Control my qemu in telnet (system_reset, system_powerdown)

Make sure the terminal size if large enough for qemu. If not, "Floating point exception" error occurs.

$ qemu-system-arm xxxxxxxx \
    -monitor telnet::5555,server,nowait


During the boot process inside the qemu-kvm utility, the screen was resized to the height of 1. A mouse click at this point caused a division by zero (the SIGFPE signal was sent) when calculating the absolute position of the pointer from the pixel. As a consequence, qemu-kvm terminated with the "Floating point exception" error. With this update, mouse click coordinates are forced to return values from the middle of the screen, so that qemu-kvm no longer terminates in the described scenario.

 If "Floating point exception" occurs , can add "-nographic" start qemu, then restart with graphic again.


$ telnet localhost 5555
Trying ::1...
Connection failed: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
QEMU 0.10.50 monitor - type 'help' for more information


(qemu) "ctrl+]"  to return to telnet,    (qemu)"quit" to exit qemu applicatoin.

(qemu) "system_reset" to reset machine, (qemu) "system_powerdown" to turn off the machine.

posted @ 2015-01-02 14:22  Kozmers  阅读(764)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报