NetBeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2 Available for Download

NetBeans LogoThe NetBeans team is pleased to announce that NetBeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2 is now available for download.

Download NetBeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2

Highlights of this stabilized development build include:

  • Java
    • Support for Maven 3
    • JUnit 4.8.2 integration and various JUnit improvements
    • Remote HTTP URLs supported for Javadoc in libraries and Java platforms
    • New improved visual customizer for GridBagLayout
  • Java EE
    • Improved support for CDI, REST services and Java Persistence; new support for Bean Validation
    • Support for JSF component libraries, including bundled PrimeFaces library
    • Improved editing for Expression Language in JSF, including code completion, refactoring and hints
  • GlassFish
    • GlassFish 3.1 Support
    • Domain restart and log viewer for remote GlassFish
    • Enable and disable deployed applications
  • WebLogic Application Server
    • Streamlined and faster deployment to WebLogic
    • New server runtime node displaying deployed applications and resources
    • JSF integration with server libraries
  • Platform
    • Less intrusive checking for external changes when switching between the IDE and other programs
  • Editor
    • Word wrap
    • Show invisible characters
    • HTML 5 support
  • PHP
    • Generate PhpDoc
    • Rename refactoring, Safe Delete Refactoring

Visit the NetBeans 7.0 New and Noteworthy page to learn more about what's new in this milestone build. The final release of NetBeans IDE 7.0 is planned for March 2011.

As always, tell us what you think about the NetBeans IDE! You can also share your thoughts on our mailing lists and forums. If you blog about NetBeans, add your blog to Planet NetBeans . Follow NetBeans on Twitter for updates from the NetBeans team.

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posted on 2010-10-18 17:12  岚之山  阅读(169)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
