

The steps and tips of installing the ncnn+protobuf envs on Windows.

Since the guide of installing and building Ncnn on Windows on the Official Site can't actually lead me correctly:

I've found some other resources to build the Ncnn on my computer.

1: A Standalone Project

This project doesn't rely on the envs. All the resources of the 3rd party are included in the project.

But it relys on the VS201x v120 toolset.

2: A Project based on Ncnn

If the envs on your computer can't be compatible with the 1: A Standalone Project,the project listed in the above can lead you successfully. There is the guide written in markdown to build the project. Following the guide, you can also build ncnn and protobuf as 3rd parties into the project.

Modification of the

(1) Protobuf:

(a) Download Protobuf:
Ncnn relys on Protobuf, as the auther of the Ncnn listed on the Ncnn's official site, I recommend you to use the version 3.4.0


(b) Build Protobuf:

Unzip the resources of Protobuf, now the folder's default name is protobuf-3.4.0

Use the System command prompt:cmd.exe

Goto the folder"cmake"under the folder "protobuf-3.4.0", by:

cd YourOwnPath\protobuf-3.4.0 cd cmake

Create a new folder called "build", by:

mkdir build cd build

Then build the Protobuf, by:

cmake .. -Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -Dprotobuf_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME=OFF -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

*Attention: The last param "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" is according to the Visual Studio on your computer. You need to modify it.

Use the File Explorer to open the protobuf.sln under the YourOwnPath\protobuf-3.4.0\cmake\build

Modify the platform to "Release" and "x64", and then build it.


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posted @ 2020-04-28 15:28  老三的博客  阅读(375)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报