因为lvgl本身的定时任务就是个死循环,读取dh11又是个很慢的过程,为了不让gui卡主。就得使用多任务来。esp32的arduino 本身就是运行在free rtos里的 。可以直接新建任务
这里使用的库是 DHT sensor library for ESPx 这个库只能用于esp
#include "DHTesp.h" // Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#DHTesp #include <Ticker.h> //引入定时中断库 #ifndef ESP32 #pragma message(THIS EXAMPLE IS FOR ESP32 ONLY !) #error Select ESP32 board. #endif /**************************************************************/ /* Example how to read DHT sensors from an ESP32 using multi- */ /* tasking. */ /* This example depends on the Ticker library to wake up */ /* the task every 20 seconds */ /**************************************************************/ /************************************************* *************/ /* 示例如何使用 从 ESP32 读取 DHT 传感器 */ /* 多任务。 */ /* 这个例子依赖于 Ticker 库来唤醒 */ /* 每 20 秒执行一次任务 */ /************************************************* *************/ #include "gui_guider.h" //需要引用lv_ui的定义文件 ,在这个文件里不认识lv-ui结构体 extern lv_ui guider_ui; // ectern表示从外部的定义引用,这里是引用main文件里的定义, DHTesp dht; void tempTask(void *pvParameters); bool getTemperature(); void triggerGetTemp(); /** Task handle for the light value read task */ /** 值读取任务的任务句柄 */ TaskHandle_t tempTaskHandle = NULL; /** Ticker for temperature reading */ /** 温度读数的代码 */ Ticker tempTicker; /** Comfort profile */ /** 舒适度配置文件 */ ComfortState cf; /** Flag if task should run */ /** 标记任务是否应该运行 */ bool tasksEnabled = false; /** Pin number for DHT11 data pin */ /** DHT11 数据引脚的引脚号 */ int dhtPin = 25; /** * initTemp * Setup DHT library * Setup task and timer for repeated measurement * * 初始化温度 * 设置 DHT 库 * 为重复测量设置任务和计时器 * @return bool * true if task and timer are started * false if task or timer couldn't be started * * 如果任务和计时器启动则为真 * false 如果任务或计时器无法启动 */ bool initTemp() { byte resultValue = 0; // Initialize temperature sensor 初始化温度传感器 dht.setup(dhtPin, DHTesp::DHT11); Serial.println("DHT initiated"); // Start task to get temperature 开始任务 xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( tempTask, /* Function to implement the task任务要运行的函数*/ "tempTask ", /* Name of the task 任务的名字*/ 4000, /* Stack size in words 分配的堆栈大小*/ NULL, /* Task input parameter 给任务传递的参数*/ 5, /* Priority of the task 优先级*/ &tempTaskHandle, /* Task handle.任务勾柄 */ 1); /* Core where the task should run 运行在那个核心*/ if (tempTaskHandle == NULL) { Serial.println("Failed to start task for temperature update"); return false; } else { // Start update of environment data every 20 seconds每20秒运行一次测量温度 tempTicker.attach(20, triggerGetTemp); } return true; } /** * triggerGetTemp * Sets flag dhtUpdated to true for handling in loop() * called by Ticker getTempTimer * * 触发GetTemp * 将标志 dhtUpdated 设置为 true 以便在 loop() 中处理 * 由 Ticker getTempTimer 调用 */ void triggerGetTemp() { if (tempTaskHandle != NULL) { xTaskResumeFromISR(tempTaskHandle); } } /** * Task to reads temperature from DHT11 sensor 读传感器的任务 * @param pvParameters * pointer to task parameters 任务指针 */ void tempTask(void *pvParameters) { Serial.println("tempTask loop started"); while (1) // tempTask loop 任务无限循环 { if (tasksEnabled) { // Get temperature values获得温度 getTemperature(); } // Got sleep again 睡眠 vTaskSuspend(NULL); } } /** * getTemperature * Reads temperature from DHT11 sensor * * 获取温度 * 从 DHT11 传感器读取温度 * @return bool * true if temperature could be aquired * false if aquisition failed * * 如果可以获取温度,则为 true * 如果获取失败,则为 false */ bool getTemperature() { // Reading temperature for humidity takes about 250 milliseconds! // Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (it's a very slow sensor) // 读取湿度的温度大约需要 250 毫秒! // 传感器读数也可能长达 2 秒“旧”(这是一个非常慢的传感器) TempAndHumidity newValues = dht.getTempAndHumidity(); // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again). // 检查是否有任何读取失败并提前退出(重试)。 