

Posted on 2014-02-18 17:28  酷鱼影子  阅读(1384)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

FST fast-serialization 是重新实现的 Java 快速对象序列化的开发包。序列化速度更快(2-10倍)、体积更小,而且兼容 JDK 原生的序列化。要求 JDK 1.7 支持。


1	<dependency>
2	    <groupId>de.ruedigermoeller</groupId>
3	    <artifactId>fst</artifactId>
4	    <version>1.36</version>
5	</dependency>


01	// ! reuse this Object, it caches metadata. Performance degrades massively
02	// if you create a new Configuration Object with each serialization !
03	static FSTConfiguration conf = FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration();
04	...
05	public MyClass myreadMethod(InputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
06	{
07	    FSTObjectInput in = conf.getObjectInput(stream);
08	    MyClass result = in.readObject(MyClass.class);
09	    // DON'T: in.close(); here prevents reuse and will result in an exception      
10	    stream.close();
11	    return result;
12	}
14	public void mywriteMethod( OutputStream stream, MyClass toWrite ) throws IOException 
15	{
16	    FSTObjectOutput out = conf.getObjectOutput(stream);
17	    out.writeObject( toWrite, MyClass.class );
18	    // DON'T out.close() when using factory method;
19	    out.flush();
20	    stream.close();
21	}
