


article1. vue登录记住密码之cookeis缓存

  1.  页面代码
     1 <template>
     2   <el-form :rules="loginRules" ref="loginForm" :model="loginForm">
     3     <el-form-item prop="username">
     4       <el-input size="small" keyup.enter.native="handleLogin" v-model="loginForm.username"  placeholder="请输入用户名">
     5 </el-input>
     6     </el-form-item>
     7     <el-form-item prop="password">
     8       <el-input size="small" @keyup.enter.native="handleLogin" v-model="loginForm.password"  placeholder="请输入密码">
     9            </el-form-item>
    10     <el-checkbox v-model="checked">记住密码</el-checkbox>
    11     <el-form-item>
    12       <el-button type="primary" size="small" :loading="false" @click.native.prevent="handleLogin" class="login-submit">
    13         <span v-if="!loading">登 录</span>
    14         <span v-else>
    15           <i slot="prefix" class="el-icon-loading"></i>
    16           登 录 中...</span>
    17       </el-button>
    18     </el-form-item>
    19   </el-form>
    20 </template>
    View Cod
  2. js函数
     1 <script>
     2   import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'
     3   export default {
     4     name: 'userlogin',
     5     data() {
     6       return {
     7         loginForm: {
     8           username: '',
     9           password: ''
    10         },
    11         checked: false,
    12        }
    13     },
    14     mounted() {
    15       this.getCookie()
    16     },
    17     methods: {
    18        handleLogin() {
    19         this.$refs.loginForm.validate(valid => {
    20           if (valid) {
    21             if (this.checked === true) {
    22               this.setCookie(this.loginForm.username, Base64.encode(this.loginForm.password), 7)
    23             } else {
    24               this.clearCookie()
    25             }
    26            // 调用后端api接口实现相关功能,省略
    27            }
    28           })
    29       },
    30       // 设置cookie
    31       setCookie(c_name, c_pwd, exdays) {
    32         const exdate = new Date() // 获取时间
    33         exdate.setTime(exdate.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * exdays) // 设置过期时间
    34         // 字符串拼接cookie
    35         window.document.cookie = 'username' + '=' + c_name + ';path=/;expires=' + exdate.toGMTString()
    36         window.document.cookie = 'password' + '=' + c_pwd + ';path=/;expires=' + exdate.toGMTString()
    37       },
    38       // 读取cookie
    39       getCookie() {
    40         if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
    41           const arr = document.cookie.toString().split('; ') 
    42           for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    43             const arr2 = arr[i].split('=') // 再次切割
    44             // 判断查找相对应的值
    45             if (arr2[0] === 'username') {
    46               this.loginForm.username = arr2[1] // 保存到保存数据的地方
    47             } else if (arr2[0] === 'password') {
    48               this.loginForm.password = Base64.decode(arr2[1])
    49             }
    50           }
    51         }
    52       },
    53       // 清除cookie
    54       clearCookie() {
    55         this.setCookie('', '', -1) // 修改2值都为空,天数为负1天就好了
    56       }
    57     }
    58   }
    59 </script>
    View Code
  3. 密码加解密根据喜好自行下载 本文采用Base64  npm install --save js-base64 然后引用即可

