
create tablespace demo
datafile 'D:\oracle\oradata\junchen\PLATFORM\demo.dbf'
size 50m
autoextend on;

create user demo
identified by dd
default tablespace demo;

grant connect,resource to 用户名;
grant create view to 用户名;--创建视图权限
grant create sequence to 用户名;--创建序列权限
grant sysdba to 用户名;--管理员权限

grant create session,create any table,create any view,create any index,create
any procedure,alter any table,alter any procedure,drop any table,drop any view,drop any index,drop any procedure,
select any table,insert any table,update any table,delete any table,dba to demo;--所有权限

select file_id,bytes,file_name from dba_data_files;
alter database datafile '数据文件路径' resize 20m;

alter table 表名 move tablespace "表空间名称"

alter index 索引名 rebuild tablespace "表空间名称"

exp userid=jsmall/jsmall@ file=e:/demo.dmp
exp userid=DD_APP/dd@ file=e:/DD_APP.dmp
exp userid=DD_EFLOW/dd@ file=e:/DD_EFLOW.dmp
exp userid=AUTH/dd@ file=e:/AUTH.dmp
exp userid=SB_PORTAL/dd@ file=e:/SB_PORTAL.dmp

imp system/11@prop file=f:\data.DMP full=y
imp userid=demo/dd@localhost/prosc file=E:/demo.dmp ignore=y fromuser=demo touser=demo
imp userid=DD_APP/dd@localhost/prosc file=E:/DD_APP.dmp ignore=y fromuser=DD_APP touser=DD_APP
imp userid=DD_EFLOW/dd@localhost/prosc file=E:/DD_EFLOW.dmp ignore=y fromuser=DD_EFLOW touser=DD_EFLOW
imp userid=AUTH/dd@localhost/prosc file=E:/AUTH.dmp ignore=y fromuser=AUTH touser=AUTH
imp userid=SB_PORTAL/dd@localhost/prosc file=E:/SB_PORTAL.dmp ignore=y fromuser=SB_PORTAL touser=SB_PORTAL

drop user 用户名;
drop tablespace 用户名_tablespace;

select * from (
       select row_.*, rownum rownum_ from (
       ) row_
) where rownum_ <= 结束行 and rownum_ > 起始行;
select count(1) from (查询SQL) tmp_count;

posted @ 2015-11-02 12:44  老亮侃码  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报