if (dht.getStatus() != 0) { Serial.println("DHT11 error status: " + String(dht.getStatusString())); return false; } //计算体感温度,凝露点,舒适度 float heatIndex = dht.computeHeatIndex(newValues.temperature, newValues.humidity); float dewPoint = dht.computeDewPoint(newValues.temperature, newValues.humidity); float cr = dht.getComfortRatio(cf, newValues.temperature, newValues.humidity); String comfortStatus; switch (cf) { case Comfort_OK: comfortStatus = "Comfort_OK"; break; case Comfort_TooHot: comfortStatus = "Comfort_TooHot"; break; case Comfort_TooCold: comfortStatus = "Comfort_TooCold"; break; case Comfort_TooDry: comfortStatus = "Comfort_TooDry"; break; case Comfort_TooHumid: comfortStatus = "Comfort_TooHumid"; break; case Comfort_HotAndHumid: comfortStatus = "Comfort_HotAndHumid"; break; case Comfort_HotAndDry: comfortStatus = "Comfort_HotAndDry"; break; case Comfort_ColdAndHumid: comfortStatus = "Comfort_ColdAndHumid"; break; case Comfort_ColdAndDry: comfortStatus = "Comfort_ColdAndDry"; break; default: comfortStatus = "Unknown:"; break; }; String TempHumTodisplay = " 温度:" + String(newValues.temperature) + " 湿度:" + String(newValues.humidity) + " 体感温度:" + String(heatIndex) + " 凝露点:" + String(dewPoint) + " " + comfortStatus; Serial.println(TempHumTodisplay); /*把测量结果显示到屏幕ta对象上*/ lv_textarea_set_text((&guider_ui)->screen_ta_1, TempHumTodisplay.c_str()); // guider_ui是结构体的名字不能直接当指针用,当然用.也是可以的 return true; }
#include "DHTesp.h" // Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#DHTesp #include <Ticker.h> //引入定时中断库 #ifndef ESP32 #pragma message(THIS EXAMPLE IS FOR ESP32 ONLY !) #error Select ESP32 board. #endif /**************************************************************/ /* Example how to read DHT sensors from an ESP32 using multi- */ /* tasking. */ /* This example depends on the Ticker library to wake up */ /* the task every 20 seconds */ /**************************************************************/ /************************************************* *************/ /* 示例如何使用 从 ESP32 读取 DHT 传感器 */ /* 多任务。 */ /* 这个例子依赖于 Ticker 库来唤醒 */ /* 每 20 秒执行一次任务 */ /************************************************* *************/ #include "gui_guider.h" //需要引用lv_ui的定义文件 ,在这个文件里不认识lv-ui结构体 extern lv_ui guider_ui; // ectern表示从外部的定义引用,这里是引用main文件里的定义, DHTesp dht; void tempTask(void *pvParameters); bool getTemperature(); void triggerGetTemp(); /** Task handle for the light value read task */ /** 值读取任务的任务句柄 */ TaskHandle_t tempTaskHandle = NULL; /** Ticker for temperature reading */ /** 温度读数的代码 */ Ticker tempTicker; /** Comfort profile */ /** 舒适度配置文件 */ ComfortState cf; /** Flag if task should run */ /** 标记任务是否应该运行 */ bool tasksEnabled = false; /** Pin number for DHT11 data pin */ /** DHT11 数据引脚的引脚号 */ int dhtPin = 25; /** * initTemp * Setup DHT library * Setup task and timer for repeated measurement * * 初始化温度 * 设置 DHT 库 * 为重复测量设置任务和计时器 * @return bool * true if task and timer are started * false if task or timer couldn't be started * * 如果任务和计时器启动则为真 * false 如果任务或计时器无法启动 */ bool initTemp() { byte resultValue = 0; // Initialize temperature sensor 初始化温度传感器 dht.setup(dhtPin, DHTesp::DHT11); Serial.println("DHT initiated"); // Start task to get temperature 开始任务 xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( tempTask, /* Function to implement the task任务要运行的函数*/ "tempTask ", /* Name of the task 任务的名字*/ 4000, /* Stack size in words 分配的堆栈大小*/ NULL, /* Task input parameter 给任务传递的参数*/ 5, /* Priority of the task 优先级*/ &tempTaskHandle, /* Task handle.