
 1:oracle 分页
         select * from (select t.*, rownum rn from (select * from menu order by id desc) t where  rownum < 10) where rn >=5
  2: mysql 分页
         select * from music where id limit 5,5
create  table  新表  as  select * from 将要复制的表
insert  into  新表名  select  字段  from  将要复制的表名
 3:oracle中如何快速将一张表的数据复制到另外一张表中(另外一张表不存在,另外一张       表存在,但数据为空)
   查询出special 表中的id  专辑名 并下面有多少首歌曲
      Select  s.id , min(s.sname),count(m.mid)  from  special s  inner
      join  ms  m  on  s.id=m.id  group  by  s.id
      TRUNCATE from 表名
  6:inner join
  select 查找信息 from 表名 1 inner join 表名2 on 表名1.列名 = 表名2.列名
  7:left join
  左外连接    select 查找信息 from 表名1 left join 表名2 on 表名1.列名 = 表名2.列名
  8:right join
   右外连接  select 查找信息 from 表名1 right join 表名2 on 表名1.列名 = 表名2.列名
  9:oracle中查询遍历树形结构(start  with)
  select * from extmenu
        start with pid=1
connect by prior id = pid
Delete from extmenu where id in (
elect * from extmenu
        start with pid=1
connect by prior id = pid
select * from stu where chengji between 60 and 70 or between 80 and 90 or between 95 and 100
select * from stu where chengji > 60 and chengji < 70 or chengji > 80 and chengji < 90 or chengji > 95 and chengji < 100
select * from dept where exists(select * from emp where emp.deptno=dept.deptno);
select  *  from  dept  d  inner  join  emp  e  on  d.deptno = e.deptno(只查询出两表共同拥有的字段数据)
delete from xin a where a.rowid != (
select max(b.rowid) from xin b
where a.name = b.name
13:row_number(),rank() over ,dense_rank() over 按工资排序
  select sal,
                 row_number() over(order by sal desc) rank1,
                 rank() over(order by sal desc) rank,
                 dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) drank
            from emp
14:select * from (select emp.* from(
dense_rank() over(partition by departNo order by sal desc)
rk from emp )
Where rk=4
posted @ 2021-02-08 20:59  贩卖人烟  阅读(63)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报