C /C++ 语言练习册
/************************************** 整数对应 32 bit 二进制数串中数字1的个数 2016-10-24 liukun ***************************************/ #include <stdio.h> // #include <math.h> // 整数对应 32 bit 二进制数串中数字1的个数 int binary1counter(int n) { // if(n<0) return -1; int i; // int binaLength = ceil(log2(n)); int counter1=0; for(i=0;i<32;++i) //for(i=0;i<binaLength;++i) { if(n & 1!=0)counter1++; n = n>>1; } printf("%d\n",counter1); return 1; } int main() { binary1counter(-21); return 0; }
void linkListSort(LinkList &L) // 将单链表L的节点重排,使其递增有序 2016-12-16 { LNode *p=L->next, *pre; LNode *r=p->next; p->next=NULL; p=r; //保存p->next,防止断链 while(p!=NULL){ r=p->next; pre=L; while(pre->next!=NULL && pre->next->data<p->data) //在有序表中查找插入 *p 的前驱节点 *pre,将*p插入到 *pre 之后 pre=pre->next; p->next=pre->next; pre->next=p; p=r; //扫描剩下的节点 } }
/****************************** C 简单的格式化读取文本操作 笨蛋, 居然遇到了一个奇怪的后缀自增问题 2016-11-29 *******************************/ #include<stdio.h> typedef struct people { char name[10]; int age; }people; void readFile() { FILE *fp; char ch; if((fp=fopen("E:\\data.dat","r"))==NULL) { printf("file cannot be opened/n"); } people p[2]; int i=0; while (!feof(fp)) { fscanf(fp,"%s %d",&p[i].name, &p[i].age); printf("%s %d\n",p[i].name, p[i].age); i++; } fclose(fp); }
/****************** 二叉树相关算法 2016-11-26 //真是想跑去看会儿电影 ********************/ #include<stdio.h> #define MAXSIZE 500 typedef stuct BiTreeNode { int data; BiTreeNode * lchild; BiTreeNode * rchild; }* BiTree; //非递归方法求解二叉树高度 int BtDepth(BiTree T) { if(!T) return 0; int front=-1,rear=-1; int last=0,level=0; BiTree Q[MAXSIZE]; Q[++rear]=T; BiTree p; while(front>rear) { p=Q[++front]; if(p->lchild) Q[++rear]=p->lchild; if(p->rchild) Q[++rear]=p->rchild; if(front==last) { level++; last=rear; //last 指向下一层 } return level; } } int Btdepth2(BiTree t) { if(!T) return 0; int ldep=Btdepth2(T->lchild); int rdep=Btdepth2(T->rchild); return ldep>rdep?ldep+1:rdep+1; } bool IsComplete(BiTree T) // 判断给定二叉树是否为完全二叉树 { InitQueue(Q); if(!T) return 1; EnQueue(Q,T); while(!IsEmpty(Q)) { DeQueue(Q,p); if(p) //非空节点子孙入队(子孙可能为空指针) { EnQueue(Q,p->lchild); EnQueue(Q,p->rchild); } else //节点为空,检查之后有没有非空节点,有的话就不是完全二叉树了 while(!IsEmpty(Q)) { DeQueue(Q,p); if(p) return 0; } } }
/* 栈的应用 括号匹配 2016-11-24 //真是智障 */ #include<stdio.h> #define MAXSIZE 500 /* 字符栈 */ char cStack[MAXSIZE]; int top=-1; bool BracketsChecks(char *str) { int i=0,top=-1; while(str[i]!='\0') { switch(str[i]){ case '('://cStack[++top]='(';break; case '['://cStack[++top]=str[i];break; case '{':cStack[++top]=str[i];break; case ')':if(cStack[top--]!='(') return false;break; case '}':if(cStack[top--]!='{') return false;break; case ']':if(cStack[top--]!='[') return false;break; default: break; } i++; } if(top==-1) return true; return false; } int main() { char str[]= "1+2*(5*6)+{5/7+[55+55]}"; if(BracketsChecks(str)) { printf("OK\n"); } return 0; }
