05 2011 档案
摘要:Check server headers and verify HTTP Status CodesThere are seven HTTP status codes (200|301|302|304|307|404|410) that we are primarily interested in from an indexing and search engine marketing perspe...
摘要:Please help me with this simple problem. I'm trying to create an SSLServerSocket that is enabled with the 2 AES 256-bit cipher suites that are supposed to be available in JDK1.4.2. As you can see in the following code, when the program attempts to enable the SSLServerSocket, ss, with CIPHER_SUIT
摘要:默认情况下,在windows下安装python之后,系统并不会自动添加相应的环境变量。此时不能在命令行直接使用python命令。1. 首先需要在系统中注册python环境变量:假设python的安装路径为c:\python2.6,则修改我的电脑->属性->高级->环境变量->系统变量中的PATH为:(为了在命令行模式下运行Python命令,需要将python.exe所在的目录附加到PATH这个环境变量中。) PATH=PATH;c:\python26上述环境变量设置成功之后,就可以在命令行直接使用python命令。或执行"python *.py"运行