DX11.2 Tiled Resource Pool
Nvidia white paper :
微软借助一个Demo现场演示了DX 11.2中的一个重要特性:Tiled Resources。
开发者可利用Tiled Resources在物理显存及虚拟资源之间建立松散的映射关系——换句话说,可利用规模较小的本地物理显存获得一大坨可用的虚拟空间,从而为游戏中的地形贴图及App界面提供方便。
除此之外,DX 11.2还支持以下特性:
- HLSL shader linking
- Inbox HLSL compiler
- GPU overlay support
- DirectX tiled resources
- Direct3D low-latency presentation API
- DXGI Trim API and map default buffer
- Frame buffer scaling
- Multithreading with SurfaceImageSource
- Interactive Microsoft DirectX composition of XAML visual elements
- Direct2D batching with SurfaceImageSource
微软在视频中称DX 11.2将用于Windows 8.1及下一代主机比如Xbox One。考虑到PS4是定制版FreeBSD/Unix系统,而Wii U已被开除出次世代行列,实际上DX 11.2将由Xbox One独占。
但是索尼爱好者请勿泄气,卡大神的MegaTexturing与DX 11.2的Tiled Resources颇为神似且有实际应用案例,尽管在《Rage》中用得不算特别成功。
对PC玩家来说,传说中的Radeon HD 8000系列会不会因为AMD与微软靠得特别近从而有幸成为市面上首批DX 11.2示范卡?
This section contains functions that a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display driver must implement in order to support the use and manipulation of tiled resources.
For more info, see Tiled resource support.
In this section
Topic | Description |
Retrieves the number of quality levels that the device supports for the specified number of samples. Supported |
Copies mappings from a source tiled resource to a destination tiled resource. |
Copies tiles from buffer to tiled resource or vice versa. |
For a given tiled resource, returns how many mips are packed, and how many tiles are needed to store all the packed mips. |
Notifies the user-mode display driver about the new location of the driver function table. Implemented by WDDM 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
Resizes a tile pool. |
Specifies a data access ordering constraint between multiple tiled resources. For more info about this constraint, see Remarks. |
Updates mappings of tile locations in tiled resources to memory locations in a tile pool. |
Updates tiles by copying from app memory to the tiled resource. |