
    use strict; 
    use XML::XPath; 
    use LWP::UserAgent; 

    加载必要的模块后,在脚本程序的开始,我们创建新的HTTP::Request和 LWP::UserAgent对象,然后调用LWP::UserAgent的simple_request方法为RSS文件请求远程服务器。 
    my $news_url = ''; 
    my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $news_url); 
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); 
    my $response = $ua->simple_request($request); 
    发出请求后,我们将开始输出VoiceXML。首先创建vxml root元素和包含一个block元素的表格。在block元素中放入一个audio元素,告诉用户在RSS文件处理过程期间需要耐心地等待,然后用一个goto元素告诉VoiceXML浏览器跳到当前文档中标有headlines的小节。 
    print qq* 

    <form id="greeting"> 
    Please wait while I process the c pan news feed. 
    <goto next="#headlines"/> 
    my ($error, $xp); 

    if ($response->is_success) { 
    eval { 
    $xp = XML::XPath->new(xml => $response->content); 
    $error = 'Error parsing RSS file ' . $@ if $@; 

    else { 
    $error = 'Remote server returned ' . $response->message(); 

    if ( defined($error) ) { 
    print qq* 
    <form id="headlines"> 
    I'm sorry. The following error occurred while fetching 
    the headlines file. $error Please try again later. 

    else { 
    print qq* 
    <form id="headlines"> 
    The RSS file has been fetched and processed successfully. The 
    following modules have recently been up loaded to c pan. 

    foreach my $news_item ($xp->findnodes('//item')) { 
    print "<audio>" . 
    $news_item->findvalue('title') . 

    print qq* 
    This completes the latest c pan up loads. Please call again tomorrow. 



    尽管上面的例子揭示出通过电话提供互联网网站内容和服务的可能性,但用户和VoiceXML应用之间的“对话”还太缺乏交互性。幸运的是,VoiceXML也提供了一些专门用来接收用户输入的元素。另外,象HTML表格那样,VoiceXML表格也可以用来接收通过标准的HTTP GET和POST方法向服务器传送的数据。 

    <form id="greeting"> 
    Thank you for calling the mystic oracle! 
    <goto next="#main_query"/> 

    <form id="main_query"> 
    <field name="query_type"> 
    <grammar type="application/x-gsl" name="qtype"> 

    [romance love sex boyfriend girlfriend] {} 
    [career job boss coworker department] {} 
    [family husband wife mother father son daughter] {} 


    Clear your mind and concentrate on your question.  
    You may ask your question now. 
    <audio>thank you.</audio> 
    <submit next="http://mysite.tld/cgi-bin/mystic_response.cgi

    The mystic oracle can only answer questions about romance, career, 
    or family matters. Please try again. 
    <noinput count="1"> 
    I can sense your apprehension. 
    <noinput count="2"> 
    You must say something. 
    <noinput count="3"> 
    Please call back when you are less stressed. 

    下面我们来创建响应用户问题的CGI脚本程序。这一脚本程序将接收一个通过POST方法传送、名字为query_type的字段的参数,query_type的可能的值为romance、career或 family。 

    use strict; 
    use CGI qw(:standard); 

    my $q = CGI->new(); 

    my $query_type = $q->param('query_type'); 

    my @intro_phrases = ('My sources say', 
    'All signs indicate that', 
    'Search your heart. You know'); 

    my @responses = ('the answer is yes.', 
    'the answer is no.', 
    'it is too soon to tell.', 
    'the outlook is hazy. Please ask again later.'); 

    my $response_text = $intro_phrases[int( rand ( scalar (@intro_phrases) ) )] . 
    ' ' . 
    $responses[int( rand ( scalar (@responses) ) )]; 

    Then we will create the VoiceXML output. Note how the inline Perl variables are used both to include the randomly-generated answer to the caller's question ($response_text) and to create an illusory sense of personalized context by repeating the general type of question that the caller asked ($query_type). 
    print qq* 

    <form id="response"> 
    I sense your consternation. 
    Questions about $query_type can be very troublesome, indeed. 
    <goto next="#new_or_exit"/> 

    作为最后一个功能,我们将让用户有机会向mystic oracle提另一个问题。如果在得到系统的提示后,用户回答“no”,系统将会礼貌地谢谢用户并挂断连接,否则系统将返回到上面文档中的main小节,用户将听到提出新问题的提示。 

    <form id="new_or_exit"> 
    <field name="new_question"> 
    Would you like to ask another question? 

    [yes] {} 
    [no] {} 

    <if cond="new_question=='no'"> 
    <audio>Thank you for calling. Goodbye.</audio> 
    <goto next="http://mysite.tld/vxml/mystic_prompt.xml#main_query"/

    用户和mystic oracle之间的典型的对话可能如下所示: 

    Oracle: Thank you for calling the mystic oracle! 
    Clear your mind and concentrate on your question. 
    You may ask your question now. 

    Caller: Hmmmm. Should I take the new job I was just offered? 

    Oracle: Thank you. 
    I sense your consternation. 
    Questions about career can be very troublesome, indeed. 
    All signs indicate that the answer is yes. 
    Would you like to ask another question? 

    Caller: Yes, I would. 

    Oracle: Clear your mind and concentrate on your question. 

posted @ 2010-08-17 19:32  l2010q2010  阅读(894)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报