金蝶K/3 审批相关SQL语句

金蝶K/3 审批相关SQL语句




select xt.fuserid ,xt.fname,u.fname as fusername ,e.FName as fempname from t_xuntong_user xt with (nolock) 
                                                inner join t_user u  with (nolock) on xt.fuserid=u.fuserid
                                                inner join t_Emp e with(nolock) on u.FEmpID=e.FItemID
                                                where u.FUserID>=16384 and xt.fopenid='5b025f91e4b0d301fd093ca3'

 use AIS20180607113701
select fopenid,* from dbo.t_XunTong_User where Fname ='landv'

use [KDAcctDB]
select facctid,* from dbo.t_ad_kdAccount_gl where FAcctName ='landv'

select DB_ID('AIS20180607113701')

SELECT TOP 100 FID,FPushTypeID,FBillTypeID,FInterID,FEntryID,FStatus,FExtInfo
FROM t_SuspendWorkPushQueue WITH(NOLOCK)

select xt.fuserid ,xt.fname,u.fname as fusername ,e.FName as fempname from t_xuntong_user xt with (nolock) 
                                                inner join t_user u  with (nolock) on xt.fuserid=u.fuserid
                                                inner join t_Emp e with(nolock) on u.FEmpID=e.FItemID
                                                where u.FUserID>=16384 and xt.fopenid='5b025f91e4b0d301fd093ca3'

select * from (select top 7 t1.FClassTypeID as DocTypeID,i1.FName_CHS as DocTypeName,t1.FBillID as DocID,t4.FName as PrevPerson,i2.FtableName,
                    t1.FUpdateDate as PrevDate,t1.FContent as Title,substring(FContent,charindex(':',FContent)+1,CHARINDEX(',',FContent)-CHARINDEX(':',FContent)-1) as DocNo,t1.FReaded as ReadStatus ,t2.FTaskID as FTaskID 
                    from ICClassMCTaskCenter t1  with (nolock)  inner join (--支持移动审批的单据集合
select FClassTypeID,FName_CHS from (
select tb2.FID as FClassTypeID,tb2.FName_CHS as FName_CHS from (
select FClassTypeID    from ICMobileBillType 
select fid as FClassTypeID from icclasstype where FID>=200000000  and  FBillTypeID=3
select fid as FClassTypeID FROM ICClassType  where FID>1000000 and   FFunctionID=259 and FBillTypeID=3 and (FControl & 1) = 1 
) tb1
 inner join ICClassType  tb2 on tb1.FClassTypeID=tb2.FID
 where tb2.FMobileControl&2=2

 ) i1  on  t1.FClassTypeID=i1.FClassTypeID 
                    left join ICClassMCTaskUser t2  with (nolock) on t1.FID=t2.FTaskID 
                    left join t_user t4  with (nolock) on t1.FSenderID=t4.FUserID
                    left join icclasstype i2  with (nolock) on i2.FID=t1.FClassTypeID   where   1=1 and t1.FStatus = 1 and t1.FProcessUserID = 16398 and(t2.FMobileDeletedStatus is null or t2.FMobileDeletedStatus<>1) and ((t2.FMobileDeletedStatusUserId is null or  t2.FMobileDeletedStatusUserId=0) or t2.FMobileDeletedStatusUserId=16398)  and  t2.FUserID in (select FGroupID from t_group where FUserID = 16398 union select 16398)  order by t1.FUpdateDate Desc ) Re where  1=1 

select  * from ICClassType where FID='1000051'select * from ICClassTypeEntry where FParentID='1000051'select * from ICClassTableInfo  where FClassTypeID='1000051'


posted @ 2018-08-05 11:09  landv  阅读(890)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报