随笔- 191  文章- 0  评论- 3  阅读- 59242 
@echo off
echo "please make sure you update your yml config file!!!"

set current_dir=%cd%
set client_dir=D:\Desktop\test\zhiyi6\zhiyiFrontend
set admin_dir=D:\Desktop\test\zhiyi6\zhiyiAdmin


echo "please select your option:"
echo "0. close running java.exe"
echo "1. pack client frontend"
echo "2. pack admin frontend"
echo "3. pack backend"
echo "4. send client to test folder"
echo "5. send admin to test folder"
echo "6. send backend to test folder"
echo "7. start backend"
echo "8. reload nginx"
echo "9. exit after execute!"
set /p options=

echo your option is: %options%

echo %options% | findstr "0" >nul && (
    echo "close java.exe"
    ssh administrator@ "taskkill -f -im java.exe"

echo %options% | findstr "1" >nul && (
    echo "pack client frontend"
    cd %client_dir% && call npm run build

echo %options% | findstr "2" >nul && (
    echo "pack admin frontend"
    cd %admin_dir% && call npm run build

echo %options% | findstr "3" >nul && (
    echo "pack backend"
    cd %current_dir% && call mvn clean package

echo %options% | findstr "4" >nul && (
    echo "send client to test folder"
    scp -r %client_dir%/client administrator@\zhiyi7\nginx\html\
echo %options% | findstr "5" >nul && (
    echo "send admin to test folder"
    scp -r %admin_dir%/admin administrator@\zhiyi7\nginx\html\
echo %options% | findstr "6" >nul && (
    echo "send backend to test folder"
    scp %current_dir%/scaffold-web/target/scaffold-web.jar administrator@\zhiyi7\java\
echo %options% | findstr "7" >nul && (
    echo "start backend"
    start ssh administrator@ "java -jar E:\zhiyi7\java\scaffold-web.jar"
echo %options% | findstr "8" >nul && (
    echo "reload nginx"
    ssh administrator@ "cd E:/zhiyi7/nginx && nginx.exe -s reload"

echo %options% | findstr "9" >nul && exit

echo "script ending..."
goto restart


 posted on   laremehpe  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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