OOP 4-6题目集总结
7-1 菜单计价程序-3

最大复杂度太大了,我估计是判断的时候运用了大量的if else语句,还有这道题目本身逻辑的复杂些。
import java.util.*; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.DayOfWeek; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); Menu menus = new Menu(); //读入菜品信息 String s = sc.nextLine(); while(!s.startsWith("table")&&!s.startsWith("end")){ String[] split = s.split(" "); menus.addDish(split[0], Integer.parseInt(split[1])); s = sc.nextLine(); } if(s.equals("end")){ return; } //读入订单消息 ArrayList<Order> orders = new ArrayList<>(); //每桌的订单 //String[] split = s.split(" "); orders.add(new Order(s)); s = sc.nextLine(); while(!s.equals("end")){ String[] split = s.split(" "); boolean flag = false; if(split.length == 2 && !split[1].equals("delete") ){ for(int i = 0; i < menus.dishes.size(); i++){ if(split[0].equals(menus.dishes.get(i).name)){ menus.dishes.get(i).unit_price = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); flag = true; break; } } if(flag == false){ menus.addDish(split[0], Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } }else if(s.startsWith("table")){//下一桌的标识 orders.add(new Order(s)); }else if(split[1].equals("delete")){//删除标识 int index = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); //要删除菜品的序号 if(index > 0 && index < orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size()){ orders.get(orders.size()-1).delARecordByOrderNum(index); }else{ //删除错误 orders.get(orders.size()-1).error++; } }else if(split.length == 4){//点菜记录 int orderNum = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); String dishName = split[1]; int portion = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); int num = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); orders.get(orders.size()-1).addARecord(orderNum,dishName,portion,num); }else{//代点菜,加入当前订单 int tableNum =Integer.parseInt(split[0]); int orderNum = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); String dishName = split[2]; int portion = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); int num = Integer.parseInt(split[4]); orders.get(orders.size()-1).addARecord(orderNum,dishName,portion,num); orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size()-1).helpNum = tableNum; orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size()-1).isHelp = true; orders.get(orders.size()-1).isHelp = true; } s = sc.nextLine(); } //输出菜单Orders for(int i = 0; i < orders.size();i++){ System.out.println("table "+orders.get(i).tableNum+": "); for(int j = 0; j < orders.get(i).records.size(); j++){ if(menus.searthDish(orders.get(i).records.get(j).dishName) != null){ if(orders.get(i).records.get(j).isHelp == true){ System.out.println(orders.get(i).records.get(j).orderNum+" "+"table "+orders.get(i).tableNum+" pay for table "+orders.get(i).records.get(j).helpNum+" "+orders.get(i).records.get(j).getPrice(menus)); }else{ System.out.println(orders.get(i).records.get(j).orderNum+" "+orders.get(i).records.get(j).dishName+" "+orders.get(i).records.get(j).getPrice(menus)); } }else{ System.out.println(orders.get(i).records.get(j).dishName+" does not exist"); } } for(int k = 0; k < orders.get(i).error; k++){ System.out.println("delete error;"); } if(orders.get(i).isValidTime()){ orders.get(i).isWrong = true; }else{ orders.get(i).isWrong = false; } } for(int i = 0; i < orders.size();i++){ if(orders.get(i).isWrong){ System.out.println("table "+orders.get(i).tableNum+":"+" "+orders.get(i).getTotalPrice(menus)); }else{ System.out.println("table "+orders.get(i).tableNum+ " out of opening hours"); } } } } //菜品类 class Dish{ String name;//菜品名称 int unit_price; //单价 double price = 0.0; public Dish(){ } public Dish(String name,int unit_price){ this.name = name; this.unit_price = unit_price; } public int getPrice(int portion){ //计算菜品价格的方法,输入参数是点菜的份额(输入数据只能是1/2/3,代表小/中/大份) if(portion == 1){ price = unit_price * 1.0; }else if(portion == 2){ price = unit_price * 1.5; }else if(portion == 3){ price = unit_price * 2; } return (int)(Math.round(price)); } } //菜单类 class Menu{ ArrayList<Dish> dishes = new ArrayList<>(); //存放菜品信息 Dish searthDish(String