js 练习
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44 }); 45 46 $("#show").click(function () { 47 $(".c_div_showhidenotify").show(); 48 }); 49 $("input[name='act_start_time'],input[name='act_stop_time']").datetimepicker();//datetimepicker 50 meetroomQuery(); 51 function meetroomQuery() { 52 53 var urlajax = "../Handler/HandlerComMeetRoomsList.ashx?MeetRoomsFlag=All" 54 $.ajax( 55 { 56 url: urlajax,//submit to HandlerMeetRoomApplyForm.ashx page 57 type: "post", 58 async: false, 59 dataType: "json", 60 data: { method: "Add" }, 61 success: function (arr) { 62 var en = {}; 63 64 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { 65 $('.cselect2').append("<option value='" + arr[i].MeetRoomsId + "'>" + arr[i].MeetRoomsName + "</option>"); 66 } 67 //$(".cselect2").prepend("<option value='0' selected='selected'>--请选择--</option>"); 68 69 70 }, 71 error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("新增失败=>" + textStatus); alert('新增失败!'); } 72 }); 73 } 74 }); 75 </script> 76 </asp:content> 77 <asp:content id="Content1" contentplaceholderid="PlaceHolderMain" runat="Server"> 78 <div class="wrap"> 79 <div class="contentDiv"> 80 <div class="inCon"> 81 <div class="right"> 82 <div class="InRight"></div> 83 <div class="tableDiv" style="height:200%"> 84 <span class="spanhead c_margintop">会议室名称:</span> 85 <select class="cselect2"></select><br> 86 <span class="spanhead c_margintop">会议时间:</span> 87 <input name="act_start_time" type="text"id="meetingStartTime" class="text-box" 88 value="2016/12/28 16:08" placeholder="开始时间≥当前时间" title="开始时间≥当前时间" readonly="readonly" style="cursor:pointer;"/> 89 <input name="act_stop_time" type="text" id="meetingStopTime" class="text-box" 90 value="2016/12/30 16:08" placeholder="结束时间>开始时间" title="结束时间>开始时间" readonly="readonly" style="cursor:pointer;"/><br> 91 <span class="spanhead c_margintop">会议要求:</span> 92 <textarea id="textid1" placeholder="会议安排要求">会议要求</textarea> 93 <br> 94 <span class="spanhead c_margintop">会议备注:</span> 95 <textarea id="textid2" placeholder="会议备注">会议备注</textarea> <br> 96 <span class="spanhead c_margintop">会议人员:</span><br /> 97 <div style="width:1200px;height:300px;margin-left: 80px;"> 98 <div style="margin:10px 0"> 99 <a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" onclick="insert()">添加内部人员</a> 100 <a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" onclick="insert2()"style="margin-left: 320px;">添加外部人员</a> 101 </div> 102 <div class="aa" style="width: 450px; float: left;"> 103 <table id="tt" ></table> 104 </div> 105 <div class="aa" style="width: 550px;float: left"> 106 <table id="tt2" ></table> 107 </div> 108 </div> 109 <div class="c_div_IssendNotify" id="id_div_IssendNotify"> 110 <span class="c_span_IssendNotifyTitle">会议通知:</span> 111 <span class="currentdefault current" id="show">是</span> 112 <span class="currentdefault" id="hide">否</span> 113 <div class="c_div_showhidenotify" style="margin-left: 80px;"> 114 <textarea class="c_txtr_title" placeholder="通知标题">通知标题</textarea><br /> 115 <textarea class="c_txtr_content" placeholder="通知内容">通知内容</textarea><br /> 116 </div> 117 </div> 118 <div> 119 120 </div> 121 122 <div id="id_div_upload"class="c_div_upload" >上传材料:</div> 123 124 <%--<div class="mybtn" id="btnUpdate">更新会议室</div>--%> 125 <div class="c_div_save_submit_return" style="text-align:center;line-height:18px"> 126 <div class="c_div_save diyi"" id="id_div_save" >保存会议申请</div> 127 <div class="c_div_submit dier" id="id_div_submit">提交会议申请</div> 128 <div class="c_div_return disan" id="id_div_return"onclick="javascript:history.go(-1);">返回</div> 129 </div> 130 </div> 131 </div> 132 </div> 133 </div> 134 </div> 135 <script> 