Some Commands I Used Frequently

Used in Run

Open the device manager: devmgmt.msc. In this, dev --> device, mgmt --> management, msc --> Microsoft Console(or Control?).

Change the startup items: msconfig.

Open the control panel: control.

Open the services list: services.msc.

Open the registry: regedit. In this, regedit --> reg(registry) + edit.

Open the Windows OS's fonts: fonts.

Open the calculator: calc.

Start VisualStudio: devenv. Devenv --> dev + env -->dev(develop), env(environment).

Open IIS: inetmgr.

Open 2008 SQL Server Managerment Studio: ssms.

Open 2005 SQL Server Managerment Studio: sqlwb.

Open 2000 SQL Server Managerment Studio: isqlw.

Check up computer's configuration, CPU, memory information: dxdiag.

Find out hosts file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. After you modify hosts file, you can use the command in cmd to let the new hosts take effect: ipconfig /flushdns.

Open advanced system settings: sysdm.cpl


Used in Cmd

Kill a process: taskkill /f /fi "imagename eq google*" /t. In this, /fi is used to filter processes, imagename that I think of it as process name, eq is "equal", * is wildcard, /t is used to kill subprocesses.

Start sql server: net start mssqlserver. Be warned, mssqlserver must be the sql server instance name you want to start.

Stop sql server: net stop mssqlserver.

Tips: the commands above can also be used in Run immediately.

Check up computer's biggest support for memory: wmic memphysical get maxcapacity. Remember what are the determining factors are your OS and hardwares.

posted @ 2015-10-30 21:15  Mr.Jack  阅读(345)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报