


AfxGetModuleState()->m_lpszCurrentAppName = m_pszAppName;







m_pszAppName与m_lpszCurrentAppName未保持一致造成的。查看MFC源码,在程序最开始AfxWinInit中调用CWinApp::SetCurrentHandles,其中有一句pModuleState->m_lpszCurrentAppName = m_pszAppName,因此两个指针必须保持一致。






As far as I understand, the MSDN documentation regarding how to change
CWinApp::m_pszAppName is incorrect. Following the documentation can lead to
memory access violation errors. Additionally, the KB article 154744 also
gives wrong advise about how to change m_pszAppName.

Here's why:

At the very beginning of application initialization, AfxWinInit calls
CWinApp::SetCurrentHandles, which caches the current value of the
m_pszAppName pointer as follows:

pModuleState->m_lpszCurrentAppName = m_pszAppName;

That is, the module state struct holds a copy of the m_pszAppName pointer.
Now, if you change m_pszAppName in InitInstance as adviced in MSDN, you
still have the old pointer value in pModuleState->m_lpszCurrentAppName. The
AfxGetAppName() function returns AfxGetModuleState()->m_lpszCurrentAppName.

Many times replacing m_pszAppName does not lead into problems because
_tcsdup will return the same pointer value as before. But of course, the
pointer value can be different, and if it is, it can lead into a crash later
when someone is calling AfxGetAppName().

For example, the following code in InitInstance is almost certain to fail
because the app name is relatively long and causes _tcsdup to return a
pointer value that is different than before:

free( ( void* )m_pszAppName ); m_pszAppName = NULL;
m_pszAppName = _tcsdup(
const TCHAR* ptsz = AfxGetAppName();
_ASSERTE( lstrcmp( ptsz, m_pszAppName ) == 0 ); // TYPICALLY FAILS

Now, my question is: Can Microsoft fix the buggy documentation? And, what is
the correct way of changing m_pszAppName. Is the following safe in

free( ( void* )m_pszAppName ); m_pszAppName = NULL;
m_pszAppName = _tcsdup( "<new name>" );
AfxGetModuleState()->m_lpszCurrentAppName = m_pszAppName;


posted @ 2021-09-03 16:01  快雪  阅读(649)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报