136 137 var url = window.location.href; 138 var entity = {}; 139 function GetQueryString(name) 140 { 141 var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); 142 var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg); 143 if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; 144 } 145 var urlpara = GetQueryString("MeetAppId"); 146 console.log("==>modify para===="); 147 if (urlpara != null && urlpara.toString().length >= 1) // 148 { 149 console.log("==>entry form_Update_pages!"); 150 $(function () { 151 Query(); 152 $(".InRight").text("会议申请更新"); 153 $(".c_div_submit").text("提交会议申请更新"); 154 $(".c_div_submit").bind("click", submitUpdate); 155 function GetQueryString(name) { 156 var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); 157 var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg); 158 if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; 159 } 160 console.log("entry form_query!"); 161 function Query() { 162 var urlajax = "../Handler/HandlerMeetingApplicantList.ashx?MeetAppFlag=Detail&MeetAppId=" + urlpara; 163 modifyPara(); 164 $.ajax({ 165 url: urlajax,//Query 166 success: function (arr) 167 { 168 alert(arr) 169 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) 170 { 171 $(".cselect1").val(en.MeetRoomsName); 172 $(".cselect2").val(en.MeetRoomsCheckEmployer); 173 var span1 = $("#span1").find("span"); 174 for (var j = 0; j < span1.length; j++) 175 { 176 if ($(span1[j]).text() == en.MeetRoomsState) 177 { 178 $(span1[j]).toggleClass('current').siblings().removeClass('current'); 179 } 180 } 181 } 182 }, 183 error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { 184 alert('查询错误!'); 185 } 186 }); 187 } 188 console.log("==>entry form_Update submit"); 189 function submitUpdate() { 190 console.log("test submitUpdate start!"); 191 modifyPara(); 192 entity.MeetRoomsId = urlpara; 193 var urlajax = "../Handler/HandlerMeetingApplicant.ashx?MeetAppFlag=Update&" 194 $.ajax({ 195 url: urlajax,//submit to HandlerMeetRoomApplyForm.ashx page 196 type: "post", 197 async: false, 198 dataType: "text", 199 data: { method: "Update",req: JSON.stringify(entity) }, 200 success: function (arr) 201 { 202 if (arr) 203 { 204 console.log("更新返回值:" + arr); 205 window.location.href = './req_list.aspx'; 206 } 207 }, 208 error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) 209 { 210 alert('错误!'); 211 } 212 }); 213 } 214 }); 215 } 216 else 217 { 218 console.log("=>entry form_Add_pages!"); 219 $(function () 220 { 221 $("input[name='act_start_time'],input[name='act_stop_time']").datetimepicker();//datetimepicker 222 $(".InRight").text("新增会议申请"); 223 $(".c_div_submit").text("提交会议申请申请"); 224 $(".c_div_submit").bind("click", submitDo); 225 function submitDo() 226 { 227 var entity = {}; 228 var MeetRoomsId = $(".cselect2").val();//会议室名称 229 if (MeetRoomsId == 0 || MeetRoomsId==null) 230 { 231 alert("请选择会议室"); return false; 232 } 233 var MeetAppStartT = $("#meetingStartTime").val(); 234 if (MeetAppStartT =="" || MeetAppStartT == null) { 235 alert("请选择开始时间"); return false; 236 } 237 var MeetAppEndT = $("#meetingStopTime").val(); 238 if (MeetAppEndT == "" || MeetAppEndT == null) { 239 alert("请选择结束时间"); return false; 240 } 241 var MeetAppFixedClaims = $("#textid1").val(); 242 if (MeetAppFixedClaims == "" || MeetAppFixedClaims == null) { 243 alert("请填写会议要求"); return false; 244 } 245 var MeetAppRemark = $("#textid2").val(); 246 if (MeetAppRemark == "" || MeetAppRemark == null) { 247 alert("请填写会议内容"); return false; 248 } 249 var MeetAppSendMeetNotice = $(".c_div_IssendNotify > .current").html(); 250 var MeetNoticeTitle = $(".c_txtr_title").val(); 251 var MeetNoticeContent = $(".c_txtr_content").val(); 252 if (MeetAppSendMeetNotice == "是") 253 { 254 if (MeetNoticeTitle == "" || MeetNoticeTitle == null) { 255 alert("请填写会议通知标题"); return false; 256 } 257 if (MeetNoticeContent == "" || MeetNoticeContent == null) { 258 alert("请填写会议通知内容"); return false; 259 } 260 } 261 entity.MeetRoomsId = MeetRoomsId; 262 entity.MeetRoomsId = MeetRoomsId, 263 entity.MeetAppStartT = MeetAppStartT, 264 entity.MeetAppEndT = MeetAppEndT, 265 entity.MeetAppFixedClaims = MeetAppFixedClaims, 266 entity.MeetAppRemark = MeetAppRemark, 267 entity.MeetNoticeTitle = MeetNoticeTitle, 268 entity.MeetNoticeContent = MeetNoticeContent, 269 entity.MeetAppSendMeetNotice = MeetAppSendMeetNotice; 270 271 /*-------------内部人员----------------------------*/ 272 var rowsData = $('#tt').datagrid('getRows'); 273 var insideusers = []; 274 if (rowsData == "" || rowsData == null) { alert("请选择会议内部人员"); return false; } 275 $.each(rowsData, function (i) { 276 var loc = { 277 "MeetInsiderTitle": rowsData[i].MeetInsiderTitle, 278 "MeetInsiderPeo": rowsData[i].MeetInsiderPeo 279 }; 280 insideusers.push(loc); 281 }); 282 entity.ListInsider = insideusers; 283 284 /*-------------外部人员----------------------------*/ 285 var rowsDatatt2 = $('#tt2').datagrid('getRows'); 286 var outsideusers = []; 287 $.each(rowsDatatt2, function (i) { 288 var loc = { 289 "MeetOutsidersTitle": rowsDatatt2[i].MeetOutsidersTitle, 290 "MeetUnitName": rowsDatatt2[i].MeetUnitName, 291 "MeetOutsidersTel": rowsDatatt2[i].MeetOutsidersTel, 292 "MeetOutsidersMail": rowsDatatt2[i].MeetOutsidersMail 293 }; 294 outsideusers.push(loc); 295 }); 296 entity.ListOutsiders = outsideusers; 297 298 /*-------------会议通知----------------------------*/ 299 entity.MeetNotice = {}; 300 entity.MeetNotice.MeetNoticeTitle = MeetNoticeTitle; 301 entity.MeetNotice.MeetNoticeContent = MeetNoticeContent; 302 /*-------------会议材料----------------------------*/ 303 var MeetMaterialId = ""; 304 entity.MeetMaterialId = MeetMaterialId; 305 var urlajax = "../Handler/HandlerMeetingApplicant.ashx?MeetAppFlag=Add" 306 $.ajax( 307 { 308 url: urlajax,//submit to HandlerMeetRoomApplyForm.ashx page 309 type: "post", 310 async: false, 311 dataType: "json", 312 data: { method: "Add", req: JSON.stringify(entity) }, 313 success: function (arr) 314 { 315 alert("新增成功11=>" + urlajax + JSON.stringify(entity).toLocaleString() + 316 "==>" + "返回标识符:" + arr.ResultMsg + "返回结果:" + arr.ResultMsg); 317 // window.location.href = './req_list.aspx'; 318 319 }, 320 error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { 321 console.log("新增失败=>" + textStatus); alert('新增失败!'); 322 } 323 }); 324 } 325 }); 326 } 327 328 </script> 329 <script> 330 $(function() 331 { 332 $('#id_div_upload').Huploadify({ 333 dataType: "json", 334 auto: true, 335 fileTypeExts: '*.*;', 336 multi: true, 337 formData: { key: 123456, key2: 'vvvv' }, 338 fileSizeLimit: 9999, 339 showUploadedPercent: true,//是否实时显示上传的百分比,如20% 340 showUploadedSize: true, 341 removeTimeout: 9999999, 342 uploader: '../Handler/HandlerMeetingMaterial.ashx?MeetMaterialFlag=Add', 343 onUploadStart: function () { 344 console.log('开始上传'); 345 }, 346 onInit: function () { 347 console.log('初始化'); 348 }, 349 onUploadComplete: function (result) { 350 351 var str = JSON.stringify(result); 352 console.log(str); 353 // var str = eval('[{ResultMsg: "OK", ResultFlag: "5"}]'); 354 //$.each(str, function () { 355 // alert(this.ResultMsg + this.ResultFlag); 356 //}); 357 358 }, 359 onUploadSuccess: function (result) 360 { 361 var str = JSON.stringify(result); 362 alert("上传成功!"