 article2. 基于ElementUI 分页插件实现页面分页和后端分页

  1. 基于ui插件的前端分页,通过slice函数对数据集合进行分页 <el-table :data="invperiods.slice((currentPage-1)*pageSize,currentPage*pageSize)"></el-table>,对于数据量较少的简单数据查询可适当采用前端分页
      1 <template>
      2   <section class="app-container">
      3     <el-col :span="24" class="toolbar" style="margin-top: -10px">
      4       <el-form :inline="true" :model="filters" ref="filters" :rules="rules" size="mini">
      5         <el-form-item prop="periodCode" label="期间名称">
      6           <el-input  v-model.trim="filters.periodCode"  placeholder="期间名称"></el-input>
      7         </el-form-item>
      8         <el-form-item prop="periodStatus" label="期间状态">
      9           <el-select v-model="filters.periodStatus" placeholder="请选择"  size="mini">
     10             <el-option v-for="item in status" :key="item.key" :value="item.value" :label="item.key"></el-option>
     11           </el-select>
     12         </el-form-item>
     13         <el-form-item>
     14           <el-button type="primary" @click="Query">查询</el-button>
     15         </el-form-item>
     16         <el-form-item>
     17           <el-button type="info" @click="handleReset">重置</el-button>
     18         </el-form-item>
     19       </el-form>
     20     </el-col>
     21     <!--列表-->
     22     <el-table :data="invperiods.slice((currentPage-1)*pageSize,currentPage*pageSize)" :height="tableHeight" :header-cell-style="tableHeaderColor" size="mini" border
     23               :cell-style="cellStyle" :row-style="rowStyle" v-loading="findLoading" element-loading-text="数据加载中">
     24       <el-table-column type="selection" label="可选">
     25       </el-table-column>
     26       <el-table-column v-for="v in theader.columns" :prop="v.field" :label="v.title" :key="v.field">
     27         <template slot-scope="scope">
     28                 <span v-if="v.field === 'PeriodStatus'">
     29                    <span v-for="item in status">
     30                      <span v-if="scope.row.PeriodStatus === item.value">{{ item.key }}</span>
     31                    </span>
     32                 </span>
     33           <span v-else-if="v.field === 'PBeginDate' || v.field === 'PEndDate'">
     34                   {{ scope.row[v.field] | dateFormat }}
     35                 </span>
     36           <span v-else-if="v.field === 'PBeginTime' || v.field === 'PEndTime'">{{ scope.row[v.field] | timeFormat }}</span>
     37           <span v-else>{{ scope.row[v.field] }}</span>
     38         </template>
     39       </el-table-column>
     40       <el-table-column label="操作" width="80">
     41         <template slot-scope="scope">
     42           <el-popover placement="top" width="160" :ref="scope.row.PeriodName">
     43             <el-form :model="editForm" :rules="editFormRules" ref="editForm" size="mini">
     44               <el-form-item label="状态" prop="PeriodStatus" class="disposition">
     45                 <el-select v-model="editForm.PeriodStatus" placeholder="请选择"  size="mini">
     46                   <el-option v-for="item in status" :key="item.key" :value="item.value" :label="item.key"></el-option>
     47                 </el-select>
     48               </el-form-item>
     49             </el-form>
     50             <div style="text-align: right; margin: 3px">
     51               <el-button size="mini" type="info" @click="$refs[scope.row.PeriodName].doClose()">取消</el-button>
     52               <el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="updateData(scope.row.PeriodName)">确定</el-button>
     53             </div>
     54             <el-button slot="reference" size="mini" @click="handleEdit(scope.$index, scope.row)" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit"></el-button>
     55           </el-popover>
     56         </template>
     57       </el-table-column>
     58     </el-table>
     59     <!--工具条-->
     60     <el-col :span="24" class="toolbar">
     61       <el-pagination background
     62                      @size-change="handleSizeChange"
     63                      @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
     64                      :current-page="currentPage"
     65                      :page-sizes="[50, 100, 200, 500]"
     66                      :page-size=pageSize
     67                      layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper"
     68                      :total=total>
     69       </el-pagination>
     70     </el-col>
     71   </section>
     72 </template>
     74 <script>
     76   export default {
     77     name: 'index',
     78     data() {
     79       return {   
     80         invperiods: [],
     81         findLoading: false,
     82         filters: {},
     83         rules: {},
     84         editForm: {},
     85         editFormRules: {},
     86         total: 0,
     87         pageSize: 50,
     88         currentPage: 1
     89       }
     90     },
     91     filters: {
     92       dateFormat: function(value) {
     93         return dateFormat(value)
     94       },
     95       timeFormat: function(value) {
     96         return timeFormat(value)
     97       }
     98     },
     99     methods: {
    101       handleSizeChange(val) {
    102         this.pageSize = val
    103       },
    104       handleCurrentChange(val) {
    105         this.currentPage = val
    106       },
    107       Query() {
    108         this.findLoading = true
    109         const data = {}
    110         GetInvPeriod(data).then(res => {
    111  = res.length  // 后端接口返回的总记录数
    112           this.invperiods = // 此处又后端处理返回的列表集合
    113           this.findLoading = false
    114         })
    115       },
    116       handleReset() {
    117         this.$refs.filters.validate(valid => {
    118           if (valid) {
    119             this.$refs['filters'].resetFields()
    120           }
    121         })
    122       }
    123     }
    124   }
    125 </script>
    View Code


