漫谈SRM主数据迁移及同步(2.1 物料主数据篇)
1. Define Output Format and Storage Form of Product ID
T-code: OMSL (ERP)
1.1 Indicator set: Numeric product IDs are stored left-justified as entered.
Defined length: 8 characters
Assigned ID: 123
Stored ID: 123
With lexicographical storage, the product IDs 123 and 0123 refer to different products. (如果不设,则123与0123视为同一物料)
1.2 Sorting: The sequence in lists and tables sorted by product ID depends on the storage form chosen.
Example of lexicographical storage
123 < 1A3 < 2 < 234
Example of non-lexicographical storage (assuming an ASCII character set)
2 < 123 < 234 < 1
The result of generic selections or of from-to selections depends on the storage form chosen. For example, with non-lexicographical storage, a selection with 5* will not find the product ID 50 because the product ID is stored in the database as 0...050.
Non-lexicographical storage can be problematic with regard to cross-system interfaces in particular. The product ID is normally transferred in the database format, but problems can occur if the sending system and receiving system have different storage forms.
If you choose non-lexicographical storage, solely numeric product IDs must not contain more than 20 characters when products are created. This is because the lower limit and upper limit of number range intervals is restricted to 20 characters.
This restriction does not apply to lexicographical storage because the product ID is stored left-justified as entered and can be checked from left to right against the number range interval.
Lower limit | 10000000000000000000 |
Upper limit | 19999999999999999999 |
Product ID to be checked | 111111111111111111111111111111 |
With non-lexicographical storage, the product ID is not within the number range interval because it is larger than the upper limit.
With lexicographical storage, the product ID is within the number range interval because the product ID is not interpreted as a number, but as a character (see also under Sorting).
2. Setting the Middleware Parameters in SAP SRM
发送端(ECC)的配置是标准的..仅需在SRM端配置 T-code SMOEAC
3. Configure Settings in ECC for SAP SRM Master Data
3.1 CRMCONSUM (对于单个SRM,则只需维护一行. 如果有多个SRM系统/clients, 则维护多行)

3.2 CRMSUBTAB(对于CRMCONSUM创建的每个USER,需要维护Obj. Class如Customizing, Material, Serivce, 下图其实维护的不对,仅作参考)

3.3 CRMRFCPAR (对于CRMCONSUM创建的每个USER,需要维护RFC Destination, Load Type, Inqueue Flag, Send XML Flag等数据)


5. Activate BC-MID and ND1 in TBE11

6. Deactivate CRM-Specific Middleware Settings in SAP SRM

MATERIAL (material master)
DNL_CUST_PROD0(material types, product number conversions)
DNL_CUST_PROD1(material groups)
SERVICE_MASTER(service master)
DNL_CUST_SRVMAS(service category)

T-code SMOGGEN: Generate material BDOC

SAP Note
430980 CRM Server: Analysis in delta data exchange R/3->CRM,
720819 Middleware consumer entry for SRM in OLTP system