dishName){//根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象 for(int i = 0; i < dishes.size(); i++){ if(dishes.get(i).name.equals(dishName)){ return dishes.get(i); } } return null; //找不到该菜品 } Dish addDish(String dishName,int unit_price) {//添加一道菜品信息 Dish newDish = new Dish(dishName,unit_price); dishes.add(newDish); return newDish; } } //订单类 class Record { int orderNum;//序号 String dishName;//菜品 int portion;//份额(1/2/3代表小/中/大份) int num; //份数 boolean isHelp = false; boolean flag = true; int helpNum ; public Record(int orderNum,String dishName,int portion,int num){ this.orderNum = orderNum; this.dishName = dishName; this.portion = portion; this.num = num; } public int getPrice(Menu menus) {//计算本条记录的价格 Dish dish = menus.searthDish(this.dishName); if(dish == null){ return 0; } double price = 0; price = dish.getPrice(this.portion) * this.num; return (int)(Math.round(price)); } } class Order { int tableNum; int year ; int month ; int day; int hour; int min; int sec; int error = 0; boolean isWrong = false; boolean isHelp = false; ArrayList<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(); //存放订单每一单信息 public Order(String line) { String[] parts = line.split(" "); this.tableNum = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); String[] dateParts = parts[2].split("/"); this.year = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[0]); this.month = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[1]); this.day = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[2]); String[] timeParts = parts[3].split("/"); this.hour = Integer.parseInt(timeParts[0]); this.min = Integer.parseInt(timeParts[1]); this.sec = Integer.parseInt(timeParts[2]); } public Record addARecord(int orderNum, String dishName, int portion, int num) {//添加一条菜品信息到订单中 Record record = new Record(orderNum, dishName, portion, num); records.add(record); return record; } public void delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum) {//根据序号删除一条记录 for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { if (records.get(i).orderNum == orderNum) { records.get(i).flag = false; } } } public Record findRecordByNum(int orderNum) {//根据序号查找一条记录 for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { if (records.get(i).orderNum == orderNum) { return records.get(i); } } return null; //找不到 } public int getTotalPrice(Menu menus){//计算订单总价 double sum = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++){ if(records.get(i).flag){ sum += records.get(i).getPrice(menus); } } if(!isWeekend() && isLunch()){ sum = 0.6 * sum; }else if(!isWeekend() && isDinner()){ sum = 0.8 * sum; } return (int)(Math.round(sum)); } public boolean isWeekend(){ LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(this.year, this.month, this.day); DayOfWeek week = date.getDayOfWeek(); if(week == DayOfWeek.SATURDAY || week == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY) { return true; }else { return false; } } public boolean isLunch(){ double time = hour + (min/60.0); return (time >= 10.5) && (time <= 14.5); } public boolean isDinner(){ double time = hour + (min/60.0); return (time >= 17) && (time <= 20.5); } public boolean isValidTime(){ double time =hour + (min/60.0); return (isWeekend() &&(time >= 9.5 && time <= 21)) ||(!isWeekend() && (isDinner() || isLunch())); } }
7-3 去掉重复的数据
你的程序首先会读到一个正整数 n,1≤n≤100000。
然后是 n 个整数,这些整数的范围是 [1, 100000]。
import java.util.*; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int n = sc.nextInt(); int[] a = new int[1000001]; int num = 0; num = sc.nextInt(); System.out.print(num); a[num]++; for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++){ num = sc.nextInt(); if(a[num] == 0){ System.out.print(" "+num); a[num]++; } } } }
7-5 日期问题面向对象设计(聚合一)
参考题目7-2的要求,设计如下几个类:DateUtil、Year、Month、Day,其中年、月、日的取值范围依然为:year∈[1900,2050] ,month∈[1,12] ,day∈[1,31] , 设计类图如下:
- 求下n天
- 求前n天
- 求两个日期相差的天数
- 1 year month day n //测试输入日期的下n天
- 2 year month day n //测试输入日期的前n天
- 3 year1 month1 day1 year2 month2 day2 //测试两个日期之间相差的天数
- 当输入有误时,输出格式如下:
Wrong Format
- 当第一个数字为1且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
