1、 题目名称:Substituted 题目类型:Crypto 题目内容:We got a substitute flag, I hear they are pretty lax on the rules.. Lw! Gyzvecy ke WvyVKT! W'zz by reso dsbdkwksk 阅读全文
1、 题目名称:qr 题目类型:misc 题目内容:这是一个二维码,谁用谁知道! 注意:得到的 flag 请包上 flag{} 提交 解题技巧:简答的扫二维码给出flag, 题目答案:flag{878865ce73370a4ce607d21ca01b5e59} 2、(BUUCTF练习题中Misc的r 阅读全文
1、题目名称:Rotated!题目类型:Crypto题目内容:They went and ROTated the flag by 5 and then ROTated it by 8! The scoundrels! Anyway once they were done this was all t 阅读全文