  2. 后端分页,采用Oracle数据库,Mybatis 分页插件,具体实现可自行搜索相关博客或查看官方文档。因数据量过大或多表关联引起的慢SQL导致查询时数据库取消用户请求,用户体验很不好,故而采用后端分页,需要前端传入PageIndex和PageSize,即查询页码和每页查询的记录数。
      1 <template>
      2   <section class="app-container">
      3     <el-col :span="24" class="toolbar" style="margin-top: -10px">
      4       <el-form :inline="true" :model="filters" ref="filters" :rules="rules" size="mini">
      5         <el-form-item prop="periodCode" label="期间名称">
      6           <el-input  v-model.trim="filters.periodCode"  placeholder="期间名称"></el-input>
      7         </el-form-item>
      8         <el-form-item prop="periodStatus" label="期间状态">
      9           <el-select v-model="filters.periodStatus" placeholder="请选择"  size="mini">
     10             <el-option v-for="item in status" :key="item.key" :value="item.value" :label="item.key"></el-option>
     11           </el-select>
     12         </el-form-item>
     13         <el-form-item>
     14           <el-button type="primary" @click="Query">查询</el-button>
     15         </el-form-item>
     16         <el-form-item>
     17           <el-button type="info" @click="handleReset">重置</el-button>
     18         </el-form-item>
     19       </el-form>
     20     </el-col>
     21     <!--列表-->
     22     <el-table :data="invperiods :height="tableHeight" :header-cell-style="tableHeaderColor" size="mini" border
     23               :cell-style="cellStyle" :row-style="rowStyle" v-loading="findLoading" element-loading-text="数据加载中">
     24       <el-table-column type="selection" label="可选">
     25       </el-table-column>
     26       <el-table-column v-for="v in theader.columns" :prop="v.field" :label="v.title" :key="v.field">
     27         <template slot-scope="scope">
     28                 <span v-if="v.field === 'PeriodStatus'">
     29                    <span v-for="item in status">
     30                      <span v-if="scope.row.PeriodStatus === item.value">{{ item.key }}</span>
     31                    </span>
     32                 </span>
     33           <span v-else-if="v.field === 'PBeginDate' || v.field === 'PEndDate'">
     34                   {{ scope.row[v.field] | dateFormat }}
     35                 </span>
     36           <span v-else-if="v.field === 'PBeginTime' || v.field === 'PEndTime'">{{ scope.row[v.field] | timeFormat }}</span>
     37           <span v-else>{{ scope.row[v.field] }}</span>
     38         </template>
     39       </el-table-column>
     40       <el-table-column label="操作" width="80">
     41         <template slot-scope="scope">
     42           <el-popover placement="top" width="160" :ref="scope.row.PeriodName">
     43             <el-form :model="editForm" :rules="editFormRules" ref="editForm" size="mini">
     44               <el-form-item label="状态" prop="PeriodStatus" class="disposition">
     45                 <el-select v-model="editForm.PeriodStatus" placeholder="请选择"  size="mini">
     46                   <el-option v-for="item in status" :key="item.key" :value="item.value" :label="item.key"></el-option>
     47                 </el-select>
     48               </el-form-item>
     49             </el-form>
     50             <div style="text-align: right; margin: 3px">
     51               <el-button size="mini" type="info" @click="$refs[scope.row.PeriodName].doClose()">取消</el-button>
     52               <el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="updateData(scope.row.PeriodName)">确定</el-button>
     53             </div>
     54             <el-button slot="reference" size="mini" @click="handleEdit(scope.$index, scope.row)" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit"></el-button>
     55           </el-popover>
     56         </template>
     57       </el-table-column>
     58     </el-table>
     59     <!--工具条-->
     60     <el-col :span="24" class="toolbar">
     61       <el-pagination background
     62                      @size-change="handleSizeChange"
     63                      @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
     64                      :current-page="currentPage"
     65                      :page-sizes="[50, 100, 200, 500]"
     66                      :page-size=pageSize
     67                      layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper"
     68                      :total=total>
     69       </el-pagination>
     70     </el-col>
     71   </section>
     72 </template>
     74 <script>
     76   export default {
     77     name: 'index',
     78     data() {
     79       return {   
     80         invperiods: [],
     81         findLoading: false,
     82         filters: {},
     83         rules: {},
     84     editForm: {},
     85     editFormRules: {},
     86         total: 0,
     87         pageSize: 50,
     88         currentPage: 1
     89       }
     90     },
     91     filters: {
     92       dateFormat: function(value) {
     93         return dateFormat(value)
     94       },
     95       timeFormat: function(value) {
     96         return timeFormat(value)
     97       }
     98     },
     99     methods: {
    101       handleSizeChange(val) {
    102         this.pageSize = val
    103         this.Query()
    104       },
    105       handleCurrentChange(val) {
    106         this.currentPage = val
    107         this.Query()
    108       },
    109       Query() {
    110         this.findLoading = true
    111         const data = {
    112          ...
    113          entity.PageIndex = this.currentPage
    114          entity.PageSize = this.pageSize
    115          ...
    116         }
    117         GetInvPeriod(data).then(res => {
    118  = res.RowCount  // 后端接口返回的总记录数
    119           this.invperiods = // 此处又后端处理返回的列表集合
    120           this.findLoading = false
    121         })
    122       },
    123       handleReset() {
    124         this.$refs.filters.validate(valid => {
    125           if (valid) {
    126             this.$refs['filters'].resetFields()
    127           }
    128         })
    129       }
    130     }
    131   }
    132 </script>
    View Code


