


The first thing we need to learn to do (besides just typing) is how tonavigate the file system on our Linux system. In this chapter we willintroduce the following commands:

我们需要学习的第一件事(除了打字之外)是如何在 Linux 文件系统中跳转。在这一章节中,我们将介绍以下命令:

  • pwd - Print name of current working directory

  • cd - Change directory

  • ls - List directory contents

  • pwd — 打印出当前工作目录名

  • cd — 更改目录

  • ls — 列出目录内容


Like Windows, a Unix-like operating system such as Linux organizes its filesin what is called a hierarchical directory structure. This means that they areorganized in a tree-like pattern of directories (sometimes called folders inother systems), which may contain files and other directories. The firstdirectory in the file system is called the root directory. The root directorycontains files and subdirectories, which contain more files and subdirectoriesand so on and so on.

类似于 Windows,一个“类 Unix” 的操作系统,比如说 Linux,以分层目录结构来组织所有文件。这就意味着所有文件组成了一棵树型目录(有时候在其它系统中叫做文件夹),这个目录树可能包含文件和其它的目录。文件系统中的第一级目录称为根目录。根目录包含文件和子目录,子目录包含更多的文件和子目录,依此类推。

Note that unlike Windows, which has a separate file system tree for eachstorage device, Unix-like systems such as Linux always have a single filesystem tree, regardless of how many drives or storage devices are attached tothe computer. Storage devices are attached (or more correctly, mounted) atvarious points on the tree according to the whims of the system administrator,the person (or persons) responsible for the maintenance of the system.

注意(类 Unix 系统)不像 Windows ,每个存储设备都有一个独自的文件系统。类 Unix 操作系统,比如 Linux,总是只有一个单一的文件系统树,不管有多少个磁盘或者存储设备连接到计算机上。根据负责维护系统安全的系统管理员的兴致,存储设备连接到(或着更精确些,是挂载到)目录树的各个节点上。


Most of us are probably familiar with a graphical file manager whichrepresents the file system tree as in Figure 1. Notice that the tree isusually shown upended, that is, with the root at the top and the variousbranches descending below.

图1: 由图形化文件管理器显示的文件系统树

大多数人都可能熟悉如图1所示描述文件系统树的图形文件管理器。注意, 通常这是一棵倒置的树,也就是说,树根在最上面,而各个枝干在下面展开。

However, the command line has no pictures, so to navigate the file system treewe need to think of it in a different way.


Imagine that the file system is a maze shaped like an upside-down tree and weare able to stand in the middle of it. At any given time, we are inside asingle directory and we can see the files contained in the directory and thepathway to the directory above us (called the parent directory) and anysubdirectories below us. The directory we are standing in is called thecurrent working directory. To display the current working directory, we usethe pwd (print working directory) command.

把文件系统想象成一个迷宫形状,就像一棵倒立的大树,我们站在迷宫的中间位置。在任意时刻,我们处于一个目录里面,我们能看到这个目录包含的所有文件,以及通往上面目录(父目录)的路径,和下面的各个子目录。我们所在的目录则称为当前工作目录。我们使用 pwd(print working directory(的缩写))命令,来显示当前工作目录。

[me@linuxbox ~]$ pwd

When we first log in to our system (or start a terminal emulator session) ourcurrent working directory is set to our home directory. Each user account isgiven its own home directory and when operating as a regular user, the homedirectory is the only place the user is allowed to write files.



To list the files and directories in the current working directory, we use thels command.

列出一个目录包含的文件及子目录,使用 ls 命令。

[me@linuxbox ~]$ ls
Desktop Documents Music Pictures Public Templates Videos

Actually, we can use the ls command to list the contents of any directory, notjust the current working directory, and there are many other fun things it cando as well. We’ll spend more time with ls in the next chapter.

实际上,用 ls 命令可以列出任一个目录的内容,而不只是当前工作目录的内容。ls 命令还能完成许多有趣的事情。在下一章节,我们将介绍更多关于 ls 的知识。


To change your working directory (where we are standing in our tree-shapedmaze) we use the cd command. To do this, type cd followed by the pathname ofthe desired working directory. A pathname is the route we take along thebranches of the tree to get to the directory we want. Pathnames can bespecified in one of two different ways; as absolute pathnames or as relativepathnames. Let’s deal with absolute pathnames first.

要更改工作目录(此刻,我们站在树形迷宫里面),我们用 cd 命令。输入 cd,然后输入你想要去的工作目录的路径名。路径名就是沿着目录树的分支到达想要的目录期间所经过的路线。路径名可通过两种方式来指定,一种是绝对路径,另一种是相对路径。我们先来介绍绝对路径。


An absolute pathname begins with the root directory and follows the treebranch by branch until the path to the desired directory or file is completed.For example, there is a directory on your system in which most of yoursystem’s programs are installed. The pathname of the directory is /usr/bin.This means from the root directory (represented by the leading slash in thepathname) there is a directory called “usr” which contains a directory called“bin”.

绝对路径开始于根目录,紧跟着目录树的一个个分支,一直到达所期望的目录或文件。例如,你的系统中有一个目录,大多数系统程序都安装在这个目录下。这个目录的路径名是 /usr/bin。它意味着从根目录(用开头的“/”表示)开始,有一个叫 “usr” 的目录包含了目录 “bin”。

[me@linuxbox ~]$ cd /usr/bin
[me@linuxbox bin]$ pwd
[me@linuxbox bin]$ ls
...Listing of many, many files ...