- 当第一个数字为2且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
- 当第一个数字为3且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
参考题目7-3的要求,设计如下几个类:DateUtil、Year、Month、Day,其中年、月、日的取值范围依然为:year∈[1820,2020] ,month∈[1,12] ,day∈[1,31] , 设计类图如下:
- 求下n天
- 求前n天
- 求两个日期相差的天数
- 1 year month day n //测试输入日期的下n天
- 2 year month day n //测试输入日期的前n天
- 3 year1 month1 day1 year2 month2 day2 //测试两个日期之间相差的天数
- 当输入有误时,输出格式如下:
Wrong Format
- 当第一个数字为1且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
year1-month1-day1 next n days is:year2-month2-day2
- 当第一个数字为2且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
year1-month1-day1 previous n days is:year2-month2-day2
- 当第一个数字为3且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
The days between year1-month1-day1 and year2-month2-day2 are:值
package 日期1; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int n = 0; int year = 0; int month = 0; int day = 0; int choice = input.nextInt(); if(choice == 1){ year = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); month = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); day = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); DateUtil date = new DateUtil(year,month,day); if (!date.checkInputValidity()) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } n = input.nextInt(); if (n < 0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } System.out.print(year + "-" + month+ "-" + day + " next " + n + " days is:"); System.out.println(date.getNextNDays(n).showDate()); }else if (choice == 2) { year = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); month = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); day = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); DateUtil date = new DateUtil(year, month, day); if (!date.checkInputValidity()) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } n = input.nextInt(); if (n < 0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } System.out.print( year + "-" + month + "-" + day+ " previous " + n + " days is:"); System.out.println(date.getPreviousNDays(n).showDate()); } else if (choice == 3) { year = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); month = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); day = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); int anotherYear = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); int anotherMonth = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); int anotherDay = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); DateUtil fromDate = new DateUtil(year, month, day); DateUtil toDate = new DateUtil(anotherYear, anotherMonth, anotherDay); if (fromDate.checkInputValidity() && toDate.checkInputValidity()) { System.out.println("The days between " + fromDate.showDate() + " and " + toDate.showDate() + " are:" + fromDate.getDaysofDates(toDate)); } else { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } } else{ System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } } } class Year{ private int value; public Year(){ } public Year(int value){ this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } boolean isLeapYear(){ if((this.value%4 == 0 && this.value%100 != 0) || (this.value % 400 == 0)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public boolean validate(){ if(this.value >= 1820 && this.value <= 2020){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public void yearIncrement(){ this.value++; } public void yearReduction(){ this.value--; } } class Month{ private int value; public Month() { } public Month( int value){ this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } public void resetMin(){ this.value = 1; } public void resetMax(){ this.value = 12; } public boolean validate(){ if(this.value >= 1 && this.value <= 12){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public void monthIncrement(){ this.value++; } public void monthReduction(){ this.value--; } } class Day{ private int value; public Day(){ } public Day(int value){ this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } public void dayIncrement(){ this.value++; } public