opencv perface(2)

For the most part, readers need only know how to program in C++. Many of the math sections in this book are optional and are labeled as such. The mathematics involve simple algebra and basic matrix algebra, and assume some familiarity with solution methods to least-squares optimization problems as well as some basic knowledge of Gaussian distributions, Bayes’ law, and derivatives of simple functions. The math in this book is in support of developing intuition for the algorithms. The reader may skip the math and the algorithm descriptions, using only the function definitions and code examples to get vision applications up and running.

在大多数部分,读者需要使用c++实践书中内容。数学在其中则被标记为可选内容,其中包含了代数的内容,基本代数模型和熟悉的解决办法和最小二次平方最优方法解决和高斯分布的基础知识 贝叶斯定律 简单函数的导数 本书当中的数学是为发展算法的敏感度。读者可以跳过数学和算法解释,使用定义好了的算法和代码示例来让视觉程序启动

OpenCV [OpenCV] is an open source (see computer vision library available from In 1999 Gary Bradski [Bradski], working at Intel Corporation, launched OpenCV with the hopes of accelerating computer vision and artificial intelligence by providing a solid infrastructure for everyone working in the field. The library is written in C and C++ and runs under Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. There is active development on interfaces for Python, Java, MATLAB, and other languages, including porting the library to Android and iOS for mobile applica‐ tions. OpenCV has received much of its support over the years from Intel and Goo‐ gle, but especially from Itseez [Itseez] (recently acquired by Intel), which did the bulk of the early development work. Finally, Arraiy [Arraiy] has joined in to maintain the always open and free [OpenCV].

opencv 是开源视觉库 资源网址: 1999年工作于英特尔公司的gray bradski, 起初opencv的愿景是希望促进计算机视觉和人工只能去提供一个坚定的基础给每一个工作在此领域的人员。由c和c++编写而成 可运行linux windows macosx等系统 支持开发接口python,java ,matlab等语言 包含库接口给android和ios应用程序,也受到了来自于许多谷歌和英特尔的帮忙,尤其是Itseez(最近被英特尔收购),该公司承担了大部分早期开发工作。最后,Arraiy [Arraiy]加入了维护永远开放和免费的 [OpenCV]的行列


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