article3. 基于ElementUI 实现table表格导出Excel(根据github上大神的代码,在此只是简单的记录一下以便后面复用时更加方便)

  1. 需要下载安装依赖包    npm install  file-saver   npm  install xlsx
  2. 将核心功能js文件引入相关页面


  1 /* eslint-disable */
  2 require('script-loader!file-saver');
  3 import XLSX from 'xlsx'
  5 function generateArray(table) {
  6     var out = [];
  7     var rows = table.querySelectorAll('tr');
  8     var ranges = [];
  9     for (var R = 0; R < rows.length; ++R) {
 10         var outRow = [];
 11         var row = rows[R];
 12         var columns = row.querySelectorAll('td');
 13         for (var C = 0; C < columns.length; ++C) {
 14             var cell = columns[C];
 15             var colspan = cell.getAttribute('colspan');
 16             var rowspan = cell.getAttribute('rowspan');
 17             var cellValue = cell.innerText;
 18             if (cellValue !== "" && cellValue == +cellValue) cellValue = +cellValue;
 20             //Skip ranges
 21             ranges.forEach(function (range) {
 22                 if (R >= range.s.r && R <= range.e.r && outRow.length >= range.s.c && outRow.length <= range.e.c) {
 23                     for (var i = 0; i <= range.e.c - range.s.c; ++i) outRow.push(null);
 24                 }
 25             });
 27             //Handle Row Span
 28             if (rowspan || colspan) {
 29                 rowspan = rowspan || 1;
 30                 colspan = colspan || 1;
 31                 ranges.push({s: {r: R, c: outRow.length}, e: {r: R + rowspan - 1, c: outRow.length + colspan - 1}});
 32             }
 33             ;
 35             //Handle Value
 36             outRow.push(cellValue !== "" ? cellValue : null);
 38             //Handle Colspan
 39             if (colspan) for (var k = 0; k < colspan - 1; ++k) outRow.push(null);
 40         }
 41         out.push(outRow);
 42     }
 43     return [out, ranges];
 44 };
 46 function datenum(v, date1904) {
 47     if (date1904) v += 1462;
 48     var epoch = Date.parse(v);
 49     return (epoch - new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30))) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
 50 }
 52 function sheet_from_array_of_arrays(data, opts) {
 53     var ws = {};
 54     var range = {s: {c: 10000000, r: 10000000}, e: {c: 0, r: 0}};
 55     for (var R = 0; R != data.length; ++R) {
 56         for (var C = 0; C != data[R].length; ++C) {
 57             if (range.s.r > R) range.s.r = R;
 58             if (range.s.c > C) range.s.c = C;
 59             if (range.e.r < R) range.e.r = R;
 60             if (range.e.c < C) range.e.c = C;
 61             var cell = {v: data[R][C]};
 62             if (cell.v == null) continue;
 63             var cell_ref = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({c: C, r: R});
 65             if (typeof cell.v === 'number') cell.t = 'n';
 66             else if (typeof cell.v === 'boolean') cell.t = 'b';
 67             else if (cell.v instanceof Date) {
 68                 cell.t = 'n';
 69                 cell.z = XLSX.SSF._table[14];
 70                 cell.v = datenum(cell.v);
 71             }
 72             else cell.t = 's';
 74             ws[cell_ref] = cell;
 75         }
 76     }
 77     if (range.s.c < 10000000) ws['!ref'] = XLSX.utils.encode_range(range);
 78     return ws;
 79 }
 81 function Workbook() {
 82     if (!(this instanceof Workbook)) return new Workbook();
 83     this.SheetNames = [];
 84     this.Sheets = {};
 85 }
 87 function s2ab(s) {
 88     var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length);
 89     var view = new Uint8Array(buf);
 90     for (var i = 0; i != s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
 91     return buf;
 92 }
 94 export function export_table_to_excel(id) {
 95     var theTable = document.getElementById(id);
 96     var oo = generateArray(theTable);
 97     var ranges = oo[1];
 99     /* original data */
100     var data = oo[0];
101     var ws_name = "Sheet";
103     var wb = new Workbook(), ws = sheet_from_array_of_arrays(data);
105     /* add ranges to worksheet */
106     // ws['!cols'] = ['apple', 'banan'];
107     ws['!merges'] = ranges;
109     /* add worksheet to workbook */
110     wb.SheetNames.push(ws_name);
111     wb.Sheets[ws_name] = ws;
113     var wbout = XLSX.write(wb, {bookType: 'xlsx', bookSST: false, type: 'binary'});
