// 100_46.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" int find_len(char * str) { if(str==NULL) return 0; int len = 1; char * cur = str; while(*str!='\0') { char * left = cur-1; char * right = cur+1; while(left>=str && *right!='\0' && *left==*right) { left--; right++; } int new_len = right-left+1; if(new_len > len) len = new_len; left = cur-1; right = cur+1; while(left>=str && *right!='\0' && *left==*right) { left--; right++; } new_len = right-left+1; if(new_len > len) len = new_len; str++; } return len; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { char str[] = "google"; printf("%d\n",find_len(str)); return 0; }