至此,质点的内力和外力都计算完毕,那么接下来如果通过这个力来获得下一帧的质点的位置呢?首先根据质点的质量和合力的大小来获得一个带方向的加速度,这一步只需要将算出来的力乘以1/质点的质量,得到加速度之后,就可以根据vt = v0 + at来计算这一帧的速度向量,随后将当前质点在空间中的位置加上v * t就是下一帧的质点的位置。
椭球体的方程是:(x^2 / a^2 + y^2 / b^2 + z^2 / c^2) = 1
t = sqrt(1 / (sqr((x1-x0)/a) + sqr((y1-y0)/b) + sqr((z1-z0)/c)));
x = x0 + t*(x1-x0);
y = y0 + t*(y1-y0);
z = z0 + t*(z1-z0);
D3DXVECTOR3(sqr((x - x0) / a),sqr((y - y0) / b),sqr((z - z0) / c));
Cloth Simulation:
This very simple model of a cloth seems to be resonably accurate. I have managed to get a very realistic cloth, draping over tables and wrinkling up at the edges (see picture below). You can lay a cloth over a torus, then drop a sphere onto it so that they both fall through the hole and the cloth ends up in a crumpled heap on the floor. I have tested this cloth routine against a real sheet and it compares very well. I have rendered some nice animation files of cloth which I will put here if I have space.
Actually, the picture above is rather misleading. It implies that you compare each point with its 4 nearest neighbours. Infact, if you do this, you will find that the cloth behaves much more like a fisherman's net. It is best if the points are connected to at least their 8 nearest neighbours. This will produce a very flexable cloth. If you go one step wider, and join to the 24 nearest neighbours, you will get a more realistic, stiffer cloth, though it's much slower to compute.
Here's some pseudo code do describe a massless cloth routine:
Every point on the cloth moves at a rate proportional to the sum of the forces acting on it from the neighbouring points.Create a 2-dimensional array of co-ordinates to hold the x, y and z positions of the cloth in space. Initialise the values of cloth(p,q) to (p,q,0). You will need two of these arrays. One to hold the current state of the cloth, and the other to hold the new cloth that is being calculated. When you have finished calculating the cloth, copy all the values from your second array back to the first. For those who don't already know, a vector is an (x, y, z) of numbers. Numbers here are considered non-integers.
cloth1 (0 to 31, 0 to 31) cloth2 (0 to 31, 0 to 31) Variables: VECTOR: MovementVector VECTOR: SpringVector VECTOR: ForceVector VECTOR: Gravity (initialised to (0, 0, g) where g is gravity, 0.02 is a good number) NUMBER: Length NUMBER: ForceScaler NUMBER: NormalLength For every point (p,q) on the cloth: MovementVector = Gravity For each of the 24 neighbouring points (NB obviously less at edges) SpringVector = (position in space of neighbour) - (position in space of point (p,q)) Length = length of SpringVector NormalLength = The length SpringVector would be if the cloth were unstretched ForceScaler = (Length - NormalLength) / NormalLength SpringVector = SpringVector * (1/Length) ForceVector = SpringVector * ForceScaler ForceVector = ForceVector * SmallAmount add ForceVector to MovementVector end of loop Add MovementVector to cloth1(p,q) and store it in cloth2(p,q) make sure this point does not move inside an object end of loop Copy all the values in cloth2 to cloth1 keep doing all this forever
You will need some objects for the cloth to interact with. The simplest is a floor. Check each point on the cloth to see if it is below the floor, and if it is, then move it to the surface.
It is quite easy to make a sphere for the cloth to fall over. Check each point to see if it is inside the sphere. If it is, then move it to the nearest point on the surface of the sphere.
NUMBER: Distance Distance = distance from the point(p,q) to the center of the sphere if Distance < (radius of sphere) then: ForceVector = (position of point in space) - (center of sphere) ForceVector = Forcevector / Distance * radius point(p,q) = (center of sphere) + ForceVector end ifIt is also easy to make a torus and other objects. I'll leave that up to you though.
Adding wind
Pseudocode to calculate effect of wind on cloth:
VECTOR: force VECTOR: normal VECTOR: wind set force vector to (0,0,0) on all points on cloth loop through all triangles force = unitvector(normal) * dotproduct(normal, wind) add force to all points making up this triangle end of loop loop through all points on cloth add gravity to force add force to velocity end of loop -- rest of cloth routine --
Just to spur you on to make your own cloth routine, and to show how useful it can be for importing into proper rendering engines, here's one I did earlier. This cloth was draped over a cylinder and a torus to make the edges rounded, then imported into 3D Studio. Definately very cool indeed. Might make a good chat-up line..."hello, wanna come home and see my cloths...."
Cloth Simulation
This demo displays a cloth modelled using a "ball-and-spring" model. A grid of balls is created and these are linked using springs. Each ball is connected to all 8 neighbours (up, down, left, right and diagonally) and to its next-but-one neighbour in the up, down, left and right directions.
The cloth begins suspended from its four corners above a sphere, above the floor. Pressing 1, 2, 3 or 4 will release a corner.
The physics for the model are updated every 10ms. For each ball, the overall force on it due to gravity and the springs is calculated. This is then used to calculate a new position and velocity. If the new position is within the sphere or below the floor, the ball is moved outside the object.
The cloth can be drawn in two ways. Either triangles can be drawn between the balls to create a simple triangle mesh, or each 4x4 subgrid of balls can be submitted to the OpenGL evaluators for interpolation and subdivision to create a smoother look.
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