The Collective Purchase Requisition is used to group the Purchase Requisition items when generated 'directly' from the Project. It won't be considered when MRP process triggers the creation of Purchase Requisition.测一下Network type = MUL1的表现 MUL1在Network profile = MULU001中 依此Network profil 阅读全文
首先确定传输方式.EHP4后开始采用ESOA. 之前的版本都是IDOC传输.在Define system landscape里,检查ECC的system type. ERP_4.0意味着EHP4,系统将采用ESOA传输Central Contract.其余设置如ERP_3.0(EHP3), ERP_2.0(ERP2005)则将采用传统的IDOC进行传输. 之后,系统检查表BBP_FUNCTION_MAP.Central Contract配置步骤:1268821 SRM 7.0 / ERP 6.04: Config. of Central Contract Management ######## 阅读全文