Skip-gram model is to find word representations that are useful for predicting the surrounding words in a sentence or a document given a sequence of t 阅读全文
三种分类: term–document word–context pair–pattern semantics:the meaning of a word, a phrase, a sentence, or any text in human language, and the study of s 阅读全文
效率爆表的一个晚上,只是因为没带手机,可怕! 今天开启新的课程,http://cs224d.stanford.edu/syllabus.html 第一章是凸优化,convex Optimazition 凸集 Convex Set 定义: A set C is convex if, for any x 阅读全文
Softmax就是依概率预测分类标签 训练集 标签 此时,cost function为 若标签设定 令 is the indicator function, so that 1{a true statement} = 1, and 1{a false statement} = 0 此时,cost f 阅读全文