向字典 a_dict=dict(a=2,b=3)添加 a_dict.a # 2属性

class Struct(dict):
>>> o = Struct({'a':1})
>>> o.a
>>> 1
>>> o.b
>>> None
def __init__(self, *e, **f):
if e:
if f:

def __getattr__(self, name):
# Pickle is trying to get state from your object, and dict doesn't implement it.
# Your __getattr__ is being called with "__getstate__" to find that magic method,
# and returning None instead of raising AttributeError as it should.
if name.startswith('__'):
raise AttributeError
return self.get(name)

def __setattr__(self, name, val):
self[name] = val

def __delattr__(self, name):
self.pop(name, None)

def __hash__(self):
return id(self)

def copy(self):
return Struct(dict.copy(self))

a_dict=dict(a=2, b=3)
b_dict=Struct(a=2, b=3)
print(a_dict.a) # 2
print(b_dict.a) # 2
posted @ 2019-08-14 16:28  wxl106  阅读(412)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报