wand,week and 算法
原因是很多时候我们其实只是想要top n个结果,一些结果明显较差的也进行了复杂的相关性计算,而weak-and算法通过计算每个词的贡献上限来估计文档的相关性上限,从而建立一个阈值对倒排中的结果进行减枝,从而得到提速的效果。
import heapq UB = {"t0":0.5,"t1":1,"t2":2,"t3":3,"t4":4} #upper bound of term's value LAST_ID = 999999999999 # a large number, larger than all the doc id in the inverted index THETA = 2 # theta, threshold for chechking whether to calculate the relevence between query and doc TOPN = 3 #max result number class WAND: def __init__(self, InvertIndex): """init inverted index and necessary variable""" self.result_list = [] #result list self.inverted_index = InvertIndex #InvertIndex: term -> docid1, docid2, docid3 ... self.current_doc = 0 self.current_inverted_index = {} #posting self.query_terms = [] self.sort_terms = [] self.threshold = THETA self.last_id = LAST_ID def __init_query(self, query_terms): """init variable with query""" self.current_doc = 0 self.current_inverted_index = {} self.query_terms = [] self.sort_terms = [] for term in query_terms: if term in self.inverted_index: # terms may not appear in inverted_index doc_id = self.inverted_index[term][0] self.query_terms.append(term) self.current_inverted_index[term] = [doc_id, 0] #[ docid, index ] self.sort_terms.append([doc_id, term]) def __pick_term(self, pivot_index): """select the term before pivot_index in sorted term list paper recommends returning the term with max idf, here we just return the firt term, also return the index of the term instead of the term itself for speeding up""" return 0 def __find_pivot_term(self): """find pivot term""" score = 0 for i in range(len(self.sort_terms)): score += UB[self.sort_terms[i][1]] if score >= self.threshold: return [self.sort_terms[i][1], i] #[term, index] return [None, len(self.sort_terms)] def __iterator_invert_index(self, change_term, docid, pos): """find the new_doc_id in the doc list of change_term such that new_doc_id >= docid, if no new_doc_id satisfy, the self.last_id""" doc_list = self.inverted_index[change_term] # new_doc_id, new_pos = self.last_id, len(doc_list)-1 # the case when new_doc_id not exists for i in range(pos, len(doc_list)): if doc_list[i] >= docid: # since doc_list contains self.last_id, this inequation will always be satisfied new_pos = i new_doc_id = doc_list[i] break return [new_doc_id, new_pos] def __advance_term(self, change_index, doc_id ): """change the first doc of term self.sort_terms[change_index] in the current inverted index return whether the action succeed or not""" change_term = self.sort_terms[change_index][1] pos = self.current_inverted_index[change_term][1] new_doc_id, new_pos = self.__iterator_invert_index(change_term, doc_id, pos) self.current_inverted_index[change_term] = [new_doc_id, new_pos] self.sort_terms[change_index][0] = new_doc_id def __next(self): while True: self.sort_terms.sort() #sort terms by doc id pivot_term, pivot_index = self.__find_pivot_term() #find pivot term > threshold if pivot_term == None: #no more candidate return None pivot_doc_id = self.current_inverted_index[pivot_term][0] if pivot_doc_id == self.last_id: # no more candidate return None if pivot_doc_id <= self.current_doc: change_index = self.__pick_term(pivot_index) self.__advance_term(change_index, self.current_doc + 1) else: first_doc_id = self.sort_terms[0][0] if pivot_doc_id == first_doc_id: self.current_doc = pivot_doc_id return self.current_doc # return the doc for fully calculating else: # pick all preceding term instead of just one, then advance all of them to pivot change_index = 0 while change_index < pivot_index: self.__advance_term(change_index, pivot_doc_id) change_index += 1 # print(self.sort_terms, self.current_doc, pivot_doc_id) def __insert_heap(self, doc_id, score): """store the Top N result""" if len(self.result_list) < TOPN: heapq.heappush(self.result_list, (score, doc_id)) else: heapq.heappushpop(self.result_list, (score, doc_id)) def __calculate_doc_relevence(self, docid): """fully calculate relevence between doc and query""" score = 0 for term in self.query_terms: if docid in self.inverted_index[term]: score += UB[term] return score def perform_query(self, query_terms): self.__init_query(query_terms) while True: candidate_docid = self.__next() if candidate_docid == None: break #insert candidate_docid to heap print('candidata doc', candidate_docid) full_doc_score = self.__calculate_doc_relevence(candidate_docid) self.__insert_heap(candidate_docid, full_doc_score) print("result list ", self.result_list) return self.result_list if __name__ == "__main__": testIndex = {} testIndex["t0"] = [1, 3, 26, LAST_ID] testIndex["t1"] = [1, 2, 4, 10, 100, LAST_ID] testIndex["t2"] = [2, 3, 6, 34, 56, LAST_ID] testIndex["t3"] = [1, 4, 5, 23, 70, 200, LAST_ID] testIndex["t4"] = [5, 14, 78, LAST_ID] w = WAND(testIndex) final_result = w.perform_query(["t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"]) print("=================final result=======================") for i in reversed(range(len(final_result))): print("doc {0}, relevence score {1}".format(final_result[i][1], final_result[i][0]))