Spark SQL(9)-Spark SQL JOIN操作源码总结
Spark SQL(9)-Spark SQL JOIN操作源码总结
本文主要总结下spark sql join操作的实现,本文会根据spark sql 的源码来总结其具体的实现;大体流程还是从sql语句到逻辑算子树再到analyzed-> optimized -> 物理计划及其处理逻辑进行大致的总结。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | override def visitFromClause(ctx : FromClauseContext) : LogicalPlan = withOrigin(ctx) { val from = ctx.relation.asScala.foldLeft( null : LogicalPlan) { (left, relation) = > val right = plan(relation.relationPrimary) val join = right.optionalMap(left)(Join( _ , _ , Inner, None)) withJoinRelations(join, relation) } ctx.lateralView.asScala.foldLeft(from)(withGenerate) } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | private def withJoinRelations(base : LogicalPlan, ctx : RelationContext) : LogicalPlan = { val pp = ctx.joinRelation pp.asScala.foldLeft(base) { (left, join) = > withOrigin(join) { val baseJoinType = join.joinType match { case null = > Inner case jt if jt.CROSS ! = null = > Cross case jt if jt.FULL ! = null = > FullOuter case jt if jt.SEMI ! = null = > LeftSemi case jt if jt.ANTI ! = null = > LeftAnti case jt if jt.LEFT ! = null = > LeftOuter case jt if jt.RIGHT ! = null = > RightOuter case _ = > Inner } // Resolve the join type and join condition val (joinType, condition) = Option(join.joinCriteria) match { case Some(c) if c.USING ! = null = > (UsingJoin(baseJoinType, _ .getText)), None) case Some(c) if c.booleanExpression ! = null = > (baseJoinType, Option(expression(c.booleanExpression))) case None if join.NATURAL ! = null = > if (baseJoinType == Cross) { throw new ParseException( "NATURAL CROSS JOIN is not supported" , ctx) } (NaturalJoin(baseJoinType), None) case None = > (baseJoinType, None) } Join(left, plan(join.right), joinType, condition) } } } |
之后就是Join Analyzed 以及optimized 操作,在这里俩步主要操作就是添加子查询别名等操作,之后在优化阶段算子下推、消除子查询别名等优化;这里面涉及的规则比较多,感兴趣的同学可以查看源码多研究研究;
这一步主要涉及到 SparkPlanner 中配置的各种strategies,在这些策略中主要关注JoinSelection部分就行,他的apply方如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 | def apply(plan : LogicalPlan) : Seq[SparkPlan] = plan match { // --- BroadcastHashJoin -------------------------------------------------------------------- // broadcast hints were specified case ExtractEquiJoinKeys(joinType, leftKeys, rightKeys, condition, left, right) if canBroadcastByHints(joinType, left, right) = > val buildSide = broadcastSideByHints(joinType, left, right) Seq(joins.BroadcastHashJoinExec( leftKeys, rightKeys, joinType, buildSide, condition, planLater(left), planLater(right))) // broadcast hints were not specified, so need to infer it from size and configuration. case ExtractEquiJoinKeys(joinType, leftKeys, rightKeys, condition, left, right) if canBroadcastBySizes(joinType, left, right) = > val buildSide = broadcastSideBySizes(joinType, left, right) Seq(joins.BroadcastHashJoinExec( leftKeys, rightKeys, joinType, buildSide, condition, planLater(left), planLater(right))) // --- ShuffledHashJoin --------------------------------------------------------------------- case ExtractEquiJoinKeys(joinType, leftKeys, rightKeys, condition, left, right) if !conf.preferSortMergeJoin && canBuildRight(joinType) && canBuildLocalHashMap(right) && muchSmaller(right, left) || !RowOrdering.isOrderable(leftKeys) = > Seq(joins.ShuffledHashJoinExec( leftKeys, rightKeys, joinType, BuildRight, condition, planLater(left), planLater(right))) case ExtractEquiJoinKeys(joinType, leftKeys, rightKeys, condition, left, right) if !conf.preferSortMergeJoin && canBuildLeft(joinType) && canBuildLocalHashMap(left) && muchSmaller(left, right) || !RowOrdering.isOrderable(leftKeys) = > Seq(joins.ShuffledHashJoinExec( leftKeys, rightKeys, joinType, BuildLeft, condition, planLater(left), planLater(right))) // --- SortMergeJoin ------------------------------------------------------------ case ExtractEquiJoinKeys(joinType, leftKeys, rightKeys, condition, left, right) if