void dayReduction(){ this.value--; } } class DateUtil{ private Year year; private Month month; private Day day; int[] mon_maxnum ={31,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; public DateUtil(){ } public DateUtil(int y, int m, int d){ year = new Year(y); month = new Month(m); day = new Day(d); } public Year getYear() { return year; } public void setYear(Year year) { this.year = year; } public Month getMonth() { return month; } public void setMonth(Month month) { this.month = month; } public Day getDay() { return day; } public void setDay(Day day) { this.day = day; } public void setDayMin(){ day.setValue(1); } public void setDayMax(){ if(this.year.isLeapYear()){ mon_maxnum[2]=29; } this.day.setValue(mon_maxnum[this.month.getValue()]); } public boolean checkInputValidity(){ if(day.getValue() >= 1 && day.getValue() <= mon_maxnum[this.month.getValue()] && this.month.validate() && this.year.validate()){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public boolean compareDates(DateUtil date){ if(this.year.getValue() > date.year.getValue()){ return true; }else if(this.year.getValue() == date.year.getValue() && this.month.getValue() > date.month.getValue()){ return true; }else if(this.year.getValue() == date.year.getValue() && this.month.getValue() == date.month.getValue() && this.day.getValue() > date.day.getValue()){ return true; } return false; } public boolean equalTwoDates(DateUtil date){ if((this.year.getValue() == date.year.getValue()) && (this.month.getValue() == date.month.getValue()) && (this.day.getValue() == date.getDay().getValue())){ return true; } return false; } public String showDate(){ return this.year.getValue() + "-" + this.month.getValue() + "-" + this.day.getValue(); } public DateUtil getNextNDays(int n){ DateUtil d; d = this; while(n > 0){ d.getDay().dayIncrement(); n--; if( d.year.isLeapYear()){ mon_maxnum[2] = 29; if( d.day.getValue() > mon_maxnum[d.month.getValue()]){ d.month.monthIncrement(); setDayMin(); if( d.month.getValue() == 13){ d.month.resetMin(); d.year.yearIncrement(); } } }else{ mon_maxnum[2] = 28; if( d.day.getValue() > mon_maxnum[d.month.getValue()]){ d.month.monthIncrement(); setDayMin(); if( d.month.getValue() == 13){ d.month.resetMin(); d.year.yearIncrement(); } } } } return d; } public DateUtil getPreviousNDays(int n){ DateUtil d; d = this; while(n > 0){ d.getDay().dayReduction(); n--; if( d.year.isLeapYear()){ mon_maxnum[2] = 29; if( d.day.getValue() < 1 ){ d.month.monthReduction(); setDayMax(); if( d.month.getValue() == 0){ d.month.resetMax(); d.year.yearReduction(); } } }else{ mon_maxnum[2] = 28; if( d.day.getValue() < 1 ){ d.month.monthReduction(); setDayMax(); if( d.month.getValue() == 0){ d.month.resetMax(); d.year.yearReduction(); } } } } return d; } public int getDaysofDates(DateUtil date){ if(equalTwoDates(date)){ return 0; }else{ DateUtil k = this; if(!compareDates(date)){ DateUtil t = date; date = k; k = t; } int sum1 = 0; int sum2 = 0; int sum3 = 0; if (k.year.isLeapYear()) { mon_maxnum[2] = 29; } for (int i = 0; i < k.month.getValue() - 1; i++) { sum1 += mon_maxnum[i+1] ; } sum1 += k.day.getValue(); if (!date.year.isLeapYear()){ mon_maxnum[2] = 28; } for (int i = 0; i < date.month.getValue() - 1; i++) { sum2 += mon_maxnum[i+1]; } sum2 += date.day.getValue(); while(k.year.getValue() != date.year.getValue()){ if(date.year.isLeapYear()){ sum3+= 366; }else{ sum3 += 365; } date.year.yearIncrement(); } int sum = sum1 - sum2 + sum3; return sum; } } }
7-1 菜单计价程序-4
1、菜谱信息与订单信息混合,应忽略夹在订单信息中的菜谱信息。输出:"invalid dish"
2、桌号所带时间格式合法(格式见输入格式部分说明,其中年必须是4位数字,月、日、时、分、秒可以是1位或2位数),数据非法,比如:2023/15/16 ,输出桌号+" date error"
4、重复删除,重复的删除记录输出"deduplication :"+序号。
5、代点菜时,桌号不存在,输出"Table number :"+被点菜桌号+" does not exist";本次作业不考虑两桌记录时间不匹配的情况。
9、份额超出范围(1、2、3)输出:序号+" portion out of range "+份额,份额不能超过1位,否则为非法格式,参照第13条输出。
10、份数超出范围,每桌不超过15份,超出范围输出:序号+" num out of range "+份数。份数必须为数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。
11、桌号超出范围[1,55]。输出:桌号 +" table num out of range",桌号必须为1位或多位数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。
