Module compiles, but editor shows compilation issues

Module compiles, but editor shows compilation issues 


Since I reorganized my environment today (New project, clean checkout of code from SVN), I have not been able to edit code without the editor showing 'compilation issues' for code that does actually compile.

I have a bunch of Maven modules that compile file using Maven (both from command line and from IDEA) and compilation from IDEA (Build -> Compile/Make) works as well.
But when opening one of the java files, all referenced types that do not originate from my Maven module itself (types from dependencies) are marked as compilation problems ('Cannot resolve symbol XYZ') in the editor. Code completion only reveals types from dependencies when I type the fully qualified name, but a type entered this way is still displayed as a compilation problem (red).

I have no clue what is going wrong here. Has any encountered this behaviour before? I am using IDEA 13.1.1.

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Try invalidating your caches and restarting IDEA (File > Invalidate Cache). Wait for IDEA to re-index your project (Status indicator on lower right status bar). The caches will sometimes become corrupted. This is most likely to occur upon reorganizing a project as you mentioned you did.

Asked 4 years ago
Modified 1 month ago
Viewed 5k times

Showing compile error in IntelliJ-idea editor.

mvn clean install 

When run it will build successfully and run code normally. But in editor its unable to resolve those import. Some of the import is showing correctly some of the import it's showing error like Blow enter image description here

and actually, the dependency is present in maven dependency list

enter image description here

In the editor, it showing full of error

I modified build settings, deleted repo, updated maven to the latest version, updated the IntelliJ and tried other suggestion in StackOverflow, still no solution for this problem.

6 Answers



  • file > invalidate caches / restart
  • maven tool window -> re-import / refresh: maven tool window
  • check maven settings of IntelliJ: does it point to the same settings.xml and repository as the maven from the command line? IntelliJ is shipped with it's internal maven and might use different settings / repo than your plain maven from the command line.
    no ..still facing the same issue. maven settings.xml is pointing to correct maven settings.xml 
    – yugi
     Jun 1, 2018 at 8:39
  • 1
    As a last resort, can you try to create your project anew? (e.g. by coping your project folder without the *iml files / .idea folder) and see if you get the same errors. If you don't it's your (intelliJ) project's config. If you still have the issue, it's perhaps an IntelliJ issue itself. Try to see if there is an update or try the EAP. and/or disable all plugins.   Jun 1, 2018 at 9:04
    yeah .. i will try this 
    – yugi
     Jun 1, 2018 at 9:22

I believe this issue is related to the way we open this project in IntelliJ Idea as mvn clean install is working fine for you.

While opening the project in IntelliJ, you should open maven project like this:

  • New -> Project from Existing Sources -> Select Project -> Import from External Model (Select maven here) enter image description here
  • After this, if you are asked to override .iml (idea files), you can override them. enter image description here

This should hopefully solve your problem.


You can invalidate the cache

file -> invalidate caches and restart 

selecting first two options shown in invalidate cache has worked for, also you might get compile time error in already opened file so, try closing/opening these already opened files which are showing errors.

  1. Clear file system cache and Local History: remove the virtual file system cache together with the information stored in Local History.

    This action might be helpful for troubleshooting purposes when the usual cache invalidation is not enough to solve the problem.
    1. Ask before downloading new shared indexes: show a notification prompting you to download new shared indexes as they become available.
    Enabling this option also updates your settings for shared project indexes in Settings/ Preferences | Tools | Shared Indexes.
    1. Clear downloaded shared indexes: remove the downloaded shared index files.

If it helps, I also had to bump up the heap size for compiler to get past this issue.

enter image description here


Try deleteing the .idea folder under your project, close the project completely and re import fresh and it worked for me.


I resolved this issue by deleting the local maven repository and restoring the default setting of Intellij

  1. Go to File --> Manage IDE Settings --> Restore Default Settings
  2. Go to File --> Settings --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> Build Tools --> Maven --> Get the Local repository path and delete it.
  3. Open Intellij --> open project --> Go to Terminal --> mvn clean install --> error will disappear after build success
posted @ 2022-06-09 12:13  功夫 熊猫  阅读(90)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报