4 分布式消息队列的协调者
private final HashMap<String/* topic */, List<QueueData>> topicQueueTable; private final HashMap<String/* brokerName */, BrokerData> brokerAddrTable; private final HashMap<String/* clusterName */, Set<String/* brokerName */>> clusterAddrTable; private final HashMap<String/* brokerAddr */, BrokerLiveInfo> brokerLiveTable; private final HashMap<String/* brokerAddr */, List<String>/* Filter Server */> filterServerTable;
private final HashMap<String/* topic */, List<QueueData>> topicQueueTable;
public class QueueData implements Comparable<QueueData> { private String brokerName; private int readQueueNums; private int writeQueueNums; private int perm; private int topicSynFlag;
private final HashMap<String/* brokerName */, BrokerData> brokerAddrTable;
public class BrokerData implements Comparable<BrokerData> { private String cluster; private String brokerName; private HashMap<Long/* brokerId */, String/* broker address */> brokerAddrs;
private final HashMap<String/* clusterName */, Set<String/* brokerName */>> clusterAddrTable;
private final HashMap<String/* brokerAddr */, BrokerLiveInfo> brokerLiveTable;
class BrokerLiveInfo { private long lastUpdateTimestamp; private DataVersion dataVersion; private Channel channel; private String haServerAddr;
private final HashMap<String/* brokerAddr */, List<String>/* Filter Server */> filterServerTable;
NameServer 如何维护各个Bro ker 的实时状态,如
何根据Broker 的情况更新各种集群的属性数据。因为其他角色会主动向
Name Server 上报状态,所以NameServer 的主要逻辑在DefaultRequestProcessor
类中,根据上报消息里的请求码做相应的处理, 更新存储的对应
所以我们用producer发消息时写一个新的topic,这个topic会在该集群下的每个master broker下创建Message Queue。
public RegisterBrokerResult registerBroker( final String clusterName, final String brokerAddr, final String brokerName, final long brokerId, final String haServerAddr, final TopicConfigSerializeWrapper topicConfigWrapper, final List<String> filterServerList, final Channel channel) { RegisterBrokerResult result = new RegisterBrokerResult(); try { try { this.lock.writeLock().lockInterruptibly(); Set<String> brokerNames = this.clusterAddrTable.get(clusterName); if (null == brokerNames) { brokerNames = new HashSet<String>(); this.clusterAddrTable.put(clusterName, brokerNames); } brokerNames.add(brokerName); boolean registerFirst = false; BrokerData brokerData = this.brokerAddrTable.get(brokerName); if (null == brokerData) { registerFirst = true; brokerData = new BrokerData(clusterName, brokerName, new HashMap<Long, String>()); this.brokerAddrTable.put(brokerName, brokerData); } Map<Long, String> brokerAddrsMap = brokerData.getBrokerAddrs(); //Switch slave to master: first remove <1, IP:PORT> in namesrv, then add <0, IP:PORT> //The same IP:PORT must only have one record in brokerAddrTable Iterator<Entry<Long, String>> it = brokerAddrsMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<Long, String> item = it.next(); if (null != brokerAddr && brokerAddr.equals(item.getValue()) && brokerId != item.getKey()) { it.remove(); } } String oldAddr = brokerData.getBrokerAddrs().put(brokerId, brokerAddr); registerFirst = registerFirst || (null == oldAddr); if (null != topicConfigWrapper && MixAll.MASTER_ID == brokerId) { if (this.isBrokerTopicConfigChanged(brokerAddr, topicConfigWrapper.getDataVersion()) || registerFirst) { ConcurrentMap<String, TopicConfig> tcTable = topicConfigWrapper.getTopicConfigTable(); if (tcTable != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, TopicConfig> entry : tcTable.entrySet()) { this.createAndUpdateQueueData(brokerName, entry.getValue()); } } } } BrokerLiveInfo prevBrokerLiveInfo = this.brokerLiveTable.put(brokerAddr, new BrokerLiveInfo( System.currentTimeMillis(), topicConfigWrapper.getDataVersion(), channel, haServerAddr)); if (null == prevBrokerLiveInfo) { log.info("new broker registered, {} HAServer: {}", brokerAddr, haServerAddr); } if (filterServerList != null) { if (filterServerList.isEmpty()) { this.filterServerTable.remove(brokerAddr); } else { this.filterServerTable.put(brokerAddr, filterServerList); } } if (MixAll.MASTER_ID != brokerId) { String masterAddr = brokerData.getBrokerAddrs().get(MixAll.MASTER_ID); if (masterAddr != null) { BrokerLiveInfo brokerLiveInfo = this.brokerLiveTable.get(masterAddr); if (brokerLiveInfo != null) { result.setHaServerAddr(brokerLiveInfo.getHaServerAddr()); result.setMasterAddr(masterAddr); } } } } finally { this.lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("registerBroker Exception", e); } return result; }
RocketMQ 中复杂的通信过程,被RemotingCommand
统一起来,大部分的逻辑都是通过发送、接受并处理C ommand 来完成的。
public static RemotingCommand decode(final ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { int length = byteBuffer.limit(); int oriHeaderLen = byteBuffer.getInt();//读取4个字节,head的前8位代表类型,后24位代表headLength int headerLength = getHeaderLength(oriHeaderLen);//headerLength长度为24位,也就是说header最大16MB byte[] headerData = new byte[headerLength]; byteBuffer.get(headerData); RemotingCommand cmd = headerDecode(headerData, getProtocolType(oriHeaderLen)); int bodyLength = length - 4 - headerLength; byte[] bodyData = null; if (bodyLength > 0) { bodyData = new byte[bodyLength]; byteBuffer.get(bodyData); } cmd.body = bodyData; return cmd; } public static int getHeaderLength(int length) { return length & 0xFFFFFF; } private static RemotingCommand headerDecode(byte[] headerData, SerializeType type) { switch (type) { case JSON: RemotingCommand resultJson = RemotingSerializable.decode(headerData, RemotingCommand.class); resultJson.setSerializeTypeCurrentRPC(type); return resultJson; case ROCKETMQ: RemotingCommand resultRMQ = RocketMQSerializable.rocketMQProtocolDecode(headerData); resultRMQ.setSerializeTypeCurrentRPC(type); return resultRMQ; default: break; } return null; } public static SerializeType getProtocolType(int source) { return SerializeType.valueOf((byte) ((source >> 24) & 0xFF)); }
public ByteBuffer encode() { // 1> header length size int length = 4; // 2> header data length byte[] headerData = this.headerEncode(); length += headerData.length; // 3> body data length if (this.body != null) { length += body.length; } ByteBuffer result = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + length); // length result.putInt(length); // header length result.put(markProtocolType(headerData.length, serializeTypeCurrentRPC)); // header data result.put(headerData); // body data; if (this.body != null) { result.put(this.body); } result.flip(); return result; } public static byte[] markProtocolType(int source, SerializeType type) { byte[] result = new byte[4]; result[0] = type.getCode(); result[1] = (byte) ((source >> 16) & 0xFF); result[2] = (byte) ((source >> 8) & 0xFF); result[3] = (byte) (source & 0xFF); return result; }