CodeGear 出品 Delphi for PHP
CodeGear即将发行 Delphi for PHP 用于快速Web开发。Delphi for PHP 提供可视化快速开发环境和组件。组件就是指开源的 VCL for PHP,包括Qooxdoo, Adodb, DynAPI, Smarty, XAjax and JSCalendar,并且支持第三方组件开发。预计三月上市,北美售价$249,另外还提供针对教研的优惠价$99。
Delphi for PHP 关键特性包括:
- RAD environment for PHP
- VCL for PHP – Open source PHP 5 visual component library with more than 50 extendable and reusable components with seamless AJAX integration
- Out-of-the-box database integration with InterBase, MySQL, Oracle®, Microsoft SQL Server, and other popular databases
Integrated PHP debugger - Deployment of PHP applications on Windows, Linux, Solaris and other platforms
- Internationalization support for applications
- Drag and drop database application development using the Data Explorer for InterBase and MySQL
- Code editor with Code Insight, Code Explorer, and Code Templates, making it easier and faster to write PHP code
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步