UIMA:错误: 找不到或无法加载主类 org.apache.uima.tools.docanalyzer.DocumentAnalyzer的解决方法

在Eclipse导入UIMA源代码后,尝试着运行工具Document Analyzer,运行失败,出现了如下错误:

  • 不到或无法加载主类 org.apache.uima.tools.docanalyzer.DocumentAnalyzer的解决方法
  • Could not find or load main class org.apache.uima.tools.docanalyzer.DocumentAnalyzer



Pick the Eclipse menu "run" -> Run configurations, and then type documentanalyzer into the search bar to find the UIMA Document Analyzer. In that launcher, pick the "Classpath" tab, and there, click the "User Entries, and then manually add "External Jars". Pick the two Jars that are in UIMA_HOME/lib/uima-core and UIMA_HOME/lib/uimaj-tools

不知道什么原因,UIMA提供的包中,launch配置文件缺少了几个Jar。点击Eclipse菜单的Run -> Run Configuration,然后找到DocumentAnalyzer这个运行配置。在右侧点击Classpath选项卡,点击User Entries,然后点击右侧的Add External Jars,添加UIMA_HOME/lib中的uima-core和uima-tools即可,这样应该就可以运行了。

posted @ 2016-01-24 15:44  puladiao  阅读(472)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报