What is a recommended tool for debugging shaders that I am writing for DirectX?




Q:What is a recommended tool for debugging shaders that I am writing for DirectX? There is two steps that I would like to debug a shader, compiling errors and values during run time. 


 Use the command line compiler fxc.exe which is included in the sdk to compile shaders. It works like a normal compiler and has lots of options.

PIX is a great debugging tool for figuring out errors in pipeline setup, textures, and other resources and can be used to debug shader issues, although you can't step through your shader line by line. PIX is also in the SDK.

NVIDIA has a tool for debugging shaders. However it requires two machines, one for rendering and one for debugging. You have to select the pixel or vertex that you want to debug for a draw call. It's pretty hardcore and probably only worth it for the most complex shader issues where other debugging attempts have failed.

AMD has GPUPerfStudio which you can use to debug the shader pipeline. It's sort of an alternate version of PIX, though it comes with counters so that you can work on optimization.

Microsoft: GPUView - performance analyzer. Shows how long API calls take and how long work packets take on the GPU. Really good for optimizing the entire program with ns resolution. 
posted @ 2011-04-24 00:07  CG迷途大熊猫  阅读(1747)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报