
         Cordbg是和.Net Framework,以及Windows SDK一起ship的托管代码的调试工具,相对于VS来说,它是一个比较low-level的调试工具.


         Mdbg,是一个使用dbgeng.dll的调试接口来开发的一个开源调试工具,版本ms现在是2.0,很久没更新了,主要是如果想依托MS的调试接口来开发一个调试器的话,可以参考这个open source的调试工具实现.不过mdbg也有一些比较有意思不错的命令.



         VS2008, Shared Source CLI 2.0, Clix.exe, Cordbg (Ver 2.0)




A Victim Sample:

D:\Rotor\sscli20\binaries.x86dbg.rotor\test>type hello.cs

using System;

public class Hello


    public static void Main()


        string name = null;

        int age = 0;


        Console.Write("Enter your name: ");

        name = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.Write("Enter your age: ");

        age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.WriteLine("Welcome {0}! You are {1} years old.",name, age);






Microsoft (R) Shared Source CLI C# Compiler version 2.0.0001

for Microsoft (R) Shared Source CLI version 2.0.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.




Microsoft (R) Common Language Runtime Test Debugger Shell Version 2.0.50826.0

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.




编译victim sample:

D:\Rotor\sscli20\binaries.x86dbg.rotor\test>csc /debug+ hello.cs

Microsoft (R) Shared Source CLI C# Compiler version 2.0.0001

for Microsoft (R) Shared Source CLI version 2.0.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.




D:\Rotor\sscli20\binaries.x86dbg.rotor\test>cordbg hello.exe

Microsoft (R) Common Language Runtime Test Debugger Shell Version 2.0.50826.0

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


(cordbg) run hello.exe

Process 3036/0xbdc created.

[thread 0x6e4] Thread created.


005:     {




(cordbg) sh

001: using System;

002: public class Hello

003: {

004:     public static void Main()

005:*    {

006:         string name = null;

007:         int age = 0;


009:         Console.Write("Enter your name: ");

010:         name = Console.ReadLine();

011:         Console.Write("Enter your age: ");

012:         age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

013:         Console.WriteLine("Welcome {0}! You are {1} years old.",name, age);

014:     }

015: }




(cordbg) dis

*[IL:0000] 00:              nop

 [IL:0001] 14:              ldnull

 [IL:0002] 0a:              stloc.0

 [IL:0003] 16:              ldc.i4.0

 [IL:0004] 0b:              stloc.1

 [IL:0005] 72:01000070      ldstr       70000001




(cordbg) b hello::Main

#1      <UnknownModule>!hello::Main:0   [unbound]

(cordbg) b

#1      <UnknownModule>!hello::Main:0   [unbound]



(cordbg) w

Thread 0x6e4 Current State:Normal

0)* hello!Hello::Main +0028 in D:\Rotor\sscli20\binaries.x86dbg.rotor\test\hello


--- Managed transition ---





ss[ingle]                    Step into the next native or IL instruction

so                            Step over the next source line

si                    Step into the next source line

s[tep]                     Step into the next source line

i[n]                         Step into the next source line


(cordbg) s

006:         string name = null;




(cordbg) reg

Thread 0xf84:

EIP = 038bfdb3 ESP = 001ae75c EBP = 001ae778 EAX = 00000000 ECX = 00000000

EDX = 001aed30 EBX = 7ffd5000 ESI = 00000000 EDI = 00000000

ST0 = n/a      ST1 = n/a      ST2 = n/a      ST3 = n/a      ST4 = n/a

ST5 = n/a      ST6 = n/a      ST7 = n/a

EFL = 0246 CS = 001b CY = 0 PE = 1 AC = 0 ZR = 1 PL = 0 EI = 1 UP = 0 OV = 0


ControlWord = ffff027f StatusWord = ffff0020 TagWord = ffffffff

ErrorOffset = 79c04362 ErrorSelector = 051c001b DataOffset = 001aaf28

DataSelector = ffff0023 Cr0NpxState = 00000000



基本命令还有一些,不过大部分对经常使用基于dbgeng.dll的调试工具的人来说都不陌生.不过有一个命令使用起来特别有意思,感觉在显示call tree方面是目前为止看到最强悍的:

Wt           Track native instruction count and display call tree


 (cordbg) wt

      15         Hello::Main

      20          Console::Write

      55           Console::get_Out

      40            Console::InitializeStdOutError

      62             Console::get_InternalSyncObject

      28            Object::.ctor

      48           Console::get_InternalSyncObject

      82            Console::InitializeStdOutError

      54             Console::OpenStandardOutput

      46              Console::GetStandardFile

      24               SafeFileHandle::.ctor

      33                SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid::.ctor

      22                 SafeHandle::.ctor

      20                  CriticalFinalizerObject::.ctor

      28                 Object::.ctor

      17                CriticalFinalizerObject::.ctor

      53                 SafeHandle::.ctor

      22                  GC::.cctor

      28                 Object::.ctor

      24                 GC::.cctor

      61                GC::SuppressFinalize

       7                 SafeHandle::.ctor

      41                  BCLDebug::get_SafeHandleStackTracesEnabled

      40                   BCLDebug::CheckRegistry

      22                    AppDomain::get_CurrentDomain

      26                     Thread::GetDomain

      74                    Thread::get_CurrentThread


Async break not allowed at this time.

ControlC Trap

      62        Thread::GetDomain


    1054 instructions total







Enjoy it. Cheer!


Lbq1221119@cnblogs first posted http://sscli.cnblogs.com

2008-11-13 00:53:28 AM


posted on 2008-11-17 22:23  lbq1221119  阅读(2656)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报
