Web Beans首个预览版发布


我(Pete Muir)高兴的宣布Web Beans(JSR-299) 1.0.0.PREVIEW正式发布。这是首个功能全备(100%功能点完成)的里程碑版本!为了能更舒适容易的进行开发,JSR-299为JAVA EE环境提供了一系列服务接口,为POJO和EJB类提供了更强大生命周期和互操作性。

新的发布版支持servlet容器(非EJB 环境)例如tomcat或jetty,可以使用Wicket作为显示层技术(JSF之外的新选择)并且支持Java SE环境。此版本已经内置在即将发布的JBoss AS 5.1.0.CR1和GlassFish V3 build 46(非EJB环境),所以可以下载演示实例后直接部署。

Web Beans教程已经被翻译成简体中文,繁体中文,德语,朝鲜语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语及意大利语。


如 果没有很多人的辛勤劳动,就不会有这个发布版。这里我要感谢:Clint Popetz (Wicket支持), David Allen (日志), Ales Justin (JBoss集成), Takeshi Kondo (bug汇报), Pete Royle (Java SE支持), Andrew Lee Rubinger (EJB集成), João Paulo Viragine (葡萄牙语翻译), Sean Wu (简体中文翻译) and Sanjeeb Sahoo (OSGi支持)。


1.0.0 PREVIEW详细支持清单:
* Servlet containers such as Tomcat or Jetty
* Java SE
* Apache Wicket
* disposal methods
* Child activities
* Injection of Java EE resources via beans.xml aliasing
* OSGi support
* An injectable logger
* The ability to gracefully disable services depending on envrionment
* simple beans
* enterprise beans
* typesafe and name based resolution
* producer methods
* producer fields
* the dependent context
* support for JBoss 5
* the servlet contexts: application, session and request
* Conversations, including propagation in JSF
* field and constructor injection
* @Initializer methods
* dynamic lookup through @Obtains
* Event support (firing and observing events)
* definition of observer methods through annotations
* injection of event producers
* conditional events
* Transactional observers
* Asynchronous Observers
* stereotypes
* support for lifecycle callbacks (@PostConstruct and @PostDestroy)
* an SPI to integrate with other containers
* Injection of new instances via @New
* Support for passivating scope
* Updates to metadata inheritance rules
* specialization
* realization
* injection point metadata
* injection via @Resource, @EJB and @PersistenceContext into simple beans


posted on 2009-04-28 10:26  岚之山  阅读(104)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
