windows10 wsl start consul fail

today I want start one service use consul on my local environment wsl(ubuntu) on windows10,so I download consul from,copy consul to /usr/local/bin ,then I use start script copy from server  and change some configure,such as ip ,but it failed and shows "syslog setup did not succeed within timeout (1m0s)",it seems less info from  internet ,but the docs is so sample from ;  so I just try it with less params ; 

the complete cmd : 

 consul agent  -syslog -data-dir /home/w/consul/data -bind= -node=client2 -rejoin -pid-file=/home/w/consul/ -client -join= -ui

so I just use 

 consul agent -data-dir /home/w/consul/data -bind= -node=client2 -rejoin -pid-file=/home/w/consul/ -client -join= -ui

it seems start, but fast show other error message ,such as : 

 2021-05-08T16:35:26.348+0800 [ERROR] agent.client: RPC failed to server: method=Catalog.NodeServiceList server= error="rpc error making call: rpc: can't find method Catalog.NodeServiceList"
    2021-05-08T16:35:26.365+0800 [INFO]  agent: Synced node info
    2021-05-08T16:35:26.585+0800 [ERROR] agent.client: RPC failed to server: method=Catalog.NodeServiceList server= error="rpc error making call: rpc: can't find method Catalog.NodeServiceList"
    2021-05-08T16:35:41.748+0800 [ERROR] agent: Failed to check for updates: error="Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"
    2021-05-08T16:36:30.663+0800 [ERROR] agent.client: RPC failed to server: method=Catalog.NodeServiceList server= error="rpc error making call: rpc: can't find method Catalog.NodeServiceList"
    2021-05-08T16:37:28.817+0800 [ERROR] agent.client: RPC failed to server: method=Internal.ServiceDump server= error="rpc error making call: rpc: can't find method Internal.ServiceDump"
    2021-05-08T16:37:28.818+0800 [ERROR] agent.http: Request error: method=GET url=/v1/internal/ui/services?dc=dc1 from=[::1]:53100 error="rpc error making call: rpc: can't find method Internal.ServiceDump"


so I think the client version may not math server


use  "consul version"  command to query  server and client version ; 

Consul v1.4.0 (server)

Consul v1.9.0 (client)

so I copy server consul from bin  to client ,all success ; 

In windows10  WSL  not support "-syslog " flag ,so it should be removed ,otherwise ,you must make sure client and server consul version is the same




posted on 2021-05-08 17:21  阅读(345)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
