



source code(跳台阶):

package niuke;

public class 跳台阶 {
    public static int Solution1(int i,int n){
        if(i > n) return 0;
        //the step number is more than the whole step,
        // it isn't a correct result, so return the 0
        if(i == n) return 1;
        //the step number is equal with the whole steps
        //so return 1
        return Solution1(i+1,n) + Solution1(i+2,n);

    public static int Solution2(int i,int n,int[] memo){//which cut the branches unnecessary
        if(i > n) return 0;
        if(i == n) return 1;
        if(memo[i] > 0) return memo[i];
        memo[i] = Solution2(i + 1,n,memo) + Solution2(i + 2,n,memo);
        return memo[i];



source code(变态跳台阶):

package niuke;

public class 变态跳台阶 {

    private static int Solution1(int i, int n) {//simulate _brute-force method
        if (i > n) return 0;
        if (i == n) return 1;
        int sum = 0;
        for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
            sum += Solution1(i + j, n);
        return sum;

    private static int Solution2(int i, int n, int[] memo) {
        if (i > n) return 0;
        if (i == n) return 1;
        if (memo[i] > 0) return memo[i];
        for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
            memo[i] += Solution2(i + j, n, memo);
        return memo[i];








posted @ 2020-02-02 17:18  醉生梦死_0423  阅读(268)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报