115     saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], {type: "application/octet-stream"}), "test.xlsx")
116 }
118 export function export_json_to_excel({header, data, filename='excel-list', autoWidth=true}={}) {
119     /* original data */
120     data=[]
121     data.unshift(header);
122     var ws_name = "Sheet";
123     var wb = new Workbook(), ws = sheet_from_array_of_arrays(data);
125     if(autoWidth){
126       /*设置worksheet每列的最大宽度*/
127       const colWidth = => => {
128         /*先判断是否为null/undefined*/
129         if (val == null) {
130           return {'wch': 10};
131         }
132         /*再判断是否为中文*/
133         else if (val.toString().charCodeAt(0) > 255) {
134           return {'wch': val.toString().length * 2};
135         } else {
136           return {'wch': val.toString().length};
137         }
138       }))
139       /*以第一行为初始值*/
140       let result = colWidth[0];
141       for (let i = 1; i < colWidth.length; i++) {
142         for (let j = 0; j < colWidth[i].length; j++) {
143           if (result[j]['wch'] < colWidth[i][j]['wch']) {
144             result[j]['wch'] = colWidth[i][j]['wch'];
145           }
146         }
147       }
148       ws['!cols'] = result;
149     }
151     /* add worksheet to workbook */
152     wb.SheetNames.push(ws_name);
153     wb.Sheets[ws_name] = ws;
155     var wbout = XLSX.write(wb, {bookType: 'xlsx', bookSST: false, type: 'binary'});
156     saveAs(new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], {type: "application/octet-stream"}), filename + ".xlsx");
157 }
View Code

  3.  要实现导出功能的页面

 1 <template>
 2   <section class="app-container">
 4     <el-checkbox label="Excel单元格自动宽度" v-model="autoWidth" true-label="true" false-label="false" border size="mini" style="display: inline;"></el-checkbox>
 5     <el-link type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = true" style="float: right;">选择栏位<i class="el-icon-document-add el-icon--right"></i></el-link>
 6     <el-table :data="reportTransInfos" :header-cell-style="tableHeaderColor" size="mini" border 
 7               :cell-style="cellStyle" :row-style="rowStyle" v-loading="findLoading" :element-loading-text="loadingData"
 8               @selection-change="selsChange" :row-key="getRowKeys" ref="multipleTable">
 9       <el-table-column type="selection" :reserve-selection="true"></el-table-column>
10       <el-table-column v-for="v in thead" :prop="v.field" :label="v.title" :width="v.width" :key="v.field" :header-align="v.headerAlign" :align="v.align">
11       </el-table-column>
12     </el-table>
13   </section>
14 </template>
16 <script>
17   import thead from '@/utils/table'
18   export default {
19     name: 'index',
20     data() {
21       return {
23         thead: thead.transInfo_thead,  // 表头列
24         autoWidth: true, // 导出excel 自动宽度
25         // bookType: 'xlsx', // 导出文件类型
26         filename: '库存事务',
27         sels: [],
28         getRowKeys(row) {
29           // 获取唯一标识的行数据
30           return row.index
31         }
32       }
33     },
35     methods: {
36       // 全选单选多选
37       selsChange(sels) {
38         this.sels = sels
39       },
40       exportExcel() {
41         if (this.sels.length) {
42           this.findLoading = true
43           this.loadingData = '正在导出数据...'
44             import('@/vendor/Export2Excel').then(excel => {
45               const tHeader = []
46               const filterVal = []
47               this.thead.forEach(item => {
48                 tHeader.push(item.title)
49                 filterVal.push(item.field)
50               })
51               const list = this.sels
52               const data = this.formatJson(filterVal, list)
53               excel.export_json_to_excel({
54                 header: tHeader,
55                 data,
56                 filename: this.filename,
57                 autoWidth: this.autoWidth
58               })
59               this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection()
60               this.findLoading = false
61             })
62         } else {
63           this.$message({
64             message: '请至少勾选一条记录',
65             type: 'warning'
66           })
67         }
68       },
69       formatJson(filterVal, jsonData) {
70         return => => v[j]))
71       }
72     }
73   }
74 </script>
View Code


