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If you have Windows ME/2000/XP/2003, you've probably noticed that in all system applications, the Open dialog box has a new UI element. Along the left side, you have a vertical toolbar with buttons pointing to frequently used folders. This toolbar is called the Places Bar. By default, the Places Bar contains links to History, My Documents, Desktop, My Computer, and My Network Places. You can change these links.

Method 1 - Registry Editor (regedit.exe or regedt32.exe)

Open Registry Editor and navigate to: 


You won't see this subkey in the registry editor. By default the Placesbar key is not present. You can to create this subkey, the OS recognizes and supports it.

Inside the "PlacesBar" key, you must create 5 entries: Place0, Place1, Place2, Place3, Place4. 

Place0 corresponds to the first entry, Place1 corresponds to the second entry, and so on. You can't create more than five entries because any more will be ignored.

You can use a string (REG_SZ) to identify the target folder for a PlaceX entry. You must specify the folder's full pathname. You can also use a numeric index (REG_DWORD) to specify the target folder if it's a system folder. 

It's possible to use these 'dword' values to address standard folders:

00 - Desktop
01 - Internet Explorer
02 - Start Menu\Programs
03 - My Computer\Control Panel
04 - My Computer\Printers
05 - My Documents
06 - Favorites
07 - Start Menu\Programs\Startup
08 - \Recent
09 - \SendTo
0a - \Recycle Bin
0b - \Start Menu
0c - - logical "My Documents" desktop icon
0d - My Music
0e - My Videos
10 - \Desktop
11 - My Computer
12 - My Network Places
13 - \NetHood
14 - WINDOWS\Fonts
15 - Templates
16 - All Users\Start Menu
17 - All Users\Programs
18 - All Users\Start Menu
19 - All Users\Desktop
1a - \Application Data
1b - \PrintHood
1c - \Local Settings\Application Data
1d - - Nonlocalized startup
1e - - Nonlocalized common startup
1f - Favorites
20 - Temporary Internet Files
21 - Cookies
22 - History
23 - All Users\Application Data
24 - WINDOWS directory
25 - System32 directory
26 - Program files
27 - My Pictures
29 - - x86 system directory on RISC
2a - - x86 C:\Program Files on RISC
2b - C:\Program Files\Common
2c - - x86 Program Files\Common on RISC
2d - All Users\Templates
2e - All Users\Documents
2f - All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
30 - - \Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
31 - Network and Dial-up Connections
35 - All Users\My Music
36 - All Users\My Pictures
37 - All Users\My Video
38 - Resource Directory
39 - Localized Resource Directory
3a - Links to All Users OEM specific apps
3b - USERPROFILE\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning



"Place0"=dword:00000011 ; My Computer
"Place1"=dword:00000005 ; My Documents


If you want to go back to the default Places Bar, you simply delete the Placesbar subkey.

Method 2 - Group Policy editor

1. Type GPEDIT.MSC in the Start, Run

2. Navigate to this location:

User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Explorer -> Common Open File Dialog

3. Double-click Items displayed in Places Bar and add your places.

Method 3 - PlacesBar Constructor

Is the easiest method. Just run PlacesBar Constructor. It presents a lists of folders to put in your PlacesBar.

Customize Places Bar

posted on 2007-11-26 10:20  lansh  阅读(324)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报