RowOrdering.isOrderable(leftKeys) = > joins.SortMergeJoinExec( leftKeys, rightKeys, joinType, condition, planLater(left), planLater(right)) :: Nil // --- Without joining keys ------------------------------------------------------------ // Pick BroadcastNestedLoopJoin if one side could be broadcast case j @ logical.Join(left, right, joinType, condition) if canBroadcastByHints(joinType, left, right) = > val buildSide = broadcastSideByHints(joinType, left, right) joins.BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec( planLater(left), planLater(right), buildSide, joinType, condition) :: Nil case j @ logical.Join(left, right, joinType, condition) if canBroadcastBySizes(joinType, left, right) = > val buildSide = broadcastSideBySizes(joinType, left, right) joins.BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec( planLater(left), planLater(right), buildSide, joinType, condition) :: Nil // Pick CartesianProduct for InnerJoin case logical.Join(left, right, _: InnerLike, condition) = > joins.CartesianProductExec(planLater(left), planLater(right), condition) :: Nil case logical.Join(left, right, joinType, condition) = > val buildSide = broadcastSide( left.stats.hints.broadcast, right.stats.hints.broadcast, left, right) // This join could be very slow or OOM joins.BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec( planLater(left), planLater(right), buildSide, joinType, condition) :: Nil // --- Cases where this strategy does not apply --------------------------------------------- case _ = > Nil } } |
2、ShuffledHashJoinExec 通过shuffle之后在内存中保存join构建表来实现join操作;其生成的条件是:可以构建左表或者右表,其次表的大小小于分区数和配置的广播参数的乘积(保证可以加载到本地内存进行计算),并且打开了优先考虑基于hash join的开关、其次需要保证构建表足够小(构建表*3小于流表);其主要思想就是对流表进行迭代,之后和内存中的构建表数据匹配生成join之后的行数据。
3、SortMergeJoinExec 通过shuffle操作之后进行排序,再然后进行基于排序的join操作;如果上述俩个都不满足的情况就会进行就排序的join(前提是可以排序);排序的join就是先对数据进行shuffle分区,保证相同的key分到相同的分区,之后进行排序操作,保证数据有序,之后进行merge join操作,同时读取流表和构建表;因为数据有序,所以只要顺序遍历流表和构建表;匹配生成join行数据就行
4、BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec 主要针对的是没有join条件的连接操作;暂时不做研究;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | private def buildHashedRelation(iter : Iterator[InternalRow]) : HashedRelation = { val buildDataSize = longMetric( "buildDataSize" ) val buildTime = longMetric( "buildTime" ) val start = System.nanoTime() val context = TaskContext.get() val relation = HashedRelation(iter, buildKeys, taskMemoryManager = context.taskMemoryManager()) buildTime + = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000 buildDataSize + = relation.estimatedSize // This relation is usually used until the end of task. context.addTaskCompletionListener( _ = > relation.close()) relation } protected override def doExecute() : RDD[InternalRow] = { val numOutputRows = longMetric( "numOutputRows" ) val avgHashProbe = longMetric( "avgHashProbe" ) streamedPlan.execute().zipPartitions(buildPlan.execute()) { (streamIter, buildIter) = > val hashed = buildHashedRelation(buildIter) join(streamIter, hashed, numOutputRows, avgHashProbe) } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | private [execution] object HashedRelation { /** * Create a HashedRelation from an Iterator of InternalRow. */ def apply( input : Iterator[InternalRow], key : Seq[Expression], sizeEstimate : Int = 64 , taskMemoryManager : TaskMemoryManager = null ) : HashedRelation = { val mm = Option(taskMemoryManager).getOrElse { new TaskMemoryManager( new StaticMemoryManager( new SparkConf().set(MEMORY _ OFFHEAP _ ENABLED.key, "false" ), Long.MaxValue, Long.MaxValue, 1 ), 0 ) } if (key.length == 1 && key.head.dataType == LongType) { LongHashedRelation(input, key, sizeEstimate, mm) } else { UnsafeHashedRelation(input, key, sizeEstimate, mm) } } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | private [joins] object UnsafeHashedRelation { def apply( input : Iterator[InternalRow], key : Seq[Expression], sizeEstimate : Int, taskMemoryManager : TaskMemoryManager) : HashedRelation = { val pageSizeBytes = Option(SparkEnv.get).map( _ .memoryManager.pageSizeBytes) .getOrElse( new SparkConf().getSizeAsBytes( "spark.buffer.pageSize" , "16m" )) val binaryMap = new BytesToBytesMap( taskMemoryManager, // Only 70% of the slots can be used before growing, more capacity help to reduce collision (sizeEstimate * 1.5 + 1 ).toInt, pageSizeBytes, true ) // Create a mapping of buildKeys -> rows val keyGenerator = UnsafeProjection.create(key) var numFields = 0 while (input.hasNext) { val row =[UnsafeRow] numFields = row.numFields() val key = keyGenerator(row) if (!key.anyNull) { val loc = binaryMap.lookup(key.getBaseObject, key.getBaseOffset, key.getSizeInBytes) val success = loc.append( key.getBaseObject, key.getBaseOffset, key.getSizeInBytes, row.getBaseObject, row.getBaseOffset, row.getSizeInBytes) if (!success) { throw new SparkException( "There is no enough memory to build hash map" ) } } } new UnsafeHashedRelation(numFields, binaryMap) } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | protected override def doExecute() : RDD[InternalRow] = { val numOutputRows = longMetric( "numOutputRows" ) val avgHashProbe = longMetric( "avgHashProbe" ) streamedPlan.execute().zipPartitions(buildPlan.execute()) { (streamIter, buildIter) = > val hashed = buildHashedRelation(buildIter) join(streamIter, hashed, numOutputRows, avgHashProbe) } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | protected def join( streamedIter : Iterator[InternalRow], hashed : HashedRelation, numOutputRows : SQLMetric, avgHashProbe : SQLMetric) : Iterator[InternalRow] = { val joinedIter = joinType match { case _: InnerLike = > innerJoin(streamedIter, hashed) case LeftOuter | RightOuter = > outerJoin(streamedIter, hashed) case LeftSemi = > semiJoin(streamedIter, hashed) case LeftAnti = > antiJoin(streamedIter, hashed) case j : ExistenceJoin = > existenceJoin(streamedIter, hashed) case x = > throw new IllegalArgumentException( s "BroadcastHashJoin should not take $x as the JoinType" ) } // At the end of the task, we update the avg hash probe. TaskContext.get().addTaskCompletionListener( _ = > avgHashProbe.set(hashed.getAverageProbesPerLookup)) val resultProj = createResultProjection { r = > numOutputRows + = 1 resultProj(r) } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | private def innerJoin( streamIter : Iterator[InternalRow], hashedRelation : HashedRelation) : Iterator[InternalRow] = { val joinRow = new JoinedRow val joinKeys = streamSideKeyGenerator() streamIter.flatMap { srow = > joinRow.withLeft(srow) val matches = hashedRelation.get(joinKeys(srow)) if (matches ! = null ) { _ )).filter(boundCondition) } else { Seq.empty } } } |
可以看出,遍历流表,从构建表获取相同的key,如果不为空就构建joinRow,并应用join的条件进行筛选。到这里整个hash join的实现就算是完成了。对于其他类型的join可以自己跟代码阅读。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 | protected override def doExecute() : RDD[InternalRow] = { val numOutputRows = longMetric( "numOutputRows" ) val spillThreshold = getSpillThreshold val inMemoryThreshold = getInMemoryThreshold left.execute().zipPartitions(right.execute()) { (leftIter, rightIter) = > val boundCondition : (InternalRow) = > Boolean = { { cond = > newPredicate(cond, left.output ++ right.output).eval _ }.getOrElse { (r : InternalRow) = > true } } // An ordering that can be used to compare keys from both sides. val keyOrdering = newNaturalAscendingOrdering( _ .dataType)) val resultProj : InternalRow = > InternalRow = UnsafeProjection.create(output, output) joinType match { case _: InnerLike = > new RowIterator { private [ this ] var currentLeftRow : InternalRow = _ private [ this ] var currentRightMatches : ExternalAppendOnlyUnsafeRowArray = _ private [ this ] var rightMatchesIterator : Iterator[UnsafeRow] = null private [ this ] val smjScanner = new SortMergeJoinScanner( createLeftKeyGenerator(), createRightKeyGenerator(), keyOrdering, RowIterator.fromScala(leftIter), RowIterator.fromScala(rightIter), inMemoryThreshold, spillThreshold ) private [ this ] val joinRow = new JoinedRow if (smjScanner.findNextInnerJoinRows()) { currentRightMatches = smjScanner.getBufferedMatches currentLeftRow = smjScanner.getStreamedRow rightMatchesIterator = currentRightMatches.generateIterator() } override def advanceNext() : Boolean = { while (rightMatchesIterator ! = null ) { if (!rightMatchesIterator.hasNext) { if (smjScanner.findNextInnerJoinRows()) { currentRightMatches = smjScanner.getBufferedMatches currentLeftRow = smjScanner.getStreamedRow rightMatchesIterator = currentRightMatches.generateIterator() } else { currentRightMatches = null currentLeftRow = null rightMatchesIterator = null return false } } joinRow(currentLeftRow, if (boundCondition(joinRow)) { numOutputRows + = 1 return true } } false } override def getRow : InternalRow = resultProj(joinRow) }.toScala case LeftOuter = > val smjScanner = new SortMergeJoinScanner( streamedKeyGenerator = createLeftKeyGenerator(), bufferedKeyGenerator = createRightKeyGenerator(), keyOrdering, streamedIter = RowIterator.fromScala(leftIter), bufferedIter = RowIterator.fromScala(rightIter), inMemoryThreshold, spillThreshold ) val rightNullRow = new GenericInternalRow(right.output.length) new LeftOuterIterator( smjScanner, rightNullRow, boundCondition, resultProj, numOutputRows).toScala case RightOuter = > val smjScanner = new SortMergeJoinScanner( streamedKeyGenerator = createRightKeyGenerator(), bufferedKeyGenerator = createLeftKeyGenerator(), keyOrdering, streamedIter = RowIterator.fromScala(rightIter), bufferedIter = RowIterator.fromScala(leftIter), inMemoryThreshold, spillThreshold ) val leftNullRow = new GenericInternalRow(left.output.length) new RightOuterIterator( smjScanner, leftNullRow, boundCondition, resultProj, numOutputRows).toScala case FullOuter = > val leftNullRow = new GenericInternalRow(left.output.length) val rightNullRow = new GenericInternalRow(right.output.length) val smjScanner = new SortMergeFullOuterJoinScanner( leftKeyGenerator = createLeftKeyGenerator(), rightKeyGenerator = createRightKeyGenerator(), keyOrdering, leftIter = RowIterator.fromScala(leftIter), rightIter = RowIterator.fromScala(rightIter), boundCondition, leftNullRow, rightNullRow) new FullOuterIterator( smjScanner, resultProj, numOutputRows).toScala case LeftSemi = > new RowIterator { private [ this ] var currentLeftRow : InternalRow = _ private [ this ] val smjScanner = new SortMergeJoinScanner( createLeftKeyGenerator(), createRightKeyGenerator(), keyOrdering, RowIterator.fromScala(leftIter), RowIterator.fromScala(rightIter), inMemoryThreshold, spillThreshold ) private [ this ] val joinRow = new JoinedRow override def advanceNext() : Boolean = { while (smjScanner.findNextInnerJoinRows()) { val currentRightMatches = smjScanner.getBufferedMatches currentLeftRow = smjScanner.getStreamedRow if (currentRightMatches ! = null && currentRightMatches.length > 0 ) { val rightMatchesIterator = currentRightMatches.generateIterator() while (rightMatchesIterator.hasNext) { joinRow(currentLeftRow, if (boundCondition(joinRow)) { numOutputRows + = 1 return true } } } } false } override def getRow : InternalRow = currentLeftRow }.toScala case LeftAnti = > new RowIterator { private [ this ] var currentLeftRow : InternalRow = _ private [ this ] val smjScanner = new SortMergeJoinScanner( createLeftKeyGenerator(), createRightKeyGenerator(), keyOrdering, RowIterator.fromScala(leftIter), RowIterator.fromScala(rightIter), inMemoryThreshold, spillThreshold ) private [ this ] val joinRow = new JoinedRow override def advanceNext() : Boolean = { while (smjScanner.findNextOuterJoinRows()) { currentLeftRow = smjScanner.getStreamedRow val currentRightMatches = smjScanner.getBufferedMatches if (currentRightMatches == null || currentRightMatches.length == 0 ) { numOutputRows + = 1 return true } var found = false val rightMatchesIterator = currentRightMatches.generateIterator() while (!found && rightMatchesIterator.hasNext) { joinRow(currentLeftRow, if (boundCondition(joinRow)) { found = true } } if (!found) { numOutputRows + = 1 return true } } false } override def getRow : InternalRow = currentLeftRow }.toScala case j : ExistenceJoin = > new RowIterator { private [ this ] var currentLeftRow : InternalRow = _ private [ this ] val result : InternalRow = new GenericInternalRow(Array[Any]( null )) private [ this ] val smjScanner = new SortMergeJoinScanner( createLeftKeyGenerator(), createRightKeyGenerator(), keyOrdering, RowIterator.fromScala(leftIter), RowIterator.fromScala(rightIter), inMemoryThreshold, spillThreshold ) private [ this ] val joinRow = new JoinedRow override def advanceNext() : Boolean = { while (smjScanner.findNextOuterJoinRows()) { currentLeftRow = smjScanner.getStreamedRow val currentRightMatches = smjScanner.getBufferedMatches var found = false if (currentRightMatches ! = null && currentRightMatches.length > 0 ) { val rightMatchesIterator = currentRightMatches.generateIterator() while (!found && rightMatchesIterator.hasNext) { joinRow(currentLeftRow, if (boundCondition(joinRow)) { found = true } } } result.setBoolean( 0 , found) numOutputRows + = 1 return true } false } override def getRow : InternalRow = resultProj(joinRow(currentLeftRow, result)) }.toScala case x = > throw new IllegalArgumentException( s "SortMergeJoin should not take $x as the JoinType" ) } } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | final def findNextInnerJoinRows() : Boolean = { while (advancedStreamed() && streamedRowKey.anyNull) { // Advance the streamed side of the join until we find the next row whose join key contains // no nulls or we hit the end of the streamed iterator. } if (streamedRow == null ) { // We have consumed the entire streamed iterator, so there can be no more matches. matchJoinKey = null bufferedMatches.clear() false } else if (matchJoinKey ! = null &&, matchJoinKey) == 0 ) { // The new streamed row has the same join key as the previous row, so return the same matches. true } else if (bufferedRow == null ) { // The streamed row's join key does not match the current batch of buffered rows and there are // no more rows to read from the buffered iterator, so there can be no more matches. matchJoinKey = null bufferedMatches.clear() false } else { // Advance both the streamed and buffered iterators to find the next pair of matching rows. var comp =, bufferedRowKey) do { if (streamedRowKey.anyNull) { advancedStreamed() } else { assert(!bufferedRowKey.anyNull) comp =, bufferedRowKey) if (comp > 0 ) advancedBufferedToRowWithNullFreeJoinKey() else if (comp < 0 ) advancedStreamed() } } while (streamedRow ! = null && bufferedRow ! = null && comp ! = 0 ) if (streamedRow == null || bufferedRow == null ) { // We have either hit the end of one of the iterators, so there can be no more matches. matchJoinKey = null bufferedMatches.clear() false } else { // The streamed row's join key matches the current buffered row's join, so walk through the // buffered iterator to buffer the rest of the matching rows. assert(comp == 0 ) bufferMatchingRows() true } } } |
之后具体逻辑在do while中,首先还是校验;之后对流表和构建表数据的key进行比对,如果大于0;则重新拿构建表的数据,如果小于0,就拿流表的数据,如果不是就循环,直到俩个key相同,或者俩个表为空;之后会一直添加bufferedMatches(相当于对拥有同一个key的构建表数据进行append操作,加入bufferedMatches中);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | private class FullOuterIterator( smjScanner : SortMergeFullOuterJoinScanner, resultProj : InternalRow = > InternalRow, numRows : SQLMetric) extends RowIterator { private [ this ] val joinedRow : JoinedRow = smjScanner.getJoinedRow() override def advanceNext() : Boolean = { val r = smjScanner.advanceNext() if (r) numRows + = 1 r } override def getRow : InternalRow = resultProj(joinedRow) } |
总结,这里主要简单总结了下spark join的实现思想。具体的实现细节还是要深入代码去了解,比如SortMergeJoinExec中,他的溢出是基于什么的?这个其实在SortMergeJoinScanner
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