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本来想试试昨天的TopCoder(R) Single Round 的的,起得太晚了,没赶上Registration ,哎~~~可惜。。。

SubstitutionCode  Point 250
 Division Two - Level One

Problem Statement for SubstitutionCode

Problem Statement

     A simple, easy to remember system for encoding integer amounts can be very useful. For example, dealers at flea markets put the information about an item on a card that they let potential buyers see. They find it advantageous to encode the amount they originally paid for the item on the card.

A good system is to use a substitution code, in which each digit is encoded by a letter. An easy to remember 10-letter word or phrase, the key, is chosen. Every '1' in the value is replaced by the first letter of the key, every '2' is replaced by the second letter of the key, and so on. Every '0' is replaced by the last letter of the key. Letters that do not appear in the key can be inserted anywhere without affecting the value represented by the code.. This helps to make the resulting code much harder to break (without knowing the key).

Create a class SubstitutionCode that contains the method getValue that is given the Strings key and code as input and that returns the decoded value.



Class: SubstitutionCode
Method: getValue
Parameters: String, String
Returns: int
Method signature: int getValue(String key, String code)
(be sure your method is public)


- code contains between 1 and 9 characters inclusive, all uppercase letters 'A'-'Z'
- code contains at least one letter that is found in key
- key contains exactly 10 uppercase letters 'A'-'Z', all distinct from each other


Returns: 709
The L,X, and V are ignored since they do not appear in the key. G is the seventh letter in the key, W is the 10th letter, and E is the 9th letter.
Returns: 0
Returns: 6

This problem statement is the exclusive and proprietary property of TopCoder, Inc. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this information without the prior written consent of TopCoder, Inc. is strictly prohibited. (c)2005, TopCoder, Inc. All rights reserved.

BridgePts  Point 500
 Division Two - Level Two

Problem Statement for BridgePts

Problem Statement

     A deck of cards contains 52 cards. Each card has a suit (Clubs,Diamonds,Hearts,Spades) and a value (Ace,2,3,...,9,10,Jack,Queen,King). In the game of bridge a hand consists of 13 cards from the deck.

A player needs to evaluate his hand, giving it a point value. The standard method is as follows: count 4 points for each Ace, 3 points for each King, 2 points for each Queen, and 1 point for each Jack. For each suit, count 1 point if the hand contains exactly two cards of that suit, 2 points if exactly one card, and 3 points if the hand contains no cards of that suit. The point value of the hand is the sum of all these points.

Create a class BridgePts that contains a method pointValue that is given a int[] hand and that returns the point value of the hand.

Each element of hand indicates a card. The clubs are numbered 1 to 13, the diamonds are 14 to 26, the hearts are numbered 27 to 39, and the spades are numbered 40 to 52. Within each suit, the cards are numbered in the order Ace, 2, 3, ..., 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King. So, for example, the King of Hearts is numbered 39 and the Ace of Spades is numbered 40.



Class: BridgePts
Method: pointValue
Parameters: int[]
Returns: int
Method signature: int pointValue(int[] hand)
(be sure your method is public)


- hand will contain exactly 13 elements, all distinct.
- Each element of hand will have a value between 1 and 52 inclusive.


Returns: 19
This hand contains all diamonds, so it has one Ace, one King, one Queeen, and one Jack, and it contains no cards in three suits. So its point value is 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 19.
Returns: 0
This hand contains only 2's, 3's, 4's and one 5. It has 3 or 4 cards in each suit.

This problem statement is the exclusive and proprietary property of TopCoder, Inc. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this information without the prior written consent of TopCoder, Inc. is strictly prohibited. (c)2005, TopCoder, Inc. All rights reserved.

TimeCard  Point 1000
 Division Two - Level Three

Problem Statement for TimeCard

Problem Statement

     When I start my shift at work I punch in my starting time, and when I leave I punch out. The times are printed on a card using exactly 8 characters in the format
where hh is the 2 digit representation of the hour, mm is the 2 digit representation of the minute, and xx is either am or pm. The ':' and ',' are literal. "12:00,am" denotes midnight, while "12:00,pm" denotes noon.

The difference between that time I punch in and the time I punch out is the amount of time I have worked so, for example, if I punch in at 03:33pm and punch out at 03:34pm I have worked 1 minute.

No shift is allowed to be more than 20 hours long. This is my last shift of the week and I am supposed to work 40 hours during the week. Create a class TimeCard that contains a method leave that is given a String[] time of all the times on this week's timecard and that returns a String (using the same format) that tells when I can leave and have exactly 40 hours for the week. Return "BELOW 40" or "ABOVE 40" if it is not possible to get exactly 40 hours. In all cases, the return should contain exactly 8 characters.

The elements of time alternate: punch in time, punch out time, punch in time, ... with the final element being the time I just punched in on my final shift.



Class: TimeCard
Method: leave
Parameters: String[]
Returns: String
Method signature: String leave(String[] time)
(be sure your method is public)


- time will contain an odd number of elements between 1 and 49 inclusive.
- Each element of time will be formatted as above.
- In each element of time hh will be between 01 and 12 inclusive.
- In each element of time mm will be between 00 and 59 inclusive.
- time will contain no shift that exceeds 20 hours in duration.


Returns: "BELOW 40"
This is my one and only shift, and I am only allowed to work 20 hours on a shift.
Returns: "05:00,pm"
I have worked 4 previous shifts of 8 hours, so I need 8 hours on this shift to make 40.
Returns: "12:00,am"
I have already worked 2 shifts of 20 hours so I already have exactly 40 hours. I should go home immediately.
Returns: "12:00,pm"
Returns: "12:51,pm"

This problem statement is the exclusive and proprietary property of TopCoder, Inc. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this information without the prior written consent of TopCoder, Inc. is strictly prohibited. (c)2005, TopCoder, Inc. All rights reserved.

posted on 2005-08-10 13:48  laughterwym  阅读(518)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报