任务勾柄 */ 1); /* Core where the task should run 运行在那个核心*/ if (tempTaskHandle == NULL) { Serial.println("Failed to start task for temperature update"); return false; } else { // Start update of environment data every 20 seconds每20秒运行一次测量温度 tempTicker.attach(20, triggerGetTemp); } return true; } /** * triggerGetTemp * Sets flag dhtUpdated to true for handling in loop() * called by Ticker getTempTimer * * 触发GetTemp * 将标志 dhtUpdated 设置为 true 以便在 loop() 中处理 * 由 Ticker getTempTimer 调用 */ void triggerGetTemp() { if (tempTaskHandle != NULL) { xTaskResumeFromISR(tempTaskHandle); } } /** * Task to reads temperature from DHT11 sensor 读传感器的任务 * @param pvParameters * pointer to task parameters 任务指针 */ void tempTask(void *pvParameters) { Serial.println("tempTask loop started"); while (1) // tempTask loop 任务无限循环 { if (tasksEnabled) { // Get temperature values获得温度 getTemperature(); } // Got sleep again 睡眠 vTaskSuspend(NULL); } } /** * getTemperature * Reads temperature from DHT11 sensor * * 获取温度 * 从 DHT11 传感器读取温度 * @return bool * true if temperature could be aquired * false if aquisition failed * * 如果可以获取温度,则为 true * 如果获取失败,则为 false */ bool getTemperature() { // Reading temperature for humidity takes about 250 milliseconds! // Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (it's a very slow sensor) // 读取湿度的温度大约需要 250 毫秒! // 传感器读数也可能长达 2 秒“旧”(这是一个非常慢的传感器) TempAndHumidity newValues = dht.getTempAndHumidity(); // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again). // 检查是否有任何读取失败并提前退出(重试)。 if (dht.getStatus() != 0) { Serial.println("DHT11 error status: " + String(dht.getStatusString())); return false; } //计算体感温度,凝露点,舒适度 float heatIndex = dht.computeHeatIndex(newValues.temperature, newValues.humidity); float dewPoint = dht.computeDewPoint(newValues.temperature, newValues.humidity); float cr = dht.getComfortRatio(cf, newValues.temperature, newValues.humidity); String comfortStatus; switch (cf) { case Comfort_OK: comfortStatus = "Comfort_OK"; break; case Comfort_TooHot: comfortStatus = "Comfort_TooHot"; break; case Comfort_TooCold: comfortStatus = "Comfort_TooCold"; break; case Comfort_TooDry: comfortStatus = "Comfort_TooDry"; break; case Comfort_TooHumid: comfortStatus = "Comfort_TooHumid"; break; case Comfort_HotAndHumid: comfortStatus = "Comfort_HotAndHumid"; break; case Comfort_HotAndDry: comfortStatus = "Comfort_HotAndDry"; break; case Comfort_ColdAndHumid: comfortStatus = "Comfort_ColdAndHumid"; break; case Comfort_ColdAndDry: comfortStatus = "Comfort_ColdAndDry"; break; default: comfortStatus = "Unknown:"; break; }; String TempHumTodisplay = " 温度:" + String(newValues.temperature) + " 湿度:" + String(newValues.humidity) + " 体感温度:" + String(heatIndex) + " 凝露点:" + String(dewPoint) + " " + comfortStatus; Serial.println(TempHumTodisplay); /*把测量结果显示到屏幕ta对象上*/ lv_textarea_set_text((&guider_ui)->screen_ta_1, TempHumTodisplay.c_str()); // guider_ui是结构体的名字不能直接当指针用,当然用.也是可以的 return true; }
图形界面就是用gui guider 简单添加一个textarea就行
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