



  • 名词从句与动名词

    1. that引导的主语从句与动名词
      It surprised us that John won the marathon.
      That John won the marathon surprised us.
      Johns winning the marathon surprised us.约翰赢得了马拉松比赛,这真让我们吃惊。
    2. that引导的同位语从句与动名词
      that引导的同位语从句替换为“名词 + 介词(常用of,偶尔可以用about等) + 动名词的复合结构”:
      We were greatly encouraged by the news that China had launched another man-made satellite.
      We were greatly encouraged by the news of China having launched another man-made satellite.听到中国又发射了一颗人造卫星的消息,我们都受到极大的鼓舞。
      Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion that economic recovery would be just around the corner was untrue.
      Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery being just around the corner was untrue.
    3. that引导的宾语从句与动名词
      I consider that I will emigrate to America in the future.
      I consider emigrating to America in the future. 我在考虑将来移民到美国。(consider后面要接动名词,不能接不定式,因此从句简化为动名词)
      有的主句谓语后面还需要接 一个介词,才能接动名词作宾语。
      Jane's mother insisted that she should go swimming with her brother
      Jane's mother insisted on her going swimming with her brother简的妈妈坚持要求她和她哥哥一起去游泳.(添加了介词on, 因为insist后面要接介词on之后才能接宾语)
      I hope that I can drive to work in my own car.
      I hope to drive to work in my own car.我希望能够开着自己的车去上班。(谓语hope后面要接不定式,不能接动名词,所以简化时只能用不定式。)
  • 名词从句与不定式

    She can't decide whether she should go with him or stay home.
    She can't decide whether to go with him or(to) stay home.她还没有决定,应该和他一起去还是就呆在家里。
    I don't know what I should do.
    I don't know what to do.我不知道该做什么
    Please tell me how I can get to the bus station.
    Please tell me how to get to the bus station.请告诉我去汽车站怎么走。



  • 只有关系词在定语从句中作主语时,才能把定语从句简化为短语。
  • 定语从句简化后结果必须可能是:形容词短语、分词短语和介词短语、不定式短语等作后置定语。

  • 分词动作是没有时间概念(过去、现在、将来)的,分词动作的时间概念要通过句子谓语的时态体现出来,与它一致,这就是:“分词动作的时间与句子谓语的时间一致性原则”。
  • 当定语从句的谓语动作的时间与主句谓语的时间不一致时,此时的定语从句通常不能改写成分词短语。
  • 分词动作的时间一般须与句子谓语的时间一致,若不一致则不能用分词造句,而只能用定语从句。
  • 可以简化的分词短语定语从句
    1. 主从句的谓语同为现在时间
      • 主从句的谓语动词的动作都是现在一般的动作,即为一般现在时态
        They live in a room that faces the south.
        They live in a room facing the south.他们住在一间朝南的房子里。
        Books which are written in English are more expensive.
        Books written in English are more expensive.英文书一般都较贵。(从句是被动语态,所以简化为一个过去分词written)
      • 主从句的时间都表示现在,但主句的谓语表示一般状态,从句谓语表示现在进行动作
        Do you know the boy who is playing the violin?
        Do you know the boy playing the violin?你认识那个正在拉小提现琴的男孩吗?
        The car that is being repaired is mine.
        The car being repaired is mine.现在正在修的那辆汽车是我的。(进行被动,用being done)
    2. 主从句的谓语同为过去时间
      He used to live in the house which faced south.
      He used to live in the house facing south.他曾经住在一间朝南的房子里。
    3. 主从句的谓语时间不一致
      The girl who is playing basketball used to be very weak.
      The girl playing basketball used to be very weak.正在踢足球的那个姑娘以前曾经身体瘦弱。
      The car that was repaired yesterday by him is mine.
      The car repaired yesterday by him is mine.昨天修的那辆汽车是我的。
  • 无法简化成分词短语的定语从句
    1. 一般来说,若从句谓语动作发生时间先于主句谓语动作发生的时间,此时从句不能简化为分词。因为分词完成式having done或having been done不能用作定语,所以当定语从句的时态为完成时态的时候,也不能将从句简化为分词。
    2. 定语从句中含有情态动词时,如若简化为分词,则失去情态意味,因此一般不能简化。(将来时will和shall除外)
    3. 定语从句由be动词作谓语时。
    4. 在一些特殊的句子里,有时由于语义上的原因,不能转换。

  • 定语从句与不定式
    一般来说,被the only,the last,the next,序数词和最高级形容词修饰的名词,其后所接的定语从句往往要用不定式来替换。
    You are the only one that can understand me.
    You are the only one to understand me.
    The next train that arrives is from New York.
    The next train to arrive is from New York.



While the teacher was lecturing to the class, I fell asleep。在老师上课的时候,我睡着了
While lecturing to the class,I fell asleep.当我在给这个班上课时,我睡着了

  • 状语从句与分词
    1. 状语从句中含有be动词,把从句主语和be动词省去,即简化成短语。
      A tiger can't be tamed unless it is caught very young.
      A tiger can't be tamed unless caught very young. 老虎只有在年幼时抓来才能被驯服。
    2. 状语从句中没有be动词,把从句主语省去并且把动词变成现在分词-ing形式,相当于分词作状语。After I finished my homework,I fed the dog
      After finishing my homework,I fed the dog.做完作业,我就喂狗了。
  • 状语从句与不定式
    能够简化为不定式的状语从句一般只有目的状语从句,在英语中,目的状语几乎成了不定式的专属功能。I spoke slowly and clearly so that/in order that the audience could understand me.
    I spoke slowly and clearly in order for the audience to understand me.我讲得既慢又清晰,以便观众能听懂我的话。

posted on 2020-02-29 16:43  猪猪一号  阅读(2103)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