12、菜谱信息中菜价超出范围(区间(0,300)),输出:菜品名+" price out of range "+价格,菜价必须为数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。
13、时间输入有效但超出范围[2022.1.1-2023.12.31],输出:"not a valid time period"
15、每桌的点菜记录的序号必须按从小到大的顺序排列(可以不连续,也可以不从1开始),未按序排列序号的输出:"record serial number sequence error"。当前记录忽略。(代点菜信息的序号除外)
16、所有记录其它非法格式输入,统一输出"wrong format"
17、如果记录以“table”开头,对应记录的格式或者数据不符合桌号的要求,那一桌下面定义的所有信息无论正确或错误均忽略,不做处理。如果记录不是以“table”开头,比如“tab le 55 2023/3/2 12/00/00”,该条记录认为是错误记录,后面所有的信息并入上一桌一起计算。
import java.time.DayOfWeek; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { //处理信息输入 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String s = input.nextLine(); String regex = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]+ [1-9]{1}[0-9]*"; //菜单 String regexT = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]+ [1-9]{1}[0-9]* T"; //特色 String regex1 = "table [1-9]{1}[0-9]* [1-9][0-9]{3}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}"; //桌号 String regex2 = "[0-9]+ [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+";//订单 String regex3 = "[0-9]+ delete";//删除 String regex4 = "[0-9]+ [0-9]+ [\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+";//代点 Menu menu = new Menu(); ArrayList<Order> orders = new ArrayList<>(); boolean flag1 = false; boolean flag = false; boolean isOrder = false; while(true){ String[] split = s.split(" "); if(s.contains("/")) { isOrder = true; } if(s.equals("end")){ //结束信息输入 break; }else if((s.matches(regexT) || s.matches(regex))){ //菜品信息 if(!isOrder){ //菜谱信息中出现重复的菜品名,以最后一条记录为准。 for(int i = 0; i < menu.dishes.size(); i++){ if(split[0].equals(menu.dishes.get(i).name)){ menu.dishes.get(i).unit_price = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); if(s.contains("T")){ menu.dishes.get(i).isT = true; } break; } } //没遇到重复的,菜品加入菜单 //菜谱信息中菜价超出范围(区间(0,300)),输出:菜品名+" price out of range "+价格, // 菜价必须为数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。 if(Integer.parseInt(split[1]) > 0 && Integer.parseInt(split[1]) < 300){ menu.addDish(split[0], Integer.parseInt(split[1])); if(s.contains("T")){ menu.dishes.get(menu.dishes.size() - 1).isT = true; } }else{ System.out.println(split[0]+" price out of range "+Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } }else{ System.out.println("invalid dish"); } }else if(s.startsWith("table")){ //订单消息开始的标志 if(s.matches(regex1)){ orders.add(new Order(s)); } //桌号格式错误(以“table”开头)+订单格式错误(忽略) if(!s.matches(regex1)){ System.out.println("wrong format"); s = input.nextLine(); while(!s.contains("/") && !s.equals("end") ){ //订单过滤 flag = true; s = input.nextLine(); } }else { //格式正确 //System.out.println("table "+split[1]+": "); boolean a = false; //标记数据是不是非法 //桌号所带时间格式合法(格式见输入格式部分说明,其中年必须是4位数字,月、日、时、分、秒可以是1位或2位数), // 数据非法,比如:2023/15/16 ,输出桌号+" date error" //时间输入有效但超出范围[2022.1.1-2023.12.31],输出:"not a valid time period" //桌号超出范围[1,55]。输出:桌号 +" table num out of range", // 桌号必须为1位或多位数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。 //如果下单时间不在营业范围内,输出"table " + t.tableNum + " out of opening hours" if(Integer.parseInt(split[1]) > 55 && Integer.parseInt(split[1]) < 1){ orders.remove(orders.size() - 1); System.out.println(" table num out of range"); a = true; } if(orders.get(orders.size() - 1).monthValidate() && orders.get(orders.size() - 1).dayValidate() && orders.get(orders.size() - 1).isRT()){ if(orders.get(orders.size() - 1).year >= 2024){ System.out.println("not a valid time period"); orders.remove(orders.size() - 1); a = true; } }else{ if(orders.get(orders.size() - 1).year >= 2024){ System.out.println("not a valid time period"); orders.remove(orders.size() - 1); a = true; } System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(split[1])+" date error"); orders.remove(orders.size() - 1); a = true; } // if(orders.get(orders.size() - 1).isValidTime()) //重复桌号信息 if(findOrderByNum(Integer.parseInt(split[1]),orders) != null){ if(isSameTime(orders.get(orders.size() - 1),orders.get(orders.size() - 2))){ orders.remove(orders.size() - 1); } } if(a){ s = input.nextLine(); while(!s.contains("/") && !s.equals("end") ){ //订单过滤 flag = true; s = input.nextLine(); } } } }else if(s.matches(regex3)){ //删除订单 //重复删除,重复的删除记录输出"deduplication :"+序号。 