Windbg在Managed App中设置函数断点的几种方法
本文介绍两种使用Windbg在Managed App中设置断点的方法。一种是在live Debug的时候,attach到了Process之后。另外一种是动态调试的时候,如何给几个模块的特定方法下一个断点。
使用Windbg在Native Code里面下断点是比较方便的,bp加上一个内存地址就可以做到。但是在托管的时候给一个方法下一个断点稍微有点麻烦。因为Windbg是一个native Debugger,而Managed App在没有Jited的时候,是没有生成Native Code的。每个方法在第一次调用之后,才生成了native code。当然,这里不说ngen。
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine("Show Params in Windbg");
Program p = new Program();
p.ShowParams(123456, "TestParams", 'L');
public void ShowParams(int a, string b ,char c)
在使用live Debug的时候,设置一个没有本地代码的方法断点不是很麻烦,首先:
0:000> !name2ee *!FounctionParams.Program
Module: 790c2000 (mscorlib.dll)
Module: 00a82c3c (FounctionParams.exe)
Token: 0x02000002
MethodTable: 00a83038
EEClass: 00a811d8
Name: FounctionParams.Program
0:000> !dumpmt -md 00a83038
EEClass: 00a811d8
Module: 00a82c3c
Name: FounctionParams.Program
mdToken: 02000002 (E:\myProject\FounctionParams\FounctionParams\bin\Debug\FounctionParams.exe)
BaseSize: 0xc
ComponentSize: 0x0
Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 0
Slots in VTable: 7
MethodDesc Table
Entry MethodDesc JIT Name
79371278 7914b928 PreJIT System.Object.ToString()
7936b3b0 7914b930 PreJIT System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
7936b3d0 7914b948 PreJIT System.Object.GetHashCode()
793624d0 7914b950 PreJIT System.Object.Finalize()
00db0070 00a83020 JIT FounctionParams.Program.Main(System.String[])
00db0110 00a83028 JIT FounctionParams.Program.ShowParams
(Int32, System.String, Char)
00db00e0 00a83030 JIT FounctionParams.Program..ctor()
0:000> !dumpmd 00a83028
Method Name: FounctionParams.Program.ShowParams(Int32, System.String, Char)
Class: 00a811d8
MethodTable: 00a83038
mdToken: 06000002
Module: 00a82c3c
IsJitted: yes
m_CodeOrIL: 00db0110
可以看到,已经JIT过了,生成了本地的代码。列个时候,就有很多选择了,顺便看看native code:
0:000> !u 00db0110
Normal JIT generated code
FounctionParams.Program.ShowParams(Int32, System.String, Char)
Begin 00db0110, size 20
>>> 00db0110 83ec08 sub esp,8
00db0113 890c24 mov dword ptr [esp],ecx
00db0116 89542404 mov dword ptr [esp+4],edx
00db011a 833d082ea80000 cmp dword ptr ds:[0A82E08h],0
00db0121 7405 je 00db0128
00db0123 e81f823779 call mscorwks!JIT_DbgIsJustMyCode (7a128347)
00db0128 90 nop
00db0129 90 nop
00db012a 83c408 add esp,8
00db012d c20800 ret 8
0:000> bp 00db0110
0:000> !bpmd -md 00a83028
MethodDesc = 00a83028
Setting breakpoint: bp 00DB0110 [FounctionParams.Program.ShowParams(Int32, System.String, Char)]
That will work。
使用Windbg的Open Executable File菜单,打开上面编写的测试的引用程序:
0:000> sxe ld:mscorjit
0:000> g
ModLoad: 79060000 790b6000 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorjit.dll
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00d90000 edx=7c90eb94 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
eip=7c90eb94 esp=0012e554 ebp=0012e648 iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz ac pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000296
7c90eb94 c3 ret
0:000> !threads
ThreadCount: 2
UnstartedThread: 0
BackgroundThread: 1
PendingThread: 0
DeadThread: 0
Hosted Runtime: no
Hosted Runtime: no
PreEmptive GC Alloc
ID Context Domain Count APT Exception
0 1 013f16d0:013f1fe8 0015c410 2 MTA
2 2 00000000:00000000 0015c410 0 MTA (Finalizer)
0:000> !dumpdomain 0015c410
Domain 1: 0015c410
LowFrequencyHeap: 0015c434
HighFrequencyHeap: 0015c48c
StubHeap: 0015c4e4
Stage: OPEN
SecurityDescriptor: 0015d740
Name: FounctionParams.exe
Assembly: 0019f408
ClassLoader: 0019f4a0
SecurityDescriptor: 0019be58
Module Name
Assembly: 001a6b90
ClassLoader: 001a7270
SecurityDescriptor: 001a6a58
Module Name
0:000> !dumpmodule -mt 00a82c3c
Name: E:\myProject\FounctionParams\FounctionParams\bin\Debug\FounctionParams.exe
Attributes: PEFile
Assembly: 001a6b90
LoaderHeap: 00000000
TypeDefToMethodTableMap: 00a80038
TypeRefToMethodTableMap: 00a80040
MethodDefToDescMap: 00a8008c
FieldDefToDescMap: 00a8009c
MemberRefToDescMap: 00a800a0
FileReferencesMap: 00a800ec
AssemblyReferencesMap: 00a800f0
MetaData start address: 00402094 (1580 bytes)
Types defined in this module
MT TypeDef Name
00a83038 0x02000002 FounctionParams.Program
Types referenced in this module
MT TypeRef Name
790fd0f0 0x01000001 System.Object
0:000> !dumpmt -md 00a83038
EEClass: 00a811d8
Module: 00a82c3c
Name: FounctionParams.Program
mdToken: 02000002 (E:\myProject\FounctionParams\FounctionParams\bin\Debug\FounctionParams.exe)
BaseSize: 0xc
ComponentSize: 0x0
Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 0
Slots in VTable: 7
MethodDesc Table
Entry MethodDesc JIT Name
79371278 7914b928 PreJIT System.Object.ToString()
7936b3b0 7914b930 PreJIT System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
7936b3d0 7914b948 PreJIT System.Object.GetHashCode()
793624d0 7914b950 PreJIT System.Object.Finalize()
00a8c011 00a83020 NONE FounctionParams.Program.Main(System.String[])
00a8c015 00a83028 NONE FounctionParams.Program.ShowParams
(Int32, System.String, Char)
00a8c019 00a83030 NONE FounctionParams.Program..ctor()
0:000> !bpmd -md 00a83028
MethodDesc = 00a83028
Adding pending breakpoints...
Friday, October 17, 2008 6:35:12 PM
First Post at
posted on 2008-10-17 19:05 lbq1221119 阅读(2841) 评论(6) 编辑 收藏 举报