/*********************** 2016-11-18 [矩阵]调整为阶梯矩阵 liu kun > 指针动态传递二维数组 *************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #define EPSINON 1e-5 /* 主要数据结构 */ typedef float dataType; struct rowinfo { int index; int leftZeroCount; }; dataType matrix[4][5]={0,0,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,0,0,1,2,1,0,1,2,3,4}; /* 浮点数判0 */ bool equalZero(dataType d) { return fabs(d)<EPSINON; } /* 指针实现动态传递 */ void adaptMatrix(dataType ** matrix,dataType ** toMatrix, int m, int n) /* m rows n columns*/ { int i,j; rowinfo rowlen[m]; for(i=0;i<m;i++) { rowlen[i].index=i; for(j=0;j<n&&equalZero(*((dataType *)matrix+n*i+j));j++); rowlen[i].leftZeroCount=j; } //sort the rowinfo array for(i=1;i<m;i++) { rowinfo temp = rowlen[i]; for(j=i-1;rowlen[j].leftZeroCount>temp.leftZeroCount && j>=0; rowlen[j+1]=rowlen[j--]); rowlen[j+1] = temp; } // copy to newMatrix for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;++j) *((dataType *)toMatrix+n*i+j)= *((dataType *)matrix+ n*rowlen[i].index +j); } } // Test main function int main() { dataType toMatrix[4][5]; int columNum = sizeof(matrix[0])/sizeof(matrix[0][0]); adaptMatrix((dataType **)matrix, (dataType **)toMatrix,4,columNum); int i,j; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<columNum;j++) printf("%.2f ",toMatrix[i][j]); printf("\n"); } return 0; }
/**************************************** 打印杨辉三角 date: 2016-10-15 writer: liu kun reference: 数据结构 殷人昆 *****************************************/ #include <iostream> #include<iomanip> #include "queue.h" using namespace std; //控制数字间隔 char blank[3+1] = " "; void YANGVI(int n) { Queue q; EnQueue(q,1);EnQueue(q,1); int i,j;QElemType s=0,t; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<endl; // 每行起始位置排版 for(int bl_count=0;bl_count<n-i;bl_count++) cout<<blank; EnQueue(q,0); for(j=1;j<=i+2;j++) //第 i 行的 i+2 个系数,包括一个 0 { DeQueue(q,t); EnQueue(q,s+t); //计算下一行系数并入队 s=t; if(j!=i+2)cout<<setw(sizeof(blank)-1)<<s<<blank; } } }; int main() { YANGVI(10); return 0; } > queue.h #ifndef QUEUE_H_INCLUDED #define QUEUE_H_INCLUDED #define MAXSIZE 500 typedef int QElemType; typedef struct Queue{ int maxSize=MAXSIZE; QElemType *data=new QElemType[maxSize]; int front=0; int rear=front; }Queue; void InitQueue(Queue &q); int EnQueue(Queue &q, QElemType x) { //check full if((q.rear+1)%q.maxSize==q.front) { return 0; } else{ q.data[q.rear]=x; q.rear = (q.rear+1)%q.maxSize; return 1; } } int DeQueue(Queue &q,QElemType& x) { // check empty, ERROR code 1 if(q.rear==q.front) return 0; else{ x = q.data[q.front]; q.front=(q.front+1)%q.maxSize; return 1; } } int QueueEmpty(Queue &q) { if(q.rear==q.front)return 1; else return 0; } // 引用作为地址传值 int QueueFull(Queue &q) { return (q.rear+1)%q.maxSize==q.front; } int QueueSize(Queue& q) { return (q.rear+q.maxSize-q.front)%q.maxSize; } #endif // QUEUE_H_INCLUDED
#ifndef SIMPLESORT_H_INCLUDED #define SIMPLESORT_H_INCLUDED typedef int EleType; int RbinarySearch(EleType A[], const EleType x, int low, int high) { if(low>high) return -1; int mid = (low+high)/2; if(A[mid]==x) return mid; else if(A[mid]>x) { high = mid -1; return(binarySearch(A,x,low,high)); } else { low = mid + 1; return(binarySearch(A,x,low,high)); } } int binarySearch(EleType A[], const EleType x, int low, int high) { while(low<=high){ int mid = (low+high)/2; if(A[mid]==x) return mid; else if(A[mid]>x) high = mid -1; else low = mid + 1; } return -1; } int insertSort(EleType A[], int n)
