firefox tips

  • Spacebar (page down) 空格键
  • Shift-Spacebar (page up) shift+空格
  • Ctrl+F (find) 查找 / 快速查找 “/”
  • Alt-N (find next) 下一个 或者 enter键
  • shift+
  • Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
  • Ctrl+T (new tab)
  • Ctrl+K (go to search box)
  • Ctrl+L (go to address bar) / Alt + D — highlights the text in the Location Bar
  • Ctrl+= (increase text size)
  • Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
  • Ctrl-W (close tab)
  • Alt-Home (go to home page)
  • ctrl+shift+t — reopens the last tab you closed 重新打开最后一个关闭的tab (不小心关闭了)


Let’s say “google”.

1 Then press Control-Enter, and it will automatically fill in the “www” and the “.com”  ctrl+enter 自动填充 www. .com

2 For .net addresses, press Shift-Enter, shift+enter 自动填充 www. .net

3 For .org addresses, press Control-Shift-Enter. ctrl+shift+enter 自动填充 www. .org


5) Tab navigation.

  • Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs) 下一个tab              Control + Page Up/Down — Moves to previous or next tab
  • Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab) 前一个tab
  • Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab) 序号为x的tab / 在ubuntu不知为什么是alt+1-9

Middle click on link (opens in new tab) 中键一个链接打开一个新的tab

shift+Middle click on link (opens in new tab) shift+中键一个链接打开并跳转到新的tab

Middle click on a tab (closes tab) 关闭一个tab


输入: about:config

会 有一个警告, 进去可以配置firefox


 Speed up Firefox. If you have a broadband connection (and most of us do), you can use pipelining to speed up your page loads. This allows Firefox to load multiple things on a page at once, instead of one at a time (by default, it’s optimized for dialup connections). Here’s how:

  • Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Type “network.http” in the filter field, and change the following settings (double-click on them to change them):
  • Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”
  • Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”
  • Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to a number like 30. This will allow it to make 30 requests at once.
  • Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
  • network.dns.disableIPv6 ========== true

posted on 2013-08-23 11:53  kwingmei  阅读(230)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