int index = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); //要删除菜品的序号 if(orders.size() > 0){ if(orders.get(orders.size()-1).findRecordByNum(index) != null){ orders.get(orders.size()-1).delARecordByOrderNum(index); }else{ //删除错误 System.out.println("delete error;"); } } }else if(s.matches(regex4)){ boolean isExit = false; //代点餐 //桌号不存在,输出"Table number :"+被点菜桌号+" does not exist"; int tableNum =Integer.parseInt(split[0]); for(int i = 0; i < orders.size(); i++){ if(tableNum == orders.get(i).tableNum){ isExit = true; break; } } if(isExit){ int orderNum = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); String dishName = split[2]; if(menu.searthDish(dishName) == null){ System.out.println(dishName+" "+"does not exist"); }else{ int portion = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); int num = Integer.parseInt(split[4]); orders.get(orders.size()-1).addARecord(orderNum,dishName,portion,num); orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size()-1).helpNum = tableNum; orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size()-1).isHelp = true; orders.get(orders.size()-1).isHelp = true; System.out.println(orders.get(orders.size() - 1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size() - 1).records.size() - 1).orderNum+" "+"table"+" "+orders.get(orders.size() - 1).tableNum+" pay for table "+tableNum+" "+orders.get(orders.size() - 1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size() - 1).records.size() - 1).getPrice(menu)); } }else{ System.out.println("Table number :"+tableNum+" does not exist"); } }else if(s.matches(regex2)){ //订餐信息 //一条点菜记录中若格式正确,但数据出现问题 // ,如:菜名不存在、份额超出范围、份数超出范围,按记录中从左到右的次序优先级由高到低,输出时只提示优先级最高的那个错误。 //份额超出范围(普通菜不是1、2、3,特色菜不是1、3)输出:序号+" portion out of range "+份额, // 份额不能超过1位,否则为非法格式,参照第13条输出。 //份数超出范围,每桌不超过15份,超出范围输出: // 序号+" num out of range "+份数。份数必须为数值,最高位不能为0,否则按非法格式参照第16条输出。 //每桌的点菜记录的序号必须按从小到大的顺序排列(可以不连续,也可以不从1开始), // 未按序排列序号的输出:"record serial number sequence error"。当前记录忽略。(代点菜信息的序号除外 if(flag) { System.out.println("table "+split[1]+": "); flag = false; } if(menu.searthDish(split[1]) == null){ System.out.println(split[1]+" "+"does not exist"); }else if(menu.searthDish(split[1]).isT){ if(Integer.parseInt(split[2]) != 1 && Integer.parseInt(split[2]) != 2 && Integer.parseInt(split[2]) != 3){ System.out.println(split[0]+" portion out of range "+split[2]); }else if(Integer.parseInt(split[3]) >= 15) { System.out.println(split[0] + " num out of range " + split[3]); }else{ int num = 0; //最后一个不是代买的编号 if(orders.size() > 0){ if(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size() != 0){ for(int i = 0; i < orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size(); i++){ if(!orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(i).isHelp){ num = orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(i).orderNum; } } if(Integer.parseInt(split[0]) > num){ orders.get(orders.size()-1).addARecord(Integer.parseInt(split[0]),split[1],Integer.parseInt(split[2]),Integer.parseInt(split[3])); System.out.println(split[0]+" "+split[1]+" "+ orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size() - 1).getPrice(menu)); }else{ System.out.println("record serial number sequence error"); } }else if(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size() == 0){ orders.get(orders.size()-1).addARecord(Integer.parseInt(split[0]),split[1],Integer.parseInt(split[2]),Integer.parseInt(split[3])); System.out.println(split[0]+" "+split[1]+" "+ orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size() - 1).getPrice(menu)); } } } }else if(!menu.searthDish(split[1]).isT){ if(Integer.parseInt(split[2]) != 1 && Integer.parseInt(split[2]) != 2 && Integer.parseInt(split[2]) != 3){ System.out.println(split[0]+" portion out of range "+split[2]); }else if(Integer.parseInt(split[3]) >= 15) { System.out.println(split[0] + " num out of range " + split[3]); }else{ int num = 0; //最后一个不是代买的编号 if(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size() != 