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Stacks and Queues


public class CStack
        private int p_index;
        private ArrayList list;

        public CStack()
            list = new ArrayList();
            p_index = -1;

        public void push(object item)

        public object pop()
            object obj = this.list[p_index];
            return obj;

        public void clear()
            p_index = -1;

        public object peek()
            return list[p_index];

        public int count
            get { return this.list.Count; }

 Stack class tips:

There are three ways to instantiate a stack object. The default constructor
instantiates an empty stack with an initial capacity of 10 values. The default
constructor is called as follows:
   Stack myStack = new Stack();
A generic stack is instantiated as follows:
   Stack<string> myStack = new Stack<string>();
Each time the stack reaches full capacity, the capacity is doubled.
   The second Stack constructor method allows you to create a stack object
from another collection object. For example, you can pass the constructor as
an array and a stack is built from the existing array elements:
   string[] names = newstring[]{"Raymond","David", "Mike"};
   Stack nameStack = new Stack(names);
Executing the Pop method will remove “Mike” from the stack first.
The code for instantiating a Stack object with an initial capacity looks like this:
   Stack myStack = new Stack(25);


 public class CQueue
        private ArrayList pQueue;

        public CQueue()
            pQueue = new ArrayList();

        public void EnQueue(object item)

        public object DeQueue()
            object obj = pQueue[0];
            return obj;

        public object Peek()
            return pQueue[0];

        public void ClearQueue()

        public int Count()
            return pQueue.Count;

Queue Class Tips

 You are not limited to these numbers however. You can
specify a different initial capacity when you instantiate a queue. Here’s how:
   Queue myQueue = new Queue(100);
   This sets the queue’s capacity to 100 items. You can change the growth
factor as well. It is the second argument passed to the constructor, as in:
   Queue myQueue = new Queue(32, 3);
A generic Queue is instantiated like this:
   Queue<int> numbers = new Queue<int>();
This line specifies a growth rate of 3 with the default initial capacity. You have
to specify the capacity even if it’s the same as the default capacity since the
constructor is looking for a method with a different signature.


3.Priority Queue Class


 public class PQueue : Queue

        public PQueue()

        public override object Dequeue()
            object[] items;
            int min;
            items = this.ToArray();
            min = ((Model)items[0]).Priority;
            for (int x = 1; x <= items.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                if (((Model)items[x]).Priority > min)
                    min = ((Model)items[x]).Priority;
            int x2;
            for (x2 = 0; x2 <= items.GetUpperBound(0); x2++)
                if (((Model)items[x2]).Priority == min && ((Model)items[x2]).Id != "")

            for (x2 = 0; x2 <= items.GetUpperBound(0); x2++)
                if (((Model)items[x2]).Priority != min && ((Model)items[x2]).Id != "")

            return base.Dequeue();

        public override string ToString()
            return base.ToString();



posted @ 2010-01-26 20:40  idoku  阅读(205)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报