Now we can see that we have changed the current working directory to /usr/binand that it is full of files. Notice how the shell prompt has changed? As aconvenience, it is usually set up to automatically display the name of theworking directory.

我们把工作目录转到 /usr/bin 目录下,里面装满了文件。注意 shell 提示符是怎样改变的吗?为了方便,通常终端提示符自动显示工作目录名。


Where an absolute pathname starts from the root directory and leads to itsdestination, a relative pathname starts from the working directory. To dothis, it uses a couple of special symbols to represent relative positions inthe file system tree. These special symbols are “.” (dot) and “..” (dot dot).

绝对路径从根目录开始,直到它的目的地,而相对路径开始于工作目录。为了做到这个(用相对路径表示), 我们在文件系统树中用一对特殊符号来表示相对位置。这对特殊符号是 “.” (点) 和 “..” (点点)。

The “.” symbol refers to the working directory and the “..” symbol refers tothe working directory’s parent directory. Here is how it works. Let’s changethe working directory to /usr/bin again:

符号 “.” 指的是工作目录,”..” 指的是工作目录的父目录。下面的例子说明怎样使用它。让我们再次把工作目录切换到 /usr/bin:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ cd /usr/bin
[me@linuxbox bin]$ pwd

Okay, now let’s say that we wanted to change the working directory to theparent of /usr/bin which is /usr. We could do that two different ways.Either with an absolute pathname:

好了,比方说我们想更改工作目录到 /usr/bin 的父目录 /usr。可以通过两种方法来实现。可以使用以下绝对路径名:

[me@linuxbox bin]$ cd /usr
[me@linuxbox usr]$ pwd

Or, with a relative pathname:

或者, 也可以使用相对路径:

[me@linuxbox bin]$ cd ..
[me@linuxbox usr]$ pwd

Two different methods with identical results. Which one should we use? The onethat requires the least typing!

两种不同的方法,一样的结果。我们应该选哪一个呢? 选输入量最少的那个!

Likewise, we can change the working directory from /usr to /usr/bin in twodifferent ways. Either using an absolute pathname:

同样地,从目录 /usr/ 到 /usr/bin 也有两种途径。可以使用绝对路径:

[me@linuxbox usr]$ cd /usr/bin
[me@linuxbox bin]$ pwd

Or, with a relative pathname:


[me@linuxbox usr]$ cd ./bin
[me@linuxbox bin]$ pwd

Now, there is something important that I must point out here. In almost allcases, you can omit the “./”. It is implied. Typing:


[me@linuxbox usr]$ cd bin

does the same thing. In general, if you do not specify a pathname tosomething, the working directory will be assumed.



In table 3-1 we see some useful ways the current working directory can bequickly changed.


Table 3-1: cd Shortcuts
Shortcut Result
cd Changes the working directory to your home directory.
cd - Changes the working directory to the previous working directory.
cd ~user_name Changes the working directory to the home directory ofuser_name. For example, cd ~bob will change the directory tothe home directory of user “bob.”
表3-1: cd 快捷键
快捷键 运行结果
cd 更改工作目录到你的家目录。
cd - 更改工作目录到先前的工作目录。
cd ~user_name 更改工作目录到用户家目录。例如, cd ~bob 会更改工作目录到用户“bob”的家目录。

Important Facts About Filenames

  1. Filenames that begin with a period character are hidden. This only means thatls will not list them unless you say ls -a. When your account was created,several hidden files were placed in your home directory to configure thingsfor your account. Later on we will take a closer look at some of these files tosee how you can customize your environment. In addition, some applicationsplace their configuration and settings files in your home directory as hiddenfiles.

  2. Filenames and commands in Linux, like Unix, are case sensitive. Thefilenames “File1” and “file1” refer to different files.

  3. Linux has no concept of a “file extension” like some other operating systems.You may name files any way you like. The contents and/or purpose of a file isdetermined by other means. Although Unix-like operating system don’t usefile extensions to determine the contents/purpose of files, some applicationprograms do.

  4. Though Linux supports long filenames which may contain embedded spacesand punctuation characters, limit the punctuation characters in the names offiles you create to period, dash, and underscore. Most importantly, do notembed spaces in filenames. If you want to represent spaces between words ina filename, use underscore characters. You will thank yourselflater.


  1. 以 “.” 字符开头的文件名是隐藏文件。这仅表示,ls 命令不能列出它们,用 ls -a 命令就可以了。当你创建帐号后,几个配置帐号的隐藏文件被放置在你的家目录下。稍后,我们会仔细研究一些隐藏文件,来定制你的系统环境。另外,一些应用程序也会把它们的配置文件以隐藏文件的形式放在你的家目录下面。

  2. 文件名和命令名是大小写敏感的。文件名 “File1” 和 “file1” 是指两个不同的文件名。

  3. Linux 没有“文件扩展名”的概念,不像其它一些系统。可以用你喜欢的任何名字来给文件起名。文件内容或用途由其它方法来决定。虽然类 Unix 的操作系统,不用文件扩展名来决定文件的内容或用途,但是有些应用程序会。

  4. 虽然 Linux 支持长文件名,文件名可能包含空格,标点符号,但标点符号仅限使用 “.”,“-”,下划线。最重要的是,不要在文件名中使用空格。如果你想表示词与词间的空格,用下划线字符来代替。过些时候,你会感激自己这样做。


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