+str); 363 }, 364 onDelete: function (file) { 365 console.log('删除的文件:' + file); 366 console.log(file); 367 } 368 }); 369 370 }); 371 $(function() 372 { 373 $('#tt').datagrid( 374 { 375 title: '内部人员', 376 //iconCls: 'icon-edit', 377 width:420, 378 height: 250, 379 singleSelect: true, 380 idField: 'itemid', 381 // url: '../Handler/HandlerMeetingInsider.ashx?MeetInsiderFlag=Add', 382 columns: [[ 383 //{ field: 'No', title: '序号', width: 60 }, 384 { field: 'MeetInsiderTitle', title: '姓名', width:100, editor: 'text', align: 'center'}, 385 { field: 'MeetInsiderPeo', title: '会议人员', width: 120, align: 'center', editor: 'text' }, 386 { 387 field: 'action', title: '操作', width: 80, align: 'center', 388 formatter: function (value, row, index) { 389 if (row.editing) { 390 var s = '<a href="#" onclick="saverow(this)">保存</a> '; 391 var c = '<a href="#" onclick="cancelrow(this)">取消</a>'; 392 return s + c; 393 } else { 394 var e = '<a href="#" onclick="editrow(this)">编辑</a> '; 395 var d = '<a href="#" onclick="deleterow(this)">删除</a>'; 396 return e + d; 397 } 398 } 399 } 400 ]], 401 onBeforeEdit: function (index, row) { 402 row.editing = true; 403 updateActions(index); 404 }, 405 onAfterEdit: function (index, row) { 406 row.editing = false; 407 updateActions(index); 408 }, 409 onCancelEdit: function (index, row) { 410 row.editing = false; 411 updateActions(index); 412 } 413 }); 414 415 }); 416 $(function () { 417 $('#tt2').datagrid( 418 { 419 title: '外部人员', 420 //iconCls: 'icon-edit', 421 width: 500, 422 height: 250, 423 singleSelect: true, 424 idField: 'itemid', 425 // url: '../Handler/HandlerMeetingOutsiders.ashx?MeetOutsidersFlag=Add', 426 columns: [[ 427 //{ field: 'No', title: '序号', width: 50 }, 428 { field: 'MeetOutsidersTitle', title: '姓名', width: 100, editor: 'text', align: 'center' }, 429 { field: 'MeetUnitName', title: '单位名称', width: 100, editor: 'text', align: 'center' }, 430 { field: 'MeetOutsidersTel', title: '手机号', width: 100, editor: 'text', align: 'center' }, 431 { field: 'MeetOutsidersMail', title: '邮箱', width: 80, editor: 'text', align: 'center' }, 432 433 { 434 field: 'action', title: '操作', width: 80, align: 'center', 435 formatter: function (value, row, index) { 436 if (row.editing) { 437 var s = '<a href="#" onclick="saverow2(this)">保存</a> '; 438 var c = '<a href="#" onclick="cancelrow2(this)">取消</a>'; 439 return s + c; 440 } else { 441 var e = '<a href="#" onclick="editrow2(this)">编辑</a> '; 442 var d = '<a href="#" onclick="deleterow2(this)">删除</a>'; 443 return e + d; 444 } 445 } 446 } 447 ]], 448 onBeforeEdit: function (index, row) { 449 row.editing = true; 450 updateActions2(index); 451 }, 452 onAfterEdit: function (index, row) { 453 row.editing = false; 454 updateActions2(index); 455 }, 456 onCancelEdit: function (index, row) { 457 row.editing = false; 458 updateActions2(index); 459 } 460 }); 461 462 }); 463 function updateActions(index) { 464 $('#tt').datagrid('updateRow', { 465 index: index, 466 row: {} 467 }); 468 } 469 function getRowIndex(target) { 470 var tr = $(target).closest('tr.datagrid-row'); 471 return parseInt(tr.attr('datagrid-row-index')); 472 } 473 function editrow(target) { 474 $('#tt').datagrid('beginEdit', getRowIndex(target)); 475 } 476 function deleterow(target) { 477 $.messager.confirm('确定', '你确定吗?', function (r) { 478 if (r) { 479 $('#tt').datagrid('deleteRow', getRowIndex(target)); 480 } 481 }); 482 } 483 function saverow(target) { 484 $('#tt').datagrid('endEdit', getRowIndex(target)); 485 486 } 487 function cancelrow(target) { 488 $('#tt').datagrid('cancelEdit', getRowIndex(target)); 489 } 490 function insert() 491 { 492 var row = $('#tt').datagrid('getSelected'); 493 if (row) { 494 var index = $('#tt').datagrid('getRowIndex', row); 495 } else { 496 index = 0; 497 } 498 $('#tt').datagrid('insertRow', { 499 index: index, 500 row: { 501 status: 'P' 502 } 503 }); 504 $('#tt').datagrid('selectRow', index); 505 $('#tt').datagrid('beginEdit', index); 506 } 507 function updateActions2(index) { 508 $('#tt2').datagrid('updateRow', { 509 index: index, 510 row: {} 511 }); 512 } 513 function getRowIndex2(target) { 514 var tr = $(target).closest('tr.datagrid-row'); 515 return parseInt(tr.attr('datagrid-row-index')); 516 } 517 function editrow2(target) { 518 $('#tt2').datagrid('beginEdit', getRowIndex2(target)); 519 } 520 function deleterow2(target) { 521 $.messager.confirm('确定', '你确定吗?', function (r) { 522 if (r) { 523 $('#tt2').datagrid('deleteRow', getRowIndex2(target)); 524 } 525 }); 526 } 527 function saverow2(target) { 528 $('#tt2').datagrid('endEdit', getRowIndex2(target)); 529 530 } 531 function cancelrow2(target) { 532 $('#tt2').datagrid('cancelEdit', getRowIndex2(target)); 533 } 534 function insert2() { 535 var row = $('#tt2').datagrid('getSelected'); 536 if (row) { 537 var index = $('#tt2').datagrid('getRowIndex', row); 538 } else { 539 index = 0; 540 } 541 $('#tt2').datagrid('insertRow', { 542 index: index, 543 row: { 544 status: 'P' 545 } 546 }); 547 $('#tt2').datagrid('selectRow', index); 548 $('#tt2').datagrid('beginEdit', index); 549 } 550 function addMeetingInsider() { 551 552 var rowsData = $('#tt').datagrid('getRows'); 553 var json = []; 554 var loc; 555 $.each(rowsData, function (i) { 556 loc = { 557 558 "MeetInsiderTitle": rowsData[i].MeetInsiderTitle, 559 "MeetInsiderPeo": rowsData[i].MeetInsiderPeo 560 561 }; 562 json.push(loc); 563 }); 564 json = JSON.stringify(json); //转换成json数据 565 alert(json); 566 var urlajax = "../Handler/HandlerMeetingInsider.ashx?MeetInsiderFlag=Add"; 567 $.ajax( 568 { 569 url: urlajax, 570 type: "post", 571 async: false, 572 dataType: "json", 573 data: { method: "Add", req: JSON.stringify(json) }, 574 success: function (arr) { 575 console.log("新增成功=>" 576 + urlajax + JSON.stringify(entity).toLocaleString() + 577 "==>" + "返回标识符:" + arr.ResultMsg + "返回结果:" + arr.ResultMsg); 578 if (arr.ResultFlag == "0") { 579 alert("新增成功"); 580 } 581 else { alert("未知错误"); } 582 }, 583 error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) 584 { console.log("新增失败=>" + textStatus); alert('新增失败!'); } 585 }); 586 } 587 function addMeetingOutsiders() 588 { 589 var rowsData = $('#tt2').datagrid('getRows'); 590 var json = []; 591 var loc; 592 $.each(rowsData, function (i) { 593 loc = { 594 595 "MeetOutsidersTitle": rowsData[i].MeetOutsidersTitle, 596 "MeetUnitName": rowsData[i].MeetUnitName, 597 "MeetOutsidersTel": rowsData[i].MeetOutsidersTel, 598 "MeetOutsidersMail": rowsData[i].MeetOutsidersMail 599 }; 600 json.push(loc); 601 }); 602 json = JSON.stringify(json); //转换成json数据 603 alert(json); 604 var urlajax = "../Handler/HandlerMeetingOutsiders.ashx?MeetOutsidersId=Add"; 605 $.ajax( 606 { 607 url: urlajax,//submit to HandlerMeetRoomApplyForm.ashx page 608 type: "post", 609 async: false, 610 dataType: "json", 611 data: { method: "Add", req: JSON.stringify(entity) }, 612 success: function (arr) { 613 console.log("新增成功=>" + urlajax + 614 JSON.stringify(entity).toLocaleString() + "==>" + 615 "返回标识符:" + arr.ResultMsg + "返回结果:" + arr.ResultMsg); 616 if (arr.ResultFlag == "0") { 617 alert("新增成功"); 618 //window.location.href = './req_list.aspx'; 619 } 620 else { alert("未知错误"); } 621 }, 622 error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) 623 { console.log("新增失败=>" + textStatus); alert('新增失败!'); } 624 }); 625 } 626 </script> 627 </asp:content>
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