esp32 arduino环境 udp serial收发实验
#include <WiFi.h> #include <WiFiUdp.h> #include "WString.h" typedef void(*funcSlice)(); enum TaskType { TaskTypeLed, TaskTypeChipInfo, TaskTypeSerialRecv, TaskTypeUDPRecv, TaskTypeCount }; enum Status { LedStatusOff = HIGH, LedStatusOn = LOW }; struct GlobalParam { uint32_t chipId; uint32_t uruntimemsec; uint32_t uledPin; uint32_t uledValue; uint16_t uUdpPort; bool bLedBlink; bool wifiConnected; IPAddress udpPeerHost; uint16_t udpPeerPort; String strCache; }; struct ProgramBlock { uint32_t runLast; uint32_t runSlice; funcSlice func; }; ProgramBlock pb[TaskTypeCount] = {0}; GlobalParam param = {0}; //The udp library class WiFiUDP udp; void showUsage() { Serial.println("============== menu =============="); Serial.println("?: help menu"); Serial.println("s: status info"); Serial.println("=================================="); } void showStatus() { Serial.println("=============== status ============="); Serial.printf("chip Id:%d\n", param.chipId); Serial.print("wifi connected:"); Serial.println(param.wifiConnected); Serial.print("local ip:"); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.printf("has run time(misecs):%d\n", param.uruntimemsec); Serial.print("led blink:"); Serial.println(param.bLedBlink); Serial.printf("udp listen port:%d\n", param.uUdpPort); Serial.print("udp peer host:"); Serial.println(param.udpPeerHost.toString()); Serial.printf("udp peer port:%d\n", param.udpPeerPort); Serial.println("===================================="); } void initUDP() { param.uUdpPort = 10888; udp.begin(param.uUdpPort); param.udpPeerHost.fromString(""); param.udpPeerPort = 11888; } void sendUDP(String str) { udp.beginPacket(param.udpPeerHost,param.udpPeerPort); udp.println(str); udp.endPacket(); } void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event){ switch(event) { case SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP: //When connected set Serial.print("WiFi connected! IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); //initializes the UDP state //This initializes the transfer buffer // udp.begin(WiFi.localIP(),udpPort); param.wifiConnected = true; pb[TaskTypeLed].runSlice = 1000; param.bLedBlink = true; initUDP(); break; case SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED: Serial.println("WiFi lost connection"); param.wifiConnected = false; pb[TaskTypeLed].runSlice = 3000; param.bLedBlink = false; param.uledValue = LedStatusOff; break; default: break; } } void connectToWIFI() { WiFi.disconnect(true); WiFi.onEvent(WiFiEvent); WiFi.begin("wifi_ssid", "wifi_password"); } void taskChipInfo() { // Serial.printf("time[%d] run taskChipInfo\n", param.uruntimemsec); param.chipId = 0; for(int i=0; i<17; i=i+8) { param.chipId |= ((ESP.getEfuseMac() >> (40 - i)) & 0xff) << i; } // Serial.printf("ESP32 Chip model = %s Rev %d\n", ESP.getChipModel(), ESP.getChipRevision()); // Serial.printf("This chip has %d cores\n", ESP.getChipCores()); // Serial.print("Chip ID: "); // Serial.println(chipId); } void taskLed() { // Serial.printf("time[%d] run taskLed\n", param.uruntimemsec); if(param.bLedBlink) { if(LedStatusOff == param.uledValue){ param.uledValue = LedStatusOn; }else{ param.uledValue = LedStatusOff; } } digitalWrite(param.uledPin, param.uledValue); } void parseData() { while(param.strCache.length()) { int index = param.strCache.indexOf('\n'); if(index < 0){ return; } String strwhole = param.strCache.substring(0, index); param.strCache.remove(0, index+1); Serial.printf("whole len:%d ", strwhole.length()); Serial.println(strwhole); // Serial.printf("equal ret:%d\n", ret); if(strwhole.equals(String('?'))) { showUsage(); }else if(strwhole.equalsIgnoreCase(String('s'))) { showStatus(); } } } void taskSerialRecv() { while(Serial.available()) { char nch =; param.strCache += nch; } parseData(); } char buffUdpRecv[255] = {0}; void taskUDPRecv() { if(!param.wifiConnected){ return; } // Serial.printf("time %d run taskUDPRecv\n", param.uruntimemsec); int len = udp.parsePacket(); if(len <= 0){ return; } IPAddress phost = udp.remoteIP(); uint16_t pport = udp.remotePort(); param.udpPeerHost = phost; param.udpPeerPort = pport;, len); buffUdpRecv[len] = '\n'; buffUdpRecv[len+1] = 0; param.strCache += buffUdpRecv; parseData(); } void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); pb[TaskTypeChipInfo].runLast = 0; pb[TaskTypeChipInfo].runSlice = 2000; pb[TaskTypeChipInfo].func = taskChipInfo; pb[TaskTypeLed].runLast = 0; pb[TaskTypeLed].runSlice = 1000; pb[TaskTypeLed].func = taskLed; pb[TaskTypeSerialRecv].runLast = 0; pb[TaskTypeSerialRecv].runSlice = 40; pb[TaskTypeSerialRecv].func = taskSerialRecv; pb[TaskTypeUDPRecv].runLast = 0; pb[TaskTypeUDPRecv].runSlice = 40; pb[TaskTypeUDPRecv].func = taskUDPRecv; param.uledPin = GPIO_ID_PIN(22); param.uledValue = LedStatusOff; pinMode(param.uledPin, OUTPUT); taskLed(); connectToWIFI(); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: param.uruntimemsec = millis(); for(int t = 0; t < TaskTypeCount; t++) { if(param.uruntimemsec - pb[t].runLast > pb[t].runSlice) { pb[t].runLast = param.uruntimemsec; pb[t].func(); } } }