFrom1970() { SYSTEMTIME st; unsigned int tTemp=0; unsigned int tSecond=0; int month_s[2][12]={{31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}, {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}}; int nDays=0; int nCount=0; int i; int j; GetLocalTime(&st); tSecond=st.wHour*3600+st.wMinute*60+st.wSecond; for (i=1970;i<st.wYear;++i) { if (IsRound(i)) ++nCount; } tTemp+=(st.wYear-1970-nCount)*SECONDOFYEAR+nCount*SECONDOFROUNDYEAR; if (st.wMonth>1) { if (IsRound(st.wYear)) { for (j=0;j<st.wMonth-1;++j) { tTemp+=month_s[1][j]*MAXSECONDOFDAY; } tTemp+=(st.wDay-1)*MAXSECONDOFDAY+tSecond; } else { for (j=0;j<st.wMonth-1;++j) { tTemp+=month_s[0][j]*MAXSECONDOFDAY; } tTemp+=(st.wDay-1)*MAXSECONDOFDAY+tSecond; } } else { tTemp+=(st.wDay-1)*MAXSECONDOFDAY+tSecond; } return tTemp; } bool IsRound(int year) { /*is round year?*/ if((year%100)&&(year%4==0)) return 1; if((year%100==0)&&(year%400==0)) return 1; return 0; }