“Determine system for tax calculation”, SRM中 表BBP_TAX_DEST
In SRM 5.0, the system determines the tax code for the new item as follows:
1. If the BADI BBP_DET_TAXCODE_BADI is implemented, the tax code would set as the one returned by this BADI
2. If the BADI could not determine a tax code, the tax code set in the customizing for product category would be taken.
3. If there is no customizing maintained, then the tax code is taken as the default one set in 'Tax Calculation -> Enter Tax Code' 表BBP_TAX
(This could be replicated from ECC side)
SAP Note:
1440008 Follow-on note of note 1150144
1039435 FAQ: Trigger of tax update (SRM)
501054 FAQ: Taxes in purchasing (ERP) 复杂得我勒个去
733042 Incorrect rules for determination of tax code