/* 数组下标从0开始,n为元素个数 */ { if(n<1) return 0; register int i,j; for(i=1;i<n;i++) { EleType tem=A[i]; for(j=i-1;j>=0 && A[j]>tem; A[j+1]=A[j--]); A[j+1]=tem; } return 1; } int selectSort(EleType A[], int n) { if(n<1) return 0; int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { int minInd=i; for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { if(A[j]<A[minInd])minInd = j; } EleType tem=A[i]; A[i]=A[minInd]; A[minInd]=tem; } return 1; } int partion(EleType A[], int low, int high) { const EleType pivot = A[low]; while(low<high) { while(low<high&&A[high]>=pivot) high--; A[low]=A[high]; while(low<high&&A[low]<pivot) low++; A[high] = A[low]; } A[high]=pivot; return high; } int quickSort(EleType A[], int n, int low, int high) { if(n<1) return 0; if(low>high) return 1; int p = partion(A,low,high); quickSort(A,n, low, p-1); quickSort(A,n, p+1, high); return 1; } #endif // SIMPLESORT_H_INCLUDED
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int A[] = {5,4,6,8,8,7,9,1,3,2,0}; int cmp ( const void *a , const void *b ) { return *(int *)a - *(int *)b; } int main() { int i; int testNum = sizeof(A)/sizeof(int); qsort(A,testNum ,sizeof(A[0]),cmp); for(i=0;i<testNum;i++) printf("%d ",A[i]); return 0; }
/* 2016-11-17 判断字符串是否中心对称 */ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define MAXSIZE 500 char str[] = "ehhhe"; bool isSymmetry(char * str) { char stack[MAXSIZE]=""; int top=-1; int leftPart = strlen(str)/2; int rightBegin = (1+strlen(str))/2; int i; for(i=0;i<leftPart;++i) { stack[++top]=str[i]; } int strL = strlen(str); for(i=rightBegin;i<strL;++i) { if( !str[i]==stack[top--] ) return false; /* if(str[i]==stack[top]) top--; else return false; */ } return true; } int main() { if(isSymmetry(str)) printf("%s", "Format OK!\n"); return 0; }
/* 2016-11-17 判断字符串是否中心对称 P64 04 */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define MAXSIZE 500 typedef struct charNode{ char data; charNode * next; }charNode; char str[] = "abcba"; void initCharNode(charNode *head, char * str) { int i; charNode * p=head; for(i=0;i<strlen(str);i++) { charNode * cnode = (charNode *)malloc(sizeof(charNode)); cnode->data=str[i]; cnode->next=NULL; p->next = cnode; p=cnode; } } bool isSymmetry(charNode *hd, const int n) { char stack[MAXSIZE]=""; int top=-1; int leftPart = n/2; int rightBegin = (n+1)/2; int i; charNode * p=hd; for(i=0;i<leftPart;++i) { p=p->next; stack[++top]=p->data; } if(n%2!=0) p=p->next; for(i=rightBegin;i<n;++i) { p=p->next; if( p->data !=stack[top--]) return false; } return true; } int main() { charNode * hdnode = (charNode *)malloc(sizeof(charNode)); initCharNode(hdnode, str); if(isSymmetry(hdnode,strlen(str))) printf("%s", "Format OK!\n"); return 0; }