article4. 基于UI的table多选框的数据实现分页数据勾选记忆功能

       鉴于article2,3 实现了分页和表格列勾选下载功能,此时需求是用户在多页间每页勾选需要下载的记录信息进行下载,此时就需要在翻页后记住之前勾选的记录数


  1 <template>
  2   <section class="app-container">
  4     <!--列表-->
  5     <el-checkbox label="Excel单元格自动宽度" v-model="autoWidth" true-label="true" false-label="false" border size="mini" style="display: inline;"></el-checkbox>
  6     <el-link type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = true" style="float: right;">选择栏位<i class="el-icon-document-add el-icon--right"></i></el-link>
  7     <el-table :data="reportTransInfos" :header-cell-style="tableHeaderColor"
  8                size="mini" border :height="tableHeight"
  9               :cell-style="cellStyle" :row-style="rowStyle" v-loading="findLoading" :element-loading-text="loadingData"
 10               @selection-change="selsChange" :row-key="getRowKeys" ref="multipleTable">
 11       <el-table-column type="selection" :reserve-selection="true"></el-table-column>
 12       <el-table-column v-for="v in thead" :prop="v.field" :label="v.title" :width="v.width" :key="v.field" :header-align="v.headerAlign" :align="v.align">
 13         <template slot-scope="scope">
 14           <span v-if="v.field === 'TransDate'">
 15              {{ scope.row[v.field] | dateFormat }}
 16           </span>
 17           <span v-else>{{ scope.row[v.field] }}</span>
 18         </template>
 19       </el-table-column>
 20     </el-table>
 21     <!--工具条-->
 22     <el-col :span="24" class="toolbar">
 23       <el-pagination background
 24                      @size-change="handleSizeChange"
 25                      @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
 26                      :current-page="currentPage"
 27                      :page-sizes="[50, 100, 200, 500]"
 28                      :page-size=pageSize
 29                      layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper"
 30                      :total=total>
 31       </el-pagination>
 32     </el-col>   
 33   </section>
 34 </template>
 36 <script>
 37   import thead from '@/utils/table'
 38   export default {
 39     name: 'index',
 40     data() {
 41       return {
 43         thead: thead.transInfo_thead,
 44         loadingData: '',
 45         findLoading: false,
 46         autoWidth: true, // 导出excel 自动宽度
 47         // bookType: 'xlsx', // 导出文件类型
 48         filename: '库存事务',
 49         cellStyle: { 'padding': '0px' },
 50         reportTransInfos: [],
 51         transTyle: [], // 事务类型
 52         total: 0,
 53         pageSize: 50,
 54         currentPage: 1,
 55         sels: [],       // 被勾选的数据集
 56         getRowKeys(row) {
 57           // 获取唯一标识的行数据
 58           return row.index
 59         }
 60       }
 61     },
 62     filters: {
 63       dateFormat: function(value) {
 64         return dateFormat(value)
 65       },
 66       timeFormat: function(value) {
 67         return timeFormat(value)
 68       }
 69     },
 70     methods: {
 71       // 省略其他方法
 72       ...
 73       handleSizeChange(val) {
 74         this.pageSize = val
 75         this.Query()
 76       },
 77       handleCurrentChange(val) {
 78         this.currentPage = val
 79         this.Query()
 80       },
 81       Query() {
 82         this.$refs['filters'].validate((valid) => {
 83           if (valid) {
 84             this.findLoading = true
 85             this.loadingData = '数据正在加载中...'
 86             const data = {
 87              ...
 88              PageIndex = this.currentPage  // 传给后端接口的页码
 89              PageSize = this.pageSize      // 查询返回多少条记录  
 90              ...
 91             }
 92             GetReportTransInfo(data).then(res => {
 93      = res.RowCount
 94               this.reportTransInfos = res.ReportTransEntities
 95               // 勾选的index值,确保唯一性,避免控制台包重复的key
 96               this.reportTransInfos.forEach((item, i) => {
 97                 item.index = this.currentPage.toString() + i.toString()
 98               })
 99               this.findLoading = false
100             }).catch(error => {
101               // do something...
102             })
103           }
104         })
105       },
107       // 全选单选多选
108       selsChange(sels) {
109         this.sels = sels
110       },
111       exportExcel() {
112         if (this.sels.length) {
113           this.findLoading = true
114           this.loadingData = '正在导出数据...'
115             import('@/vendor/Export2Excel').then(excel => {
116               const tHeader = []
117               const filterVal = []
118               this.thead.forEach(item => {
119                 tHeader.push(item.title)
120                 filterVal.push(item.field)
121               })
122               const list = this.sels
123               const data = this.formatJson(filterVal, list)
124               excel.export_json_to_excel({
125                 header: tHeader,
126                 data,
127                 filename: this.filename,
128                 autoWidth: this.autoWidth
129               })
130               this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection()
131               this.findLoading = false
132             })
133         } else {
134           this.$message({
135             message: '请至少勾选一条记录',
136             type: 'warning'
137           })
138         }
139       },
140       formatJson(filterVal, jsonData) {
141         return => => v[j]))
142       }
143     }
144   }
145 </script>
View Code