0){ for(int i = 0; i < orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size(); i++){ if(!orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(i).isHelp){ num = orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(i).orderNum; } } if(Integer.parseInt(split[0]) > num){ //合并份额相同的 if(orders.get(orders.size()-1).findRecordByName(split[1],Integer.parseInt(split[2])) != null){ orders.get(orders.size()-1).findRecordByName(split[1],Integer.parseInt(split[2])).num += Integer.parseInt(split[3]); split[3] = "0"; } orders.get(orders.size()-1).addARecord(Integer.parseInt(split[0]),split[1],Integer.parseInt(split[2]),Integer.parseInt(split[3])); System.out.println(split[0]+" "+split[1]+" "+ orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size() - 1).getPrice(menu)); }else{ System.out.println("record serial number sequence error"); } }else if(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size() == 0){ orders.get(orders.size()-1).addARecord(Integer.parseInt(split[0]),split[1],Integer.parseInt(split[2]),Integer.parseInt(split[3])); System.out.println(split[0]+" "+split[1]+" "+ orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.get(orders.get(orders.size()-1).records.size() - 1).getPrice(menu)); } } } }else{ System.out.println("wrong format"); } if(!flag){ s = input.nextLine(); } } for(int i = 0; i < orders.size() - 1; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < orders.size() - 1 - i; j++){ if(orders.get(j).tableNum > orders.get(j+1).tableNum){ Collections.swap(orders, j, j+1); } } } for(int i = 0; i < orders.size(); i++){ orders.get(i).getTotalPrice(menu); } } public static Order findOrderByNum(int tableNum,ArrayList<Order> orders){ if(orders.size() == 1){ return null; } for(int i = 0; i < orders.size() - 1; i++){ if(orders.get(i).tableNum == tableNum){ return orders.get(i); } } return null; } public static boolean isSameTime(Order order1,Order order2){ if(order1.year == order2.year && order1.month == order2.month && order1.day == order2.day){ if(order1.isWeekend()){ if(Math.abs((order1.hour * 3600 + order1.min * 60 +order1.sec) - (order2.hour * 3600 + order2.min * 60 +order2.sec)) >= 3600){ return false; }else{ return true; } }else{ if((order1.isLunch() && order2.isLunch()) || (order1.isDinner() && order1.isDinner())){ return true; }else{ return false; } } }else{ return false; } } } //每道菜品信息 class Dish { String name;//菜品名称 int unit_price; //单价 boolean isT = false; public Dish(){ } public Dish(String name,int unit_price){ this.name = name; this.unit_price = unit_price; } public int getPrice(int portion){ //计算菜品价格的方法,输入参数是点菜的份额(输入数据只能是1/2/3,代表小/中/大份) double price = 0.0; if(portion == 1){ price = unit_price * 1.0; }else if(portion == 2){ price = unit_price * 1.5; }else if(portion == 3){ price = unit_price * 2; } return (int)(Math.round(price)); } } //菜单--储存菜品 class Menu { ArrayList<Dish> dishes = new ArrayList<>(); //存放菜品信息 public Dish searthDish(String dishName){//根据菜名在菜谱中查找菜品信息,返回Dish对象 for(int i = 0; i < dishes.size(); i++){ if(dishes.get(i).name.equals(dishName)){ return dishes.get(i); } } return null; //找不到该菜品 } public Dish addDish(String dishName,int unit_price) {//添加一道菜品信息 Dish newDish = new Dish(dishName,unit_price); dishes.add(newDish); return newDish; } } class Record { int orderNum;//序号 String dishName;//菜品 int portion;//份额(1/2/3代表小/中/大份) int num; //份数 boolean isHelp = false; int deleteNum = 0; //删除次数 int helpNum ; public Record(int orderNum,String dishName,int portion,int num){ this.orderNum = orderNum; this.dishName = dishName; this.portion = portion; this.num = num; } public int getPrice(Menu menus) {//计算本条记录的价格 Dish dish = menus.searthDish(this.dishName); if(dish == null){ return 0; } double price = 0; price = dish.getPrice(this.portion) * this.num; return (int)(Math.round(price)); } } class Order { int tableNum; int year ; int month; int day ; int hour = 25; int min = 61; int sec = 61; int[] mon_maxnum ={31,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,31}; // int error = 0; boolean isHelp = false; //boolean isWrong = false; ArrayList<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(); //存放订单每一单信息 public Order(String line) { String[] parts = line.split(" "); this.tableNum = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); //String regex = "([1-9][0-9]{3})/([0-9][0-9]|[0-9])/([0-9][0-9]|[0-9])"; String[] dateParts = parts[2].split("/"); this.year = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[0]); this.month = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[1]); this.day = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[2]); // String regex1 = "[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}"; String[] timeParts = parts[3].split("/"); this.hour = Integer.parseInt(timeParts[0]); this.min = Integer.parseInt(timeParts[1]); this.sec = Integer.parseInt(timeParts[2]); } public Record addARecord(int orderNum, String dishName, int portion, int num) {//添加一条菜品信息到订单中 Record record = new Record(orderNum, dishName, portion, num); records.add(record); return record; } public void delARecordByOrderNum(int orderNum) {//根据序号删除一条记录 for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { //重复删除,重复的删除记录输出"deduplication :"+序号。 if (records.get(i).orderNum == orderNum) { records.get(i).deleteNum++; if(records.get(i).deleteNum > 1){ System.out.println("deduplication "+orderNum); } } } } public Record findRecordByNum(int orderNum) {//根据序号查找一条记录 for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { if (records.get(i).orderNum == orderNum) { return records.get(i); } } return null; //找不到 } public Record findRecordByName(String name, int portion) {//根据序号查找一条记录 for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { if (records.get(i).dishName == name && records.get(i).portion == portion) { return records.get(i); } } return null; //找不到 } public void getTotalPrice(Menu menus){//计算订单总价 double sum = 0.0; double price = 0.0; double cost = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++){ if(0 == records.get(i).deleteNum){ if(!isWeekend() && isLunch()){ if(menus.searthDish(records.get(i).dishName).isT){ price = records.get(i).getPrice(menus) * 0.7; }else{ price = 0.6 * records.get(i).getPrice(menus); } }else if(isWeekend() && isLunch()){ price = records.get(i).getPrice(menus); }else if(isWeekend() && isLunch()){ price = records.get(i).getPrice(menus); }else if(!isWeekend() && isDinner()){ if(menus.searthDish(records.get(i).dishName).isT){ price = records.get(i).getPrice(menus) * 0.7; }else{ price = 0.8 * records.get(i).getPrice(menus); } } cost += records.get(i).getPrice(menus); sum += price; } } if(isValidTime()){ System.out.println("table"+" "+tableNum+": "+(int)(Math.round(cost))+" "+(int)(Math.round(sum))); }else{ System.out.println("table"+" "+tableNum+" out of opening hours"); } } public boolean isWeekend(){ LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(this.year, this.month, this.day); DayOfWeek week = date.getDayOfWeek(); if(week == DayOfWeek.SATURDAY || week == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY) { return true; }else { return false; } } public boolean isLunch(){ double time = hour + (min/60.0); return (time >= 10.5) && (time <= 14.5); } public boolean isDinner(){ double time = hour + (min/60.0); return (time >= 17) && (time <= 20.5); } public boolean isValidTime(){ double time =hour + (min/60.0); return ( (isWeekend() &&(time >= 9.5 && time <= 21.5)) ||(!isWeekend() && (isDinner() || isLunch())) ); } public boolean dayValidate(){ if(isLeapYear(this.year)){ mon_maxnum[2] = 29; } if(this.day >= 1 && this.day <= mon_maxnum[this.month]){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public boolean isRT(){ if(this.hour < 24 && this.min < 60 && this.sec < 60) { return true; }else{ return false; } } public boolean monthValidate(){ if(this.month >= 1 && this.month <= 12){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public boolean isLeapYear(int year){ if((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || (year% 400 == 0)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } }
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