Feature ID 22A9EF51-737B-4ff2-9346-694633FE4416In lack of documentation on this feature and the properties it contains, I did some reflection on the class. But the inner workings of the class is obfuscated and therefore I was only able to get the properties declared as constants. I have not tested a 阅读全文
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services provides an auditing facility that allows you to see the actions users take within the context of a site collection. Examples of user actions that you can audit automatically include viewing, updating, and deleting list items and documents, as well as viewing si 阅读全文
IntroductionDepending on the environment you are configuring you might need not only open ports between client and your Web Front End(WFE) servers, but you might have internal topology where your SharePoint servers are separated by layers and are isolated by firewalls. In such situation you need to 阅读全文
分组在XSLT处理中是一个很常见的问题,怎样才能将一系列XML节点元素组织到不同的分组里?最常见的情况是处理从数据库中得到的XML输出,数据库通常是根据数据表中的记录生成结果。例如,一个地址簿可能输出下面的内容:Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/--><records><contact id="0001"><title>Mr</title><forename&g 阅读全文
前言:通常大家使用XSLT仅仅是用它进行简单的数据展示,但是如果涉及到复杂的逻辑处理,便变得无从下手。其实,在XSLT本身支持JavaScript, C#等语言自定义函数,只可惜SharePoint无情的把这一特性给屏蔽了。所以为了更多的实现的功能,我们不得不挖掘xsl:template的一些特殊用途——带返回值的函数调用,让它具备别的编程语言所拥有的灵活性。xsl:template本身不是一个函数,在多数情况下,它只是作为一个内容输出的模块化工具,但是借助xsl:variable标签,我们可获取到xsl:template输出的内容,对其进行相关操作,从而实现带返回值的函数调用模拟,在此基础上 阅读全文