article5. 基于UI 实现表单查询弹出框table列表单选功能


 1 <template>
 2   <section class="app-container">
 4     <!-- 弹出框 -->
 5     <el-dialog title="" :visible.sync="dialogFormVisible">
 6       <el-table :data="locations.slice((currentPage-1)*pageSize,currentPage*pageSize)" :height="tableHeight"
 7                 size="mini" border @row-click="getSingleRow" v-loading="dialogLoading" element-loading-text="数据加载中">
 8         <el-table-column width="50" align="center">
 9           <template slot-scope="scope">
10             <el-radio v-model="radio" :label="scope.row">&nbsp</el-radio>  <!-- 空格符用来因此数字index -->
11           </template>
12         </el-table-column>
13         <el-table-column v-for="v in inv_thead" :prop="v.field" :label="v.title" :key="v.field" :width="v.width">
14         </el-table-column>
15       </el-table>
16       <el-col :span="24" class="toolbar">
17         <el-pagination background
18                        @size-change="handleLocSize"
19                        @current-change="handleLocCurrent"
20                        :current-page=currentPage
21                        :page-sizes="[50, 100, 200, 500]"
22                        :page-size=pageSize
23                        layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper"
24                        :total=total>
25         </el-pagination>
26       </el-col>
28       <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
29         <el-button size="mini" type="primary" @click="dialog">确 定</el-button>
30         <el-button size="mini" @click="dialogFormVisible = false">取 消</el-button>
31       </div>
32     </el-dialog>
34   </section>
35 </template>
37 <script>
38   //  ...
39   export default {
40     name: 'index',
41     data() {
42       return {
43         locations: [],
44         dialogFormVisible: false,
45         radio: '',
46         selected: {},
47         dialogLoading: false,
48         total: 0,
49         pageSize: 50,
50         currentPage: 1
51       }
52     },
53     methods: { 
54       getSingleRow(row) {
55 = this.locations.indexOf(row)
56         this.selected = row
57       },
58       dialog() {
59         if (this.selected.LocCode) {
60           this.$set(this.filters, 'LocCode', this.selected.LocCode)  // 将单选中的数据的那个字段值回显到form输入表单中
61           this.dialogFormVisible = false
62         } else {
63           this.$message({
64             message: '请先选择数据',
65             type: 'warning'
66           })
67         }
68       }
69     }
70   }
71 </script>
View Code




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