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User view commands:
  cd             Change current directory
  clock          Specify the system clock
  compare        Compare function
  copy           Copy from one file to another
  debugging      Enable system debugging functions
  delete         Delete a file
  dir            List files on a file system
  display        Display current system information
  fixdisk        Recover lost chains in storage device
  format         Format the device
  free           Clear user terminal interface
  ftp            Open FTP connection
  language-mode  Specify the language environment
  ldap           Specify LDAP configuration information
  lock           Lock current user terminal interface
  mkdir          Create a new directory
  more           Display the contents of a file
  move           Move the file
  ping           Ping function
  pwd            Display current working directory
  quench         Turn off the alarm light
  quit           Exit from current command view
  reboot         Reboot system
  refresh        Refresh routes
  rename         Rename a file or directory
  reset          Reset operation
  rmdir          Remove an existing directory
  save           Save current configuration
  schedule       Schedule system task
  send           Send information to other user terminal interface
  start-script   Start a script-string on an UI
  startup        Config paramater for system to startup
  super          Privilege current user a specified priority level
  system-view    Enter the system view
  telnet         Establish one TELNET connection
  terminal       Set the terminal line characteristics
  tftp           Open TFTP connection
  tracert        Trace route function
  undelete       Recover a deleted file
  undo           Cancel current setting
  upgrade        upgrade file

09:55:58  2012/03/15
Enter system view , return user view with Ctrl+Z.
 aaa                AAA(Authentication,Authorization,Accounting) view
 acl                Specify acl configuration information
 arp                Add static ARP entry
 command-privilege  Specify the command level
 controller         Specify controller configuration view
 deep-inspection    Specify Deep Inspection configuration information
 delete             Delete route information
 dhcp               DHCP configuration subcommands
 dialer             Specify DCC(Dial-Control-Center) configuration information
 dialer-rule        Create a dialer-rule
 display            Cancel current setting
 dns                Specify domain name system
 execute            Batch Command
 file               Specify file system configuration information
 firewall           Firewall
 flow-interval      Specify the interval of the flow calculate
 forwardbalance     Forward balance
 ftp                Specify FTP server configuration information
 header             Define the login banner
 hotkey             Specify hotkey configuration information
 hrp                Specify HRP(Huawei Redundancy Protocol) configuration
 hwping             Specify HWPing test class
 hwping-agent       Specify HWPing agent task function
 hwping-server      Specify HWPing server task function
 info-center        Specify information center configuration information
 interface          Specify the interface configuration view
 ip                 Specify IP(Internet Protocol) configuration information
 ip-link            Specify ip-link check Configuration
 lac                Activate a LAC code
 license            Activate a license file
 mac-address        MAC address-table
 memory             Free memory for routing protocols to run normally
 nat                Specify NAT(Network Address Translation) configuration
 ntp-service        Specify NTP(Network Time Protocol) configuration
 observing-port     Observe port
 p2p-class          Specify Class configuration information
 patch              Patch commands
 ping               Ping function
 pki                Specify PKI(Public Key Infrastructure) configuration
 port-mapping       Specify PAM(Port to Application Mapping) configuration
 port-mirroring     Mirror port
 ppp                Specify PPP(the Point-to-Point Protocol) configuration
 pppoe              PPPoE users
 pppoe-server       Specify PPPoE(PPP over Ethernet) server configuration
 preamble           Preamble
 qos                Specify QoS(Quality of Service) configuration information
 quit               Exit from current command view
 radius-server      Add or delete RADIUS server template
 reset              Reset operation
 return             Exit to user view
 right-manager      Right management
 rmon               Specify RMON
 rmon2              Specify RMON2 configuration
 route-policy       Specify a route policy
 router             Configure router information
 rsa                Specify RSA module configuration information
 script-string      Define a modem script-string
 secoway-server     Configure the Server of VPN Manager
 service            Toggle service mode.Default is off
 snmp-agent         Specify SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)
                    configuration information
 ssh                Specify SSH (secure shell) configuration information
 super              Modify super password parameters
 sysname            Specify the host name
 tcp                Specify TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) configuration
 tftp-server        TFTP Server
 time-range         Specify time-range configuration information
 tracert            Trace route function
 traffic            Specify traffic configuration information
 tunnel             Specify Tunnel configuration information
 undo               Cancel current setting
 user-interface     Configure the user terminal interface
 vlan               Specify vlan configuration information
 web-manager        Configure Web Server


posted on 2012-03-15 16:38